When did you come to your senses and realize Sup Forums is just a bunch of fucking idiots who are massively insecure...

When did you come to your senses and realize Sup Forums is just a bunch of fucking idiots who are massively insecure about themselves and their lives?

April 1



You're rotating out bud.

hearthstone sucks eggs

sage and ignore

i think if i were insecure i'd go anywhere other than Sup Forums where people would validate and worship me for [spoiler]not being white[/spoiler]

When did you realize that OP is a just huge fucking faggot that is massively insecure about the fact that he's also A FUCKING LEAF so he's now avatar-fagging a character from a children's card game as he shitposts on a Mongolian throat-singing image board.

I hate lgbt because deep down I want to be a girl myself and am jealous of transgirls who came out of the closet and get boyfriends

Hatred is my way of coping

if you think hillary is a criminal yet dont care about the russians hacking the election for trump then you dont get to call yourself a patriot

>projecting this hard
A Canadian jew? Wew lad


Reminder to sage these threads.
lol, stop projecting faggot.

i actually like hearthstone. it's the only video game i ever play anymore

You have to go back

Haha you got banned on /hsg/ so you need to shitpost here.

What a faggot.

Stop it.

transgirls don't get boyfriends.
what made you think that?
cute chicks with dicks get fucked now and then but nobody wants to fuck a neo-vagina.

Because I've seen them

Keep crying, bitch nigger

i have seen no physical evidence of such hacking ever taking place, sounds like rabble rousing to me