Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism...

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the failed ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism

Communism has failed consistently and claimed many innocent lives

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need

What communism really is:

>Communism takes successful means of production and destroys them by removing any incentive people have to work, create, innovate, or excel
>Because every aspect of communist society goes against human nature, a massive and oppressive government is required to enforce this vision. Anybody who disagrees with the dictatorship is either murdered or sent to a slave labor camp. These slave labor camps are required as nobody else will work since they are promised everything for free. This creates an artificial shortage of labor and threat-based economics which lead to inflated numbers and underproduction of goods. The underproduction leads to mass starvation. This can also be utilized as a weaponized false-famine to genocide unwanted populations

In fact, communism is well-known to be a cause of mass starvation:

It is recommended that you educate yourself so you don't fall for a /leftypol/ tier meme like communism



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Hello Ubermensch. This general is for the discussion of Fascism, the ideology of revolutionary nazism and national socialism.

Fascism is the next stage of humanity following the weimar stage.

What exactly is Fascism according to Nazis:

>Fascism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is owned by the state, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet the needs of the reich.
>Fascism in it's full form is a absolute white society that follows the maxim "gas the kikes."
>To achieve such a society Fascism teaches us that we must replace the Jewish state, which is controlled by the Jewish race, by a national socialist state, which is controlled by the White race. Then, a period of race struggle follows in which the Jewish race is gassed by the White race. When the Jewish race has been completely vanquished, there will be only one race, the White race, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Hitler said.

Fascism uses a philosophy called white supremacy, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Fascism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Edgy communist autistic shit head get the fuck out of Sup Forums

Dont forget to sage

If you actually read it desu...

Digusting Commie scum!

Stalin killed 290 million people, almost all of the population in the USSR - why do people support him you think?


fug you ruined it


Have patience, comrade. Stick around and you will see the you are nothing but a traitor to your class.

>Inb4 "gommunism"

saging kike propaganda

REEEEEEE commies get out!


Fascism is a dead 20th century ideal just like communism and socialism. Not to meme >2017 but you are talking about ideas from the past millennium. Sup Forums is satire unless its talking about communists because they are the laughing stock of the Western World and the Fascists are the punching bag of the Western World. Both these ideologies have disgraced themselves and anyone who even adheres to their policies probably also wishes there were time machines.

Democracy and Republicanism are flawed but they are easy ways of governing large expanses of land while remaining relatively stable. Balance of power is pretty key. sorry im not in the right mental state, i went on too long but dont want to delete what i wrote.

unrelated: heres something funny


Substances administered to Hitler[edit]
Morell kept a medical diary of the drugs, tonics, vitamins and other substances he administered to Hitler, usually by injection (up to 20 times per day) or in pill form. Most were commercial preparations, some were Morell's own mixes. Since some of these compounds[citation needed] are considered toxic, historians have speculated that Morell inadvertently contributed to Hitler's deteriorating health. The fragmentary list (below) of some 74 substances (in 28 different mixtures)[9] administered to Hitler include psychoactive drugs such as heroin as well as commercial poisons. Among the compounds, in alphabetical order, were:[5]

Atropa belladonna (2–4 pills with every meal in Koster's Antigaspills,[10] compound containing strychnine, subject of investigation)[11]
atropine (extract of seminal vesicles)[10]
Brom-Nervacit (bromide, since August 1941 a spoonful almost every night, to counteract stimulation from methamphetamine and permit sleep)[5]
cocaine and adrenaline (via eyedrops)[12]
E. coli [13]
Eukodal or Eukodol (trade name for oxycodone)[14]
Eupaverinum (papaverine, antispasmotic)[5]
Glyconorm (metformin) [5]
Methamphetamine (as Pervitin and Vitamultin)[5][10]
Mutaflor (pills prescribed to Hitler for flatulence in 1936, the first unorthodox drug treatment from Morell; bacteria extracted from human faeces, see: E. coli)[13]
oxedrine tartrate
potassium bromide
prophenazone (a derivative of Phenazone)
proteins and lipids derived from animal tissues and fats
sodium barbitone
An almost complete listing of the drugs used by Morell, wrote historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, was compiled after the war from his own meticulous daily records unlikely to have been exaggerated.[9]

Hey, who's got the pic of the Spaniard's face?








Hello amigos. This general is for the discussion of Spainfag, the larping, basement-dwelling originator of daily autistic commie threads

Spainfag is the next stage of cuckoldry who follows the failed idea of communism

Who exactly is Spainfag according to everybody who sees his threads:

>Spainfag is an unemployed /leftypol/ drain on society who advocates for gibs cuz he is too lazy to work. He has never produced anything and is thus a waste of resources. He preaches “from each according to their ability and to each according to their need” because he has no abilities and needs to die
>Spainfag in it's full form is a sperging, no class cuck that follows the maxim “lalalala I can't hear your logic” and argues anything you say with cringey pedo memes that are poorly photoshopped to support communism
>To achieve such a high level of autism Spainfag must have been dropped on his head as a baby and been molested by family. His mind is now controlled by the zionist-communist class. A struggle will occur in which the people finally fight back and the zionists will be liquidated by the working class. When the zionist class has been completely vanquished, there will be many classes based on peoples' individual abilities and work ethic, and eventually the functions of the state will become minimized to ensure a free market with low taxes which benefit society as a whole, and the welfare state as such will 'wither away'

Spainfag uses a philosophy called retardation, see here:

It is recommended to sage Spainfag threads and post anti-commie memes for maximum keks. Hoppean snake & Pinochet helicopter memes, and factual anti-commie infographs work best


Or these?

I will never bow down to communists, socialists or anyone who wants to take what I worked hard to create and earn to give it to some immigrant or someone who didn't work for it.


Bleee! Lumbenbole! U know Lumbenprolledad is some audistig word Margs invented do confuse peple when he does know wad do say? :DDDD




ayy lmao



The countries where people are apparently dying from Capitalism all have heavily restricted economies. If they were to be more like the countries in the top 30 and give up their socialist models, they would be much better off.











How much of a problem Shari'a islamists are going to be when commies will finally get into power?

I don't think western politicians are interested in not virtue signalling themselves into oblivion.


why do you think that the left supports islamo fascism... take it from the definition... fascism is spawned on the right

I know that. I can already see more "muh victims of communism". But how much shit will we have to shovel out?






