How fucked is she?

Give it to me straight Sup Forums

not fucked at all.
this leaking talk is bullshit distraction from the real story - collusion

drumpf will escape high justice


im going for a nap, maybe a nice warm glass of milk

Depends on if she broke the law. I see no reason to suspect she did. The National Security Advisor is allowed to make such requests.

Anyway, this is just a distraction from Trump-Russia collusion.

t. Don Lemon

How much do they pay you?

The Deep State and the MSM will cover for her and all the other Obama cronies.

She'll go to prison but the question is will she rat Obongo out as well? This is prison tier for all of them.

Shills are out today

she's a cunt

$0.02 is the going rate these days.

Hillary was going to pardon her.

Traitors should hang

Not at all. Just more dreaming by Trumpkin supporting meme-faggots who believe fake news.

MiKe Cuckovic has you tards wrapped around his finger. You get your news from an online troll. HAHAHAHA

Nothing is going to happen! How's that feel?

This shit is way worse than anything Nixon did.

Is this really how you want to spend your time.
Pennies a post.


We get our news from Fox News and Ann Coulter.

Rice is in deep shit.


>on days off

Requesting the unmask as National Security Adviser is lawful, though this makes it extremely likely that she's the one who leaked the names which is definitely against the law.

This is a whole hell of a lot of smoke, but it's not quite the fire yet.

Serious answer? Without supporting evidence showing her motivations were political it's just anudda Benghazi but with actual witch hunt powers. It's going to be spun furiously on the right as vindicating Trump when at the moment it's just suspicious(I might add this applies to half the shit the Trump team has done, seriously who thought hiring Flynn was a good idea assuming nothing Nixonian happened?). Going to be drowned out by the latest charge of the Republicans up health care hill, which is just pathological insanity I might add, and whatever they come up with for tax reform


Not at all. The white house's entire story is based on people like you not understanding how unmasking works and chimping out

She did iot for political purposes - by law they should have stopped the "surveillance" a long time ago but they not only continued but expanded it without having found justification

That's the easy part to prove - and no way this was just done on her own - again should be provable

And then someone provided the information or the lack thereof to the DNC - if not her directly a cohort - second charge for mishandling the information - either way she has some responsibility

Off to jail

She didn't break any laws, and in fact exposed a bunch of traitors working with the degenerate russians.

She might get the honor of turning the key on Trump's jail cell

Trump helped pull off 9/11, he is a scientologist, child trafficker, pimped ivanka out to the rothschilds for a bailout, etc.

He is the last man on the planet going nuclear in a standoff. Dirty doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'd still like to know how it's possible that Comey was unaware of all this, as implied by what he said before the committee

He was letting Trump and his cabal of traitors keep talking, just building the case

Not very, but kinda. It really depends on what exactly the people in question were doing, which we will not know until the FBI and CIA are done. If they were snorting coke off a russian hookers ass with putin, she was well within her right to transfer the names. If they did nothing, she is in trouble. Probably no jail though

If they gave info they found to the Hillary campaign, then she could be fucked.

Funny but that doesn't really make any sense

Thernovich broke the story last night, and she was already out today throwing water on it.

Thats fast. Really fast. Especially considering 2 weeks ago she said she "had no idea" about any of it.

I'd say the fact alone that she was sent out to comment on it so quickly in an attempt to diffuse how serious these implications actually are illustrates quite adequately how scared shitless Obama Administration officials are.

Rice has already been caught in a bunch of lies regarding Benghazi and about unmasking. People don't usually lie unless they have something to cover up. Why did she lie about unmasking? The whole "Russian narrative" appears to be created to cover for the surveillance and unmasking.

Very fucked I say

Why? If he said he knew they'd stop talking. He played dumb and they thought they were safe.

Trump is fucked, I don't know why anyone is pretending otherwise.

Nothing ever happens to these people in America

>it's just suspicious(I might add this applies to half the shit the Trump team has done)

It's only suspicious in the context of the muh russia witch hunt. Flynn spoke to a Russian ambassador during the transition, which one would expect as the future National Security Advisor. He only made an error in judgement by not disclosing that fact to Pence in the middle of muh russia witch hunt. The muh russia allegations concern Russian influence on the election. Flynn's correspondence with the Russian ambassador took place after Trump won the election, and in no way indicates any collusion with Russia to influence the election.

Seriously, she was just doing her job.

It's the job of the NSA to listen on any conversations with foreign dignitaries and if necessary follow up and/or inform the Nat'l Sec Council and the WH.

If anything, there is more here that Trump and his cronies are fucking TRAITORS and should all be removed from office at the very least

You're saying that the National Security Advisor asking for and being granted by the NSA the unmasking of names of people in the Trump campaign who were recorded for incidental contact with Russia during an investigation of the Trump campaign for collusion with Russia is worse than Watergate?


Because now it looks like Comey was hiding something so that entire "he wants them to keep talking" just got thrown into the trash?

I get that you're LARPing, but you can do better than this

Rice is either going to have to take the fall, or offer up someone else. She will insist on a closed hearing for a great many aspects, but given the leaks that are already public knowledge, I don't think the committee will give that easily.
My guess is she will stall with do not recalls, because I don't think her power level is high enough to pull off a Lynch.
If she pleads the fifth, buckle up.

Lmao obvious shill

>Trump is so dirty that even no one can find any evidence of it

Explain how this is "prison tier." Explain exactly what she did wrong.

>i dont know anything about that
gets caught
>w w well i swear i didnt leak anything

shes going to jail


You earned your 2 shekels, faggot.

which proves my point, if you know you're going to be in a Russian Witch Hunt why in the hell would you
A: hire underlings whose dealings with Russia are enough to let the media drip drip shit for months on end
B:not realize the problematic optics of shit like this and check for it before it gets outed by a hostile media
The Russia witch hunt was going to be a thing no matter what, but Trumps underlings have just been giving endless kindling to the fire with their stupid moves. Giving it enough smoke to be plausible.
Also you forgot the fact he neglected to disclose payments from several russian tied companies including RT until this week. regardless of whether it was just harmless stuff, it just further adds to the narrative

>exposed a bunch of traitors working with the degenerate russians
>Trump and his cabal of traitors keep talking, just building the case

exactly. contact with a foreign government is prima facie treason.

I'm glad it's her job to spy on Americans for political gain

nice proxy

She will probably get thrown under by the DNC in an attempt to protect Obama and Hillary from prosecution.

Its a points system asshole we can buy from the shareblue store that we have access to

she has the clearance to ask for as much info as she wants. she's the national security advisor. rand paul has a problem with this because he's a cuck libertarian with no balls. you have no evidence that she leaked anything so she is not fucked at all.

trump on the other hand....

I get the urge to dry heave everytime I look at her busted face.

>Susan Rice to MSNBC: "I leaked nothing to nobody."

I bet they have a nice hijab selection

Pizza slices


a black kike hybrid

>It's the job of the NSA to listen on any conversations with foreign dignitaries

It's also the job of the IC to protect the identities Americans incidentally found corresponding with foreign dignataries. That's the issue here.

all clear then

Can you (or somebody else) make new jpg of shia before and after pol from his recent skinhead picture? Now that would be awesome :))

One of the most evil people in American history.

>the IC should just ignore that the president stole the election and is not legitimate

You're obviously lost, Schlomo

>Nunez already said concerning unmasking information has absolutely nothing to do with Russia.

You tried.

>not even the evilest attorney general

So this total outsider, with no inside political connections stole the election from combined experience of decades?

were are they getting these idiots. Donna Brazile now this dummy?

Muh affirmative action. Muh diversity

This the bint that let Bill get away with exectutive pardons for his drug dealer buddies?

Let me guess, Guy living in Nebraska buys some pot from Colorado, then brings it home.
>10 years for trafficing

Negress colludes and gets 2 years probation.

Remember, whatever they accuse you of is often what they are doing themselves. Skunk smells his own hole first.

Nunez also said he didn't get his info from the white house and yet

incidentally that's the ignored part of this controversy, Rice may have unmasked Trump's associates but there is currently no evidence she leaked them. Until we either find evidence she did it for political reasons or evidence she's the leaker we're going to be stuck in spinville
you mean was handed the election by the worst campaigner and choker in US political history? I half believe she was getting hexed for how bad she was

what is it with this tactic? who would actually think this works?

Get paid, anons

Hes probably getting his into from the Secret Service.

I dont think its a coincidence that Trump dropped the wiretap claim on the same day that a new SS director took over from the old.

Flynn did A LOT more shit than that, namely taking ukranian and russian money without disclosing it. He resigned because he knew more of his stuff would come out.

Nunez also clarified for some of those that he simply felt the masking wasn't good enough, as he could tell who they were by context. Which... I mean, duh? He was on the transition team, of course he could tell who people on the transition team were.

So they weren't fully unmasked all the time, and you (and I) have no idea which ones specifically were unmasked, Russian or otherwise.

How does any of that have anything to do with Russian influence on the election? That's the democrat's issue: Russia influenced the election, and Trump colluded with them. How does speaking at an RT event after the election took place indict Flynn of colluding with Russians in influencing the election? It can't, via laws of space and time.

Honestly not very, she will worm her way out. It may open up new leads though, hopefully to Obummer and/or Hillary

So much as shaking hands with a influential Russian or Russian government figure is enough to be included as damning evidence of the Trump team's collusion with Russia. It on its own may seem harmless, but it's used to build and support the narrative through an ever growing list of Trump Associates entanglements with Russians. Essentially they're focusing on the entanglements to insinuate there must have been political collusion as well during the election

The white house grounds are one of a couple places with the secure facility space to view top secret intelligence. You can't take it with you for later viewing, but you can make yourself familiar with the materials. Thus why Nunes was on the white house grounds.

Nothing will happen.

It doesn't help that Trump is on record flip flopping about his connections with Putin over the course of several years.

At the very least it's bad optics.

She's ardently denied it and Cernovich is known for spreading fake news.


I'm shocked to see anyone on this board defend Rice. There has, literally, been no evidence of 'Russian Collusion' presented. Everything is based on anonymous reports and partial leaks which serve a political narrative the left is trying to push. If there was really collusion, wouldn't we be looking at some TANGIBLE evidence that is actually actionable? The answer is yes. If the left had anything to actually go on, we would be seeing it and an investigation would be forthcoming - and don't give me some bullshit like 'Comey said the FBI is performing one'. Comey is an Obama appointee. Based on his dereliction of duty in recommending Hillary be indicted we can all be sure of where his loyalties lie and whose pocket he is in. The opposition party has an interest in seeing this narrative continue, but an investigation never to begin. The reason is - once an investigation begins, actual TANGIBLE facts would come out - and it would become clear this is the most foolish and downright stupid, baseless fake scandal in our nations history. It's akin to the sinking of the Lusitania if it weren't so hilarious in its construction. On the other hand - it appears there is TANGIBLE evidence that implicates the Obama administration's top officials were complicit in using the powers of their office to disrupt the favor of their own party. You want Nixonian? You got it. So, now....who was it that hacked the election again? Whose treasonous? The Democrat party from top to bottom. From this issue now unfolding, to Debbie Wasserman Schultz's rigging of the primaries against Bernie, to Donna Brazille, a superdelegate, leaking CNN debate questions to the HRC campaign, to the BS economic message the left has perpetrated on this country that by taxing economic success they aren't doing harm and will benefit the poor. The Democrat party is the party of corruption, failure and ultimate dipshittery. Anyone alligned with those cucks deserves to feel the full wrath of KEKistan.

Want to know another place that has SCIFs?

The Capitol building. Hell, every committee with access to classified information has their own SCIF. Not even counting the general use ones. Just wanted you to know exactly why your argument was complete garbage.

Pretty certain ShameEagle isn't referring to the above....certainly SCIFs wouldnt have anything to do with an Obama appointee taking luxuries with sensitive information to serve a political purpose...whose argument is complete garbage again?

Nunes and the White House handled it terribly even discarding that point, he refused to show the intel to his own Committee, and they forced the leading Dem on it to trek to the White House just to view it, what the hell is in the intel that you're unwilling to transport it to another high security facility? Which is quite used to hearing loads of classified bullshit. It just reeks of weirdness even if you believe Nune's story.

Why wss she doing any of this is the question. The FBI does investigations, not the NSC...The NSC puts info together for President and usually his daily briefing...The NSC takes info from the various sources that gather it...She is way out of her job description even admitting to any of this...

Only the top two of each Intel committee have clearance to see this info until it's cleared for rest of committee...Only eight congressman have access to FISA warranted material unless it's classified lower...

Because the NSC gets briefings from the intelligence community and presents that information to the president.

No one cares about your shitty 600+ word essay.

The argument was why Nunes was on WH grounds and violated procedure. Someone said he had to be there because the WH has SCIFs, when in fact he has access to several in the Capitol building.

Y'know, the post it links to? Even if you aren't a shill, you need to lurk more before.

That's false, any agency responsible for national security (NSC, CIA, FBI, etc.) receives reports with relevant info. In the initial report, all US citizens are masked. If the agency determines that the identity of the masked individual is relevant to security, they can make a FISA request. She didn't order nor collect the information herself, the allegation was just improper unmasking. Which no citizens are qualified to comment on because determining if it was "proper unmasking" requires knowledge of classified info.

Do you have any fucking actual proof of any "collusion" or is that just more of your lying kike shit.

*normal citizens