Christianity Hate Thread

Does anybody else hate christianity here? I wish it would be made illegal. It's a stupid faith for primitive people.

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nice b8
tips fedora

Yeah Christianity is for weak minded fucktards

Yeah ugh so dumb
My mom and dad make me go to church it's the WORST

>implying one set of abrahamic lies is different from another

Sage, favellanigger

Islam first though,then jews. Gotta get them priorities straight.

It's important to understand where Christianity ultimately comes from, why it was formed and what significance it has in today's society, and lastly, what its potential is. If you understood these things you wouldn't feel the way you do now.

Yes it's useless. But people are free to believe whatever they want.

>primitive people

yeah that makes perfect sense, what we can do is hate christians since you are the ones that could never find out what happens when they die. idk what you want to hate christians for but its hilarious to see your flaming with these shit posts

If I was talking about Islam you wouldn't call me anything, you hypocrite little shit.

If you can't see how authoritarian your piece of shit religion is, there is nothing I can do for you.

>le christianity without god revolution

I hate christianity but not the christians.

I hate Protestantism






Daily reminder to turn the other arse cheek

christians are kike loving cucks, kill 'em all.

I wonder how many "redpilled xD" Christians in America are circumcised thanks to their jew loving protestant parents

>tfw Mexico is whiter than America in this regard

christians are butthurt about it till this day

I smell butthurt

based user

This is now a Christianity love thread.

>The Bible Way to Heaven

>Once Saved Always Saved

>"False Repentance Doctrine Exposed" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV only sermon)

>"Repentance and Salvation" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV Christian sermon)

Hate is a strong word. Islam is hate worthy.

Christianity is just cringe worthy.

In my experience your average christian is mostly fine. Ignorant on some topics, but usually because they have no reason to know what theyre talking about. I mean think about it. What practical use does an understand of evolution really have to 9 out of 10 people? Especially if they're working class and have enough shit to worry about. As long as they stay out of schools, bedrooms and politics, I really dont mind them.

I do think as a society we've evolved enough to not need it as a whole...with one exception. Some people will never be able to accept that death is the end of the line and that nothing happens after you cease living. The fear of death will keep religion around for the next 500 years at least.

This is the kind of Christian that's prefect for those who seek to make the faith an utter joke

I'm fine with them not understanding evolution or almost anything else. What really pisses me off is their lack of knowledge and understanding of the religion they claim to follow. Most treat it like a nationality they're just born into instead of a philosophy that is meant to shape their lifestyle, inform their thoughts, and explain all of existence. If they took it as seriously as they're meant to they would all be just like Christian, Jewish, etc. versions of ISIS. I also appreciate it's importance and contribution as the foundation of western culture, but it's served it's purpose and worn out it's welcome. Now it will only drag us backward just like Islam, so it's time to move on.


Oh I know. Trying to explain this to my family has gotten me nothing but headaches.

But you gotta understand (im sure you do) the built in control mechanisms involved. The fear of hell, shame from a deity and your peers, a purpose in life and all the answers. It was pretty much made to break human psychology.

desu any kind of religion is fine as long as it doesn't invade your personal life and career

or else it just becomes a shitstorm lmao

Fuck all religions honestly

Yup, secular Europe has been doing VERY well lately, hasn't it?

If we could just get it to stop being leftwing as shit.

Or just shoot Merkel in the neck. That would probably solve a lot of its problems.
>The Nobel Prize is an annual, international prize first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. An associated prize in Economics has been awarded since 1969.[3] Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 881 individuals.[4] According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (427 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]

>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.9% have identified as Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Although Christians make up over 33.2% of the worlds population,[8][9][10][11] they have won a total of 65.4% of all Nobel prizes between 1901 and 2000.[6]

It wouldn't solve any problems. Europeans need constant ethnic warfare to select out the weak and pathetic tribes. The current stalemate doesn't do us good, with all the weaklings surviving and having access to political power further making us complacent and passive.
It's okay for americans to not understand this, after all the whole point of your country is to escape this test chamber.