/fag/ - François Asselineau General - MFGA Edition

>Literally who
Asselineau is candidate at the french presidential election. Fonder of the first party chronologically promoting Frexit as well as Brexit fb.com/leaveeuofficial/videos/974193536012221/ (330K views, say thanks to him britbrong) while Marine never got involved into it and stayed silent until now (~> populism).

FN is a controlled opposition created and financed by the medias to maintain the hatred towards Nationalism. Think about it, if they were truly against the banks they would have won 28 years ago. Although Asselineau doesn't believe zionist conspiracy is real, his critical thinking abilities are way superior to any politicians we ever had and ignoring it because he isn't "racist" enough is foolish.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Marine's program never mention anything about leaving EU by article 50 but "Europe of Nations" reforme which is pure hypocrisy considering unanimity of all members is required for the slightest change

>More proofs FN doesn't want to leave EU

>Schulz himself saying EU is irreformable

>Marine's companion also vice-president of Front National is Jewish

>FN wants to ally with Israel to fight "the only true enemy", Islam

>Donad Trump doesn't know Marine Le Pen

>30% of Frenchies are immigrants thus FN winning the second round is very unlikely. The medias still want her in it to make sure their puppet win.

>Asselineau knows how to speak Japanese and wants more anime on french TV! :3

>He is the only one opposing MSM brainwashing

>Both racist and anti-racist propaganda are coordinated by Jews (see hollywood nazi). Muslims countries like Iran have the atomic bomb while Daesh is financed with a huge amount of money (> $2260 Billions). (((They))) are paving the way to WW3.

Best possible name since /armoireélectrique/ would have been too long.

This thread is serious business.

You won't be able to change frontists' minds.
Nothing can.
They don't see any problem when their own pet-party does everything it acuses everyone else of doing and explains it with "it's okay when we do it" or "we do it but it's a scandal that you are aware of it, get mad about that, not about us!"

What about Jacques Cheminade? Is he any good?

Cheminade is weird.
He proposes a completely different economic managment and when you read his (pretty in-depth) explanation you could find it convincing. But it really does sound like a lot of stuff said by economists that make the solutions seem simple but wouldn't work when applied because it can only really take off under optimal circumstances that will never happen.
Plus no one even takes him seriously.
that said, I completely agree with his position on the death of ambition and national projects in politics.

He's the best candidate and antisemitic. Although he isn't good enough at persuading people so it's going to be hard for him.


Your cuckditate is pro-islam, it's in his program (point 30)

here it is :
"Refuser la stigmatisation insidieuse des Français d’origine arabe ou de confession musulmane, comme la stigmatisation de tout Français en vertu de ses origines sociales ou ethniques ou bien de ses convictions politiques ou religieuses.
Dénoncer la théorie du « choc des civilisations » comme une théorie fausse et nocive et prendre des mesures, notamment educatives, pour convier les peuples à la «concorde des civilisations"

In other words he says it will be FORBIDDEN to say anything against islam and that there will be propaganda in schools to promote multicultutralism.
(murricans put it through translate).

He's a straight up race traitor. He pretends the population isn't replaced. He's constantly talking about the EU being american construction (he doesn't even say it's american JEWS) yet he feign to igonre the Kalergi plan.

you can't fucking make that shit up
Marine the eagle will crush your pigeon tonight, square up nigga and be ready

She'll have to do better than she did in the previous debate. She was low-energy as fuck.
But hey, at least Mélanchon will be entertaining.

Asselicuck said it clearly on television "With us, you will see no racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no islamophobie, no homophobia"

No one really stood out anyway.

Asselineau is gifted by the jew overlords the 500 signatures he need to compete at the election, only to criticise Le Pen and make her loses %.

And Asselineau will never win.

Of course he has. Everyone says that.
The only one who didn't was De Lesquen and look what happened to him.

Get out of here, Soral !

I know but it doesn't prove he is a globalist puppet. If we could get the banks out off politics it would be a permanent victory. This cultural marxism is retarded but a civil war could be devastating and I don't think you realize how powerful is daesh and the muslim world.

As mentioned before they're clearly preparing WW3 to be whites against Islam. This useless war will be only profitable for the zionists.

He just want to be nice. Still it makes it harder for the medias to shut him down unlike Le Pen. It's a chance to win against them in their own game.

Nothing happened to H2L. He was just running as a joke, didn't try to recruit 500 sponsors.

You don't have to be openly racist, you can be implicitly racist like Trump. Asselineau clearly is a cuck (he even PHYSICALLY looks like a cuck).

If he supports islam it doesn't matter if he's a puppet or not. He's a traitor regardless, it also means his promises are worth jack shit because most of them can't be done with pampered muslims.

A lot of his program is also trying to shit the blame away from muslilms. I'm making a list right now.

Le Pen supports Israel, she is the real traitor. You forgot who got us in this situation in the first place.

He's a fringe candidate, close to certain sectarian movements and conspiracy theorists.

He's also a cuck who opposes racism and doesn't want to crack down on immigration: cheminade2017.fr/Immigration

The truth is, there is no really based candidate.

I like NDA.
Fight me.

Literally as much cucked as Fillon EU-wise.

Asselineau is a useful idiot and a cuck. He got his 500 signatures only because the establishment wants him to take votes from Le Pen in order to save France's EU membership.

The medias selected Le Pen's family to build the perfect controlled opposition. They're losing on purpose since 28 years and if they were truly against the banks they would have been as much censored as Asselineau. Marine is exactly the useful idiot here.

Since they're not planning to leave EU nor doing anything against the medias I don't see any reason to vote for them. I don't want a civil war unlike Sup Forums because it would interrupt my NEET life.

Le Pen never, ever proposed a Frexit. Get your facts straight.

I'm going to vote Francois Asselineau.


Not officially and there is no evidence that she actually does, only speculation. There IS an attempt at getting close to them (as seen with nicholas bay lately) but they're getting shut down because muh antisemitism. Just like they're doing with Fillon. They want 100% loyal puppets.

That's why I can't convince asselineau of being an israeli agent either (although he NEVER name either the jews or zionism, only CIA and murricans). BUT he's openly support muslims and playing the establishment game of muh racism.

This guy is just as much a dangers as muslims and jews because he supports both (like you can't fight comunautarism without fighting the muslims, you can't fight directly the banks without fighting the jews).

>they're losing on purpose
because they say what the people want to hear until the media gangbangs on them an triggers muh feelings so the people don't vote for the out of white guilt? Yeah, I'm sure the FN is to blame for that.


They refused to acknowledge Palestine as a state. It's not a proof it can't be ignored. The fact they're not trying to actually leave EU still hold. We won't be able to do anything against mass immigration without frexit. Terrorism is merely a tool for propaganda and we fell for it.

FN is entirely to blame for that. They're destroying the values of NatSoc and preventing 20% of the population of going against the banks by leading them against the muslims. The 3rd Reich was successful mostly because of the economical freedom unlocked by having the Rothschild out of the country.

Marxism sucks so we switch to Racism.
Capitalism sucks so we switch to Communism.
Same thing, that's part of their plan. I'm not saying we have to accept the "living together" meme, but we should act wisely.