Soviet Unión in the 70's looked like a great place

>Happy people
>Clean places
>Even commieblocks looked nice

What went wrong with the Soviet Union?

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North Korea looks pretty nice on pictures, too.


A homo sapien breed native to the Levant region took over.

Corruption, lack of resources, restriction on mundane shit like jazz.

Jews like every society when it goes wrong.
Jews, Jews, Jews. If you are a Jew you've likely done the research yourself. Zionists are the fucking plague of all mankind, even worse than the barbarians were to Rome.

I wasn't there in the 70's but I was there for a summer in 1981. When I landed in Moscow, I was impressed, but when my jump flight from Aeroflot (fucking scary) ended in Volvograd, I walked into the airport bathroom and I looked around ...just a couple holes in the ground to shit, a urinal trough and a single lightbulb hanging by a wire from the ceiling...then I knew the cold war was a complete farce and the US was light years ahead.

>government supplied meat product

>government mandated homosexuality tolerance class

>government mandated baby

Soviet Union went very poor in the 80's no food

The US chose the chinks instead of the USSR in the Sino-Soviet split and both worked to destroy the Soviet Union.

We are seeing the repayment of this now where the chink government are helping the DNC and Neocons of the US try and seize overarching power (chink funding to Shareblue)

keep posting the propaganda bullshots it's working for you

>What went wrong with the Soviet Union?

Eventually, you run out of other peoples' money.

Humanity is incapable of maintaining static civilization. Every system will collapse and reform until we grow as a specie.

>not pictured:
>bread lines
>starving people

>homosexuality tolerance class

>Some historians have noted that it was during this time that Soviet propaganda began to depict homosexuality as a sign of fascism, and that Article 121 may have a simple political tool to use against dissidents, irrespective of their true sexual orientation, and to solidify Russian opposition to Nazi Germany, who had broken its treaty with Russia.[15]

>More recently, a third possible reason for the anti-gay law has emerged from declassified Soviet documents and transcripts. Beyond expressed fears of a vast "counterrevolutionary" or fascist homosexual conspiracy, there were several high profile arrests of Russian men accused of being pederasts.[16] In 1933, 130 men "were accused of being 'pederasts' – adult males who have sex with boys. Since no records of men having sex with boys at that time are available, it is possible this term was used broadly and crudely to label homosexuality."[16] Whatever the precise reason, homosexuality remained a serious criminal offense until it was repealed in 1993.[16]

The Soviet gays were /lgbtpol/ fascists though.

They ran out of everyone else money.


You do know those are for propaganda purposes right pedro? Model city's and model supermarkets, everything that looks good about gommunism is 95% theatrics.

The Soviet Union evolved into an economic powerhouse under Stalin because the workers busted their guts out of fear of losing their job or even being sent to the gulag for sedition if they didn't work hard enough. After Stalin's death, such actions were reduced and eventually eliminated, so everybody got lazy and unproductive. The leadership under Breznevh was incompetent and the country's price-allocation system collapsed under it's own excessive weight and inefficiencies.

>What went wrong with the Soviet Union?
the kind of organization fit for insects is not fit for Humans.

70s were the golden years of the ussr

no degeneracy
above average standard of living
zero unemployment
musical and cinemaphotography boom
higher education
baby boom
etc etc

My parents were pretty lucky

>Even commieblocks looked nice
Nah. The only commieblocks that look nice were built under Stalin, and apartments there are expensive as hell.

я вaш poт eбaл, пeтyхи пиндoccкиe, CCCP зaeбиcь

What went wrong though?

Jew here, can you elaborate?

This just in, propaganda pictures make places look nice. Holy shit! what a revelation.

>homosexuality tolerance class

homosex was considered a mental illness in the ussr

soviet/kikes are the nonplus ultra masters of propaganda. might wanna keep that in mind. lying is as natural to the jew as breathing is to a human being.


Thats a few purges and deportations removed from the 30s to 50s model.

Wasnt a huge number of jews deported after ww2?

Why do many people in Russia say they miss the pre-80s USSR?

>fascist homosexual conspiracy


It's propaganda. Although the USSR was probably better than Russia today.

You were guaranteed a job and living but no true freedom.

>homosex was considered a mental illness in the ussr
Broken clocks, etc;

Honestly it was a combination of a lot of things.

>Reforms weren't keeping up with the over-all world economy (China was ahead in this area in the 80s).
>Space program cost a fuck tone
>Afghanistan was essentially America's Iraq (except with real consequences. They couldn't just print money out of thin air like the western jewish bankers)
>Oil crisis in the 80s no thanks to OPEC oil price manipulation (which was ultimately the real cause of the fall of the soviet union)

The rest I can't think of off the top of my head, but shit hit the fan real quick and real hard economically speaking by the end of the 80s.

Turns out it was impossible to make people work for free without pointing guns at their backs.

A job you might now want, and live in terrible conditions in a dorm. There are still people to this day who live in communal flats, this shit is horrible.

>Post a video from the 80's in a thread about the 70's
Good job

Survived off of slave labor and fear

Cool, yes living is good.

Africa is nice too look at African with kid

Thinking you can take other people's shit, and give it to those who need it. That's what went wrong. TLDR; socialism happened.

I bet for the average soviet citizen, the 70's weren't that different from the 80's, but I imagine the party members weren't going without, regardless of the decade.

You're implying Soviet Union took things and gave it to people.

Also you're ducking retarded.

ITT: people talking shit about the USSR 1960-1980 era without even living in it

>let me tell you about your country

fucking autists. the moment they hear anything about gommunism they shrivel up and spout >muh gulags >muh forced labour >muh no true freedom

No true freedom to feed your child estrogen pills? yea that truly sounds like freedom to me.

People here really hate to face the music and acknowledge that the inconvenient truth of the USSR being a success during the 70s and 80s. It's only thanks to Jewish tricks and American good-goyism that the USSR ended up falling.

I'd die than be a ussr salve living worse than ameri negro

op huy cyka blyat i want to eat

Yes, the politburo, and party members. You know, the important people.

My people have had literary tradition and advanced civilization for over 8000 years fuck off kike you have nothing against me.

your wish will come true, you'll die an amerinigger anyway


>no degeneracy
I have some bad news for you, user

It still is.


It was great alright

The problem wasn't that everyone had equal amounts of power money property and resources, it was that people had none and it was all owned by true owners the party not individuals that boutgeoisie when slaves have property.

collectivism = starvation.
not to mention they imprisoned millions of their own people to drive the beast of communism as prison slave labor

Communism rocks

Oh? You have some bad news for me?

>what are propaganda photos

Thanks America. Yet they wont do shit about the Chinese population exerting more and more influence on both the US and the rest of the Western world.

I agree with you on the pharmaceuticals, that's just fucked. But, why we're people willing to die to escape east germany if it was such a Utopia? I'm not arguing that the "west" is all that, but you're kind of glossing over a whole lot of history that contradicts your viewpoint. To be fair I probably am too.

Bourgeoisie hate*
Soviet Union just revoked all rights of people and take all property resources and power to the bourgeoisie rulers.

I think we are making the same point, just merely stating it differently. Mine had some sarcasm in it.

East Germany did not distribute resources property and power equally you're confusing radical capitalism that is what Marxist leninsm brings to equal distribution.

... Кoгдa oнa oткpылa двepь и впycтилa нoвeнькoгo, в шoкe были вce. B клacc вoшeл мaльчишкa в шкoльнoй фopмe, бeлoй pyбaшкe и... в пиoнepcкoм гaлcтyкe. Клacc зaмep, клaccнaя в иcпyгe пpижaлa pyки к гyбaм, cлoвнo бoялacь вcкpикнyть. И тyт клacc взopвaлcя.

– Пиoнep! – в oдин гoлoc opaли вce 20 чeлoвeк.

– Пиoнep! Пиoнep! Пиoнep!

... пpoзвeнeл звoнoк, вce хлынyли в кopидop, пpихвaтив c coбoй и нoвeнькoгo. B шкoлe oднoвpeмeннo бывaeт двa oтpядa чeлoвeк пo ceмьдecят. Ha пepeмeнe вcя этa тoлпa coбиpaeтcя нa пepвoм этaжe, гдe яблoкy нeгдe yпacть... B кopидope eгo (Пиoнepa) cpaзy жe cбили c нoг. Иcпoльзyя гaлcтyк кaк пoвoдoк, eгo тaщили чepeз вecь кopидop, пepeдaвaя из pyк в pyки. Пoэтoмy пoлyчaлocь тaк, чтo никaкoгo движeния в кopидope нe пpoиcхoдит, нo и Пиoнepa тoжe нeт.

>I'll call out the USSR for using propaganda to make themselves look good
>This American picture that shows America's enemy in a bad light? It must be real and not portrayed to be worse than it really is.

>posts picture of famine after country was bombed flat because of dirty CIA bullshit and a horrific natural disaster

They do not have this problem any more.

You niggers will yell fake news at every thing the MSM tells you to believe EXCEPT this.


Nostalgia. Everyone on Earth romanticizes the past in some way or the other. People remember the good times but not the bad.

West Germany wasn't Utopia, nor was it part of the USSR, it was a Warsaw pact government with obvious soviet connection. Do you seriously think the soviets would be stupid enough to invest into the eternal kraut (apart from militarism)? They kept them in check and in turn the germans didn't go over the line.

>Even commieblocks looked nice

That's what happens when you cherrypick genius

Communists simply believe they will be rulers of the slaves and so infighting for the human cattle begins in the party once the conquest of Marxism is complete

meant to say east

Eгo зaвoлoкли в кaптepкy пoд лecтницeй, гдe хpaнятcя вeдpa и швaбpы c тpяпкaми, и тaм зaкpыли... Macтepa пoявилиcь минyт чepeз пятнaдцaть. Пepeмeнa yжe кoнчилacь, шeл ypoк. Пиoнep cидeл зa пepвoй пapтoй... былo виднo, чтo oн пepeпyгaн нacмepть. Пиoнepa yвeли. Eгo нe былo дo вeчepa. Ho зa yжинoм oн пoявилcя.

Cepгeвнa caмa пocaдилa eгo зa пocлeдний cтoл, гдe cидeли пидepacы. Этo oзнaчaлo oднo – Пиoнep вce paccкaзaл. A paccкaзaть былo чтo. Зa дecятиминyтнyю пepeмeнy eгo изнacилoвaли нecкoлькo чeлoвeк. Coпpoтивлятьcя былo бы бecпoлeзнo... Гдe-тo c мecяц Пиoнepa никтo нe тpoгaл и пaльцeм, тaк кaк тpи paзa в дeнь eгo пpoвepяли нa нaличиe пoбoeв. Eгo пpocтo нacилoвaли...

Should never of tried to annex the Afghan poppy fields. Tis be a curse.

нacилoвaли вce, ктo этoгo хoтeл. Кaждый дeнь. Кaждyю нoчь. Пo мнoгy-мнoгy paз. Чepeз мecяц нaдзop зa ним ocлaб, a вcкope и вooбщe пpeкpaтилcя. И нaчaлocь... Чepeз дeнь нa нeм чиcтым ocтaвaлocь oднo лицo, a нa тeлe нe былo живoгo мecтa. Oн пpeвpaщaлcя в мpaзь, в живoтнoe. Te, ктo нe хoтeл пaчкaть o нeгo pyки, oбхoдили eгo, нo тaких былo мaлo. Eгo били вce, дaжe пидepacы. Eгo зacтaвляли ecть гoвнo и oпapышeй. Oн cтaл «дeльфинoм» – в нyжникe пятнaдцaть дыpoк, oн ныpяeт в пepвyю, выныpивaeт, ныpяeт вo втopyю... И тaк – дo кoнцa. Oт нeгo пocтoяннo вoнялo...

t. Alabama

Yeah, but Ronald "Amnesty for millions of Illegal Mexicans" Reagan's information about the Soviet Union is real. It was before the MSM started publishing fake news against God emperor trump. I know it's real because it shows Communism as terrible.


>what went wrong

Jews fucked it up and then left to America and Europe to fuck them up too.

>USSR looked nice in state-approved propaganda photos

That's the point, there is never equal distribution; It always rises to the top. Just like capitalism. Socialism always sounds nice on paper, however, you always end up with some power hungery fuck at the top. Look at Venezuela currently.

Ever notice how there were no carts as a result of scarcity?

>What went wrong with the Soviet Union?
communism you stupid fuck.

East Germany was clearly ruled from Moscow.

>What went wrong with the Soviet Union?
The got bankrupt because of the cold war.

They were exploited by rich porkies.

The Soviet Union had a lot more Jews during the 1970s than Russia and the former Soviet Union do now, nigger.

No, they had no intention of equal distribution nor did it.

>commieblocks looked nice
You are out of your fucking mind.
They look like shit.
And no whataburger, so fuck off.

The worst place in SU was still a million times better than Brazil now.

Oh you sweet summer spic.

More niggers in Apartheid South Africa owned cars than people in the USSR did. All of those photos are staged propaganda. I have family who lived there during that time.

>He believes the state propaganda

/thread, go and see for yourself dont just look at the pictures

Retarded policies.

And Mathias Rust showing that the king is naked.


Look, just so you know.. Obviously communism is not the superior economic and political system. I don't like communism just as much as the next guy. But it is folly to think that after Stalin's purged all the Jews and after WW2 that the USSR was a shitty place to live, or that it was a backwards and ultra-totalitarian place to live. Obviously they kept to their mantra about political dissidents, which I don't agree with them doing. But that's not to say that they weren't above decency..Hell given the fact that they were able to achieve such a great standard of living and a heightened working class along with all the things I mentioned previously, all within the perimeters of communism should tell you something about the Russia and Eastern Europe as a whole.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, it had its ups and downs. But don't get it confused with gommunism that's described by black/red flag wielding antifaggots of today.

ahahahahah fucking Sup Forums users in a nutshell

>Makes a thread about how the third Reich was the best country to live in
>Post propaganda pictures about third Reich was the best country u guys!!

>Be Latino.

>Get fooled by gommie propaganda.

Why does it keep happening? It's been happening for at least 90 years now.

The American propaganda during and after the cold war seems to be incredibly effective. It's not so apparent here, but the best program they ran was the one where Communism and Capitalism are the only options