Demolition Man

The most redpilled movie there ever was.
This movie shows how the world will look like when the liberals win.

>Somewhere in the future
>Society is controlled by wimps. All men are cucks
>Public microphones monitor if anybody says something "bad"
>Everything has been banned. Sex, smoking, guns, slurs

>black guy awakens from his cryo chamber and all men are to weak to stop him

The only savior is the last real white alpha male who also awakens from his cryo sleep.

Other urls found in this thread:

One shitskin beats up several cops because they are to weak to stop him anyway.


It's pretty good. Shame we can't get movies like that anymore.

One of the last good action movies.

Pretty fucking poignant desu senpai

>We're police officers, we're not trained to handle this kind of violence!

Mellow greetings. What seems to be your boggle?

I recently played 300 to my non-redpilled roommate and she couldn't stop being triggered, she almost had a panic attack.

What a wonderful film. It's really a wonder (((they))) allowed it to be made. I guess it favored their pro-war agenda then... but Snyder/Miller passed some heavy stuff under their radar.

No word of a lie, I was thinking this exact same thread last night.

Isn't that funny?

Though I would also say the good guy is white and bad guy is black, now a relic of the past, it will be illegal to make such a film these days.

How can I stop submitting to alpha male bucks bros...

Their so much bigger than mine...

Keep doing Keks work. He will reward you.

Watched this a few days ago. Now can't stop telling people to "enhance their calm" and ask "what's their boggle?"

>italian saves the day


>all restaurants are Taco Bell

My only critique of your theory is that if it was a liberal world, they wouldn't have to have sex through VR goggles

how is 300 redpilled???

Spartans fighting to keep from being invaded by shitskins and being culturally enriched?

Did you forget that 'Falling Down' exists?

this was my favourite film in my childhood.

what specifically triggered her?

Be well, John Spartan

All of it.

>White men being portrayed as heroes standing against brown-skinned hordes.

>The fact that no main protagonist was colored.

>The specific talk and glorification of the values of Spartans (Western values) as the only hope for free human existence, placing them above those of African nations.

>The queen rape scene.

>The portrayal of Xerxes as a queer.

>The portrayal of brown-skinned people as barbaric and monster-like.

>The unapologetic alpha masculinity.

She's the typical "taller feminista en la okupa" college girl. Good girl, just misguided. As many in this country.

>VR goggles
in the future with every woman claiming rape and men having to sign contract of consent and all that bullshit, and with VR anime waifus coming to life it does kind of make sense in that world where any sort of physical contact is an abuse

Oh, I almost forgot her bewilderment when Leonidas refused the cripple.

Such a shame marxist buzzwords don't let these people see beyond the surface and grasp the inherent truths in works of art such as that movie. It only leads them to alienation and suffering.


Need to rewatch this movie now.

>The unapologetic alpha masculinity.
Is that what you call it?

Oh lawd, you couldn't do this shit today considering every sort of "historical" movie gets shit because the characters aren't historically accurate enough.

Funnily, on the 300 sequel, released in 2014, the only decent part is the Eva Green character kicking ass. Even though her character is based on a real queen, I don't think anyone critiqued it because she was all badass, or maybe the whole feminazi movement wasn't as strong as it is today. For example, not too long ago I read something about people complaining that Wonderwoman's armpits were shaven. The fuck?

>Demolition Man
and to think that me and my family used to watch it together and laugh at the absurdity of its predictions


why didn't you stop this?!?

>he doesn't know how to use the three shells

The funniest part of this movie isn't even shown on tv anymore. It's when Wesley Snipes is in the museum and a gaggle of Chinese women walk by him, and he just looks at them and laughs and goes "CHONG CHING CHANG CHONG"

Damn, that might be how this world turns out if the liberals ever gain complete control.