Mainstream narratives about communism in Europe or China depict it as oppressive, gloomy, and a failure...

Mainstream narratives about communism in Europe or China depict it as oppressive, gloomy, and a failure. In 1956 Soviet leader Joseph Stalin’s crimes were revealed and in the 1970s the violent aspects of Chairman Mao’s dictatorship became more widely known, resulting in many people losing their faith in “communism.” Nonetheless, whether in Europe or globally, communism was more than these dictatorships, and we need to allow for complexity and contradictions when we study its history. Many millions of women and men gave their lives in the struggles to establish or defend socialist or communist states. These states provided their male and female citizens with legal, social and economic rights and security that many people are lacking nowadays. For millions of people around the world, the Soviet Union was a land of hope. The Soviet Union had achieved impressive economic growth by the 1950s, it promoted women’s emancipation, anti-racism and anti-colonialism, and supported progressive movements worldwide. An understanding of either the Soviet Union or China as one-dimensional totalitarian and patriarchal states cannot explain their achievements in promulgating and implementing women’s rights nor does it allow us to even begin to understand where their “women-friendly” legislation and policies came from. In addition, in Asia, Latin America and Africa, the USA waged military and economic campaigns against (alleged) communism.

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who cares

What happens to mainstream narratives about the history of communism if we go beyond the still common Eurocentric, androcentric and gender-blind focus and include questions about women and women’s organizations, gender and “race” in this history; if we consider the many violent attempts to undermine communism; and if we explore the role of communists in European and global struggles against fascism, racism, colonialism and imperialism. What did “communism” mean for women and men around the world? What did the support of the Soviet Union for anti-colonial struggles mean for them? What, for example, was the role of Chinese women Communists in creating the 1950 Marriage Law of the new socialist China?

> helicopters in the distance

People dying for an ideology doesn't make the ideology itself any less shit friend

KYS we don't give a fuck

Jesus she's so perfect

Are you faggots still thirsting over this ugly commie cunt? She looks like she dopes on heroin. You niggers have low standards.

fucking cuck

Womens do

feck off

>Legal, social and economic rights

I guess everyone had an equal chance of being executed or going to the gulag since the charges were usually made up anyway. Not everyone was starved equally though. State security enforcers definitely were better fed and paid while millions died of starvation.

>anti-racism and anti-colonialism

Is that why the Soviets used such horrific tortures against ethnic nationalists who wanted freedom from their oppression?

Get this ugly cunt off my board faggot

She has herpes, too. And probably hepatitis.

Marxism and communism should have died when Soviet Union collapsed and China reformed it's economy to abandon the key tenets of communism.

Communism survived in the form of cultural marxism that burrowed into feminism like a parasite.

And we have to fight these scum again soon:

Who is she exactly?
Give me a quick rundown


haha nice one mate

The cunt must be taking 50 selfies a fucking day.


Both systems seem to have the chosen people at their reins!

Shut the fuck up you upper class shitstain, I worked with criminals, drug dealers, drug makers, carjackers, deadbeat dads, violent thugs, thieves, women abusers, drunkards and thieves, but there is no bigger scum than a communist.

85 percent of population in my country was stealing during communist regime, everything we could get our hands on.

When your economical shit failed due to being utter drivel without any basis in reality, you just switched to gender and race and continue to spread the cancer to bring more ruin, because that is all that a communist do - ruin.
Communists don't create they just destroy, they even say so in their pathetic rhetoric - they don't create means of production, they just 'seize' it.

Absolute irredeemable vermin and that whore you are posting would be a recipient of a steel tipped boot to the face if xe came here.



>Mainstream narratives about communism in Europe or China depict it as oppressive, gloomy, and a failure.

The people who lived through it depicted it that way as well

Go away you dirty communist

Shh what's that sound

Better run commienigger