Why didn't they just shoot the next planes out of the sky? This would have drastically reduced the death toll

Why didn't they just shoot the next planes out of the sky? This would have drastically reduced the death toll.

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because it was an inside job lmao

>17 out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabian

brb going to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to sure up the remaining oil and lithium resources on planet earth

Because the AA guns were in the first tower.

That's how you know it was a surgical strike.The only way America could ever be caught unaware.

Why wasn't it full of Jews? Why did they not show up for work that day?

So you shoot a plane down over a major city, where does it go?

Into other fucking buildings you dipshit.

Why didn't they just shoot the plane down? They had tons of time while it was flying around doing nothing.

They have AA guns on top of the white house I thought.

But the mastermind was Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

>Republican national security

Not if you use thermite missiles

It would be broken up easier over miles rather than the whole force concentrated into one building. Since the tower collapsed, this resulted in thousands more deaths.

Tough call to make.

First, did they have enough time to shoot them down? Were the correct systems in place for this sort of thing in 2001?

Second, did they even know they were going to fly into the towers? They were flying low, but it could have simple been something wrong with the place... who's to say they weren't trying to conduct an emergency landing. Should they have shot Sully's plane out the sky while he was trying to land in the Hudson?

Third, how could they have known the towers would collapse? That the damage would be so catastrophic?

I suppose ultimately my question would be how long did they have to think about it? A matter of minutes, if that? Then they would have had to alert the president to... what? Some airliners are flying unusually low over NYC? So the president says... what? Shoot them out of the sky? Then say he does give that order, how long would it take to execute?

The whole idea of being able to shoot down these planes is retarded, you're retarded, your family is retarded, and you should kill yourself.

You mean opening the door for China to steal all of Afghanistan rare earth elements

Jets were scrambled from Edwards AFB to attempt to intercept the plane that hit the Pentagon. Problem was, none of them had any weapon payloads.

>If you stop terror attacks, terroists win

Seems to be official GOP policy

>First, did they have enough time to shoot them down?

planes flew around for an hour.


Some say this one was actually shot down.

dude like do you have any idea how borders work in the middle east? those are non-existent countries that some dude in Europe drew with a pencil after the ottoman empire fell. The people of that land don't see it anything more than a vast vast desert full of different tribes.

Let me guess, you believe a guy living in a cave while on kidney dialysis outsmarted the entire USA military and CIA for years and years? only later to be found in pakistan where shortly after being assassinated they just dump his body in the middle of the fucking ocean?

>Jets were scrambled from Edwards AFB to attempt to intercept the plane that hit the Pentagon. Problem was, none of them had any weapon payloads.

Problem was they were 3/4 of an hour late and headed off in the wrong directions at slow speeds.


>the decades-old procedure for a quick response by the nation’s air defense had been changed in June of 2001. Now, instead of NORAD’s military commanders being able to issue the command to launch fighter jets, approval had to be sought from the civilian Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld. This change is extremely significant, because Mr. Rumsfeld claims to have been "out of the loop" nearly the entire morning of 9/11. He isn’t on the record as having given any orders that morning. In fact, he didn’t even go to the White House situation room; he had to walk to the window of his office in the Pentagon to see that the country’s military headquarters was in flames.

It was clear from the recordings and phone calls that these were hijackings. They had some time.

honestly based aussie fucking gets it, your fucking question is retarded op. no one is going to shoot down a fucking civilian plane in a major city are you insane?

>US intelligence agencies proding for less obvious false info scenarios like hologram planes

They tried.

But you see, for all Yankees bluster and public love for guns, not a single one of them can shoot straight.

REMEMBER: COULDN'T HIT THE SIDE OF A BARN is an American parochial saying

Okay so that answers that... but is that a reason to shoot the planes and kill hundreds of Americans based on... what? The idea of a terrorist attack being conducted using commercial airliners wasn't really at the front of anyone's mind, was it?

Planes malfunction all the time.

yea but you have to realize that no one ever thought they were going to ram into a building. I'm all for conspiracies but if you are a rational person and something has never happened before and you cluldnt imagine it happening then there is no way you shoot the plane down

They did. They shot the one that ended up in the field, then made up a bunch of propaganda saying how the brave members of [insert your nation here] wrestled with the terrorists, bringing the plane down heroically.

Okay fine. Even if they are clear on the hijacking bit... does that still mean they should shoot the planes down? To what end? My point they had no idea what they intended to do with these planes. There is no reasonable argument for shooting them down.

I'm on about the next planes. I guess it would be weird to have one tower standing though.

why was an Israeli Sayeret Matkal Officer doing on Flight 11?

the IDF special forces that handles hijackings just happens to be on a 9/11 flight?

Quite a coincidence.

pic related. The line of watch he's wearing in this photo is named the "Hijacker"

That too!

>made up a bunch of propaganda saying how the brave members of [insert your nation here] wrestled with the terrorists
So the phone calls of people saying we're fighting back were faked as they were happening?

The problem is there was always a rapid response to any irregular activity from any aircraft before then. Never took more than ten minutes for interception. No need to talk about shooting anyone down when that isn't really the issue.

Sure it's worth it's own discussion but it's not the problem.

It's easier to let a bunch of your citizens die in smoldering hellfire than to explain to them the numbers game that would come about after killing the few for the many. That and why let a national tragedy go to waste? Patriotism skyrockets and you can tell the people to do whatever you want. I'll probably start up a graphics design company that only makes patriotic shit after the next terror attack and capitalize on it because that's the American thing to do nowadays.

Shooting a plane out of the sky over New York City would've caused massive infrastructure damage along with blaming the United States Government for the death of those killed where the plane crashed

Yeah, just like the moon landing.

They didn't know what they were planning to do with it. To most it seemed like a some hijacking, probably for ransom,nothing like this had ever happens before (or since)

Look it up
On that very day the airforce bases that could respond were running a training simulation where they had to scramble to stop hijacked planes about to collide into buildings
The airforce guys in the air thought it was a drill because that was the drill that day
But that's just a mere coincidence goy

Kek confirms I'm right btw

very stupid frogposter

That's assuming it wasn't an inside job.. no one would expect that impact to bring down the tower. It's like someone throwing a cherry bomb into a house and then the house somehow falling down, then OP comes along and is like why didn't they shoot the cherry bomb out of the air!!

Nice source faggot

Inb4 YouTube video/right wing nut job blog

The jidf is quick


>better check and see if those models had seat-back phones before you go that way

Funny you mention that. One of the instructors of an NRA handgun training course that I took back in 2007 told me a pretty strange story about the morning of 9/11. He said he got a phone call that morning from his nephew who was in the Rangers, who told him "I can't stay on the line for long. Just wanted to let you know I'm alright, but I just had to do the hardest thing I've ever done in my life......we had to shoot that plane down. Don't believe anything they tell you today. I'll fill you in when I can."

>you're retarded, your family is retarded, and you should kill yourself.

Leave my family out of this

after the second hit it was quite clear this was no accident

Jews did 911


My point was that no one thought that a plane crashing into the building would cause it to fall and kill everyone inside. The expected casualties at the time of it happening we're probably limited to the aircraft passengers, people on and around the floors crashed into, and a few hundred more from smoke inhalation etc, not everyone in the entire building because common sense did not say "oh now that tower is going to fall demolition style and kill everyone"

And even more, it wasn't Edwards, which is closer to the Pentagon, but they were from Langley.

the whole event is full of shitholes.

I guess this is just a mystery like jack the ripper. We'll never know who was responsible.

Until technology a century later proves definitively it was the Jews.

You can't shoot down CGI.

Because all of the military jets were doing some war games

Thanks to Clinton

sounds like a bullshit artist trying to steal valor

really makes it seem like it was either

a) the most well thought out and executed plan of all time, especially orchestrated by guys in caves in the desert
b) the luckiest coincidence to ever happen
c) an inside job

all of them? nobody would assign every single defensive weapon to a war game and leave the country entirely undefended.

there were fighters available. They needed an order from Rumsfeld to do anything but he didn't even know the country was being attacked.
>Sec of Defense
>didn't know
>no one told him


>especially orchestrated by guys in caves in the desert

what cracks me up is the people who say it would take thousands of complicit americans to pull this off but easily believe it only took nineteen sandniggers.


Why didn't the PENTAGON have some CRAMs or something?

For real. wtf,

The second plane flew into the tower only 15 minutes after the first. There was definitely not enough time to shoot the second one down. Maybe the pentagon and they may have shot down flight 93 for real.

Al Qaeda received hijacking expertise from former egyptian military, CIA rogue agent, Ali Muhammad.

What's this guys name? I want to look him up

In 2001 it wasnt hard to hijack an airplane. Some dumbass sandniggers could easily have done it. Whats the problem?

The FBI released those documents that basically says that saudi arabia did help some of the hijackers after they came to america. Another weird thing is that they all got visas without problems.

As far as the actual hijackings and flying the planes into buildings i think it could be done and its not difficult to believe. Although the pentagon one is pretty crazy. Ive been there in person actually. Pretty cool.

also muslims celebrating 9/11 in the streets is obviously real. People who deny it are fucking idiots.

it doesn't blow my mind or seem well thought or our masterful honestly. They had 4 guys train to fly planes and the other guys were just muscle. All they had to do was show up on the right day and book flights that took off around the same time.

Once they got on the plane it was easy. Clear day, they followed the Hudson river to the towers.

The hardest part was not getting caught beforehand, one guy was caught before and was in jail on 9/11 so he couldnt participate which is why there were 19 hijackers not 20. IMO thats where we see things that were covered up. They had to get visas too which is probably not super easy and they may have had inside help there. Saudi Arabian officials helped them secure apartments and other things while they were here.

You got the right idea. The chain of command was too slow and back then, the typical procedure for a hijacking was to land and collect ransom. It was too late to start the chain, get the jets ready and up in the air, and catch the second plane in time.

I know young people are all about tl;dr, but you can search through the transcripts of congressional hearings on 9/11 and read them.

You'll find that according to one witness present in the situation room, Based President Bush _did_ give the shoot down order.

You'll also find that as Bush was not in the situation room, that order was given via phone call to the acting commander in the situation room, who was either Rumsfeld or Cheney (I can't remember now which douchebag it was)

And that guy sat on the order. He had ops people asking him if the shoot down order "was still standing", e.g. they now had an actionable situation and the ops guy was trying to get final confirmation to take a shot. And this asshole wouldn't give a straight answer. He was trying to avoid being responsible one way or another.

It was a total failure in the chain of command, and that assfucker should have been held personally responsible.

Instead, he wormed his way out of it.

No? Then we wouldn't have been able to stop Sadam Hussein's decision to price Iraqi oil in the new EURO currency of the European Union.

Just be happy we didn't decide to kill our own civilians again when we did the same thing with Gaddafi

There were no fucking planes.

WOW That whole fucking video just to get to

Oh yeah the diversion over washington is perfectly explained by an escort of a mobile command center while the nation is under attack

Not that suspicious, desu


The white house is thousands of miles away

Fuck off child

One of the co-owners and his kids took the day off work, yes. He conveniently scheduled a dr's appt that morning.

If you listen to the audiotapes of the air traffic control, they literally sound like the biggest bunch of retards. Exclaiming shit like 'A hijack? Cool!' and 'Is this real world or exercise?' and literally sitting on their hands doing fuck all. I think only one guy suggested getting fighter jets involved, and military and air traffic control jargon is completely different so they couldn't understand each other. But again, it was all an inside job anyway so not exactly preventable.

Why didn't they just demolish the towers first? That would drastically reduced the death toll of the plane victims.

itt: kids who believe 9/11 happened and that NYC even exists

United 93 was definitely shot down. Rural area, terrorists can be heard panicking in cockpit before crash, happens to be the plane headed to the Capitol building (which adds to the inside job theory).
The families would have sued the shit out of the government.

Dick Cheney changed the NORAD (USA's air defense policies) protocol not long before 9/11. He basically ordered the air force to stand down.

because you can't just shoot planes full of civilians out of the sky, you daft punk

a military man once told me that the plane that "crashed" was shot down (supposedly meant for the wh). He said it was "classified" but could tell me because most "civilians" already know it.

To be honest the cell phone calls are a weird one. First of all they conducted a lot of experiments with this and found cellphones don't work at those kinds of altitudes. Bear in mind this was 2001 and the planes were travelling at like 500mph speed, and were only very infrequently disconnected. This is strange because cell phone signals need to ping off cell phone towers in order to stay connected and back in those days there were very few towers because cell phones were still rare. And no, they weren't necessarily using the plane's phones, because most of the families remember cellphone #s showing up on the caller ID. So it's certainly odd that these people managed to place such lengthy mobile phonecalls while travelling so fast at such rapidly shifting high and low altitudes.

I know you're baiting but it isn't funny when people are legit that stupid


Memorize the following names. This is how we crack and expose 9/11...

- this New Jersey-based moving company employed five young Israelis who were all arrested as suspects on 9/11 by NJPD, and detained for 70+ days by FBI counter-intelligence. Their 35mm camera contained 75+ images of the WTC attack from afar, and three of the same Israelis celebrating attack

-the owner of Urban Moving Systems fled with his wife to Israel before he could be further questioned about his business and detained employees. The offices were left in disarray, customers' furniture/calls went unreturned, and the FBI raided the offices, confiscating PCs and 12 hard drives, all of which remain classified today.
Dominik Suter (owner; Israeli)
Ornit Suter (owner's wife; Israeli) (ne Ornit Levinson)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested; Israeli; Mossad)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested; Israeli; Mossad)
Yaron Schmuel (arrested; Israeli)
Omer Gavriel Marmari (arrested; Israeli)
Oded Ellner (arrested w $4k cash in sock; Israeli)
Urban Moving Systems - address vacated 09/12/01 - 312 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302 - received $400k+ loan in 2001 (pre 9/11)

Another NYC-based 9/11 front was uncovered when the below men were arrested in a fake ID sting in Tennessee
Sakher "Rocky" Hammad - cops found his Port Authority Visitor Pass for WTC North Tower Basement B1-B6 - pass valid: 09/05/01-09/06/01 - he impersonated plumber, no license; said he worked on WTC "sprinkler systems" in days before 9/11)
Abdelmuhsem Hammad (cousin of Sakher Hammad; "plumber" at WTC)
Sergei Davidenko (Hammad cousins' NYC alibi)
Khaled Odtallah (native of Jerusalem; ringleader)
Katherine Smith (Tennessee DMV employee) - sold fake IDs to Khaled Odtallah and Hammad cousins; Smith died the day before she was scheduled to testify against them; **ruled murder by FBI**, Smith was found burned inside 1992 Acura she purchased from Odtallah

just catch the plane retard

I still to this day wonder if the government/al Qaeda/hijackers thought that the towers would actually collapse?

I remember this story was widely reported.
>Pakistani immigrant kid in NY school
>Keeps getting distracted by something outside
>Teacher asks Ahmed what he's looking at
>Paki kid tells her 'those towers won't be there in a weeks time
>Teacher ignores Ahmed
>Teacher reports it to FBI post-9/11 and Ahmed is investigated, no one knows what happened after that

That's where you're wrong kiddo.


Shill detected. It's true planes were easy to hijack in those days, having a 4 inch blade was allowed on planes back then.

However, if you research the hijackers backgrounds, none of them could fly for shit, and had no experience with modern passenger jets, only shitty 70's simulators and single engine light aircraft. Particularly the guy who supposedly flew into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour. He failed a single engine flight test two weeks before 9/11, and actually got reported as the flight school thought his license had been faked, that's how bad he was. Yet this same dude flies a plane a few feet above the terrain at 500mph, does a perfect loop right beforehand. Smashed into the new concrete and steel fortress that had just been installed. Workers there recall being told to stay away from that side of the pentagon that day. There's just way too many holes in the entire plot. Not to mention a passenger plane would start disintegrating rapidly when flown 500mph at sea level. Many experienced pilots have attested to this.

My dad met this guy in person to completed a project that involved streaming the Victoria Secret fashion show in the mid 90's, most watch internet stream of it's time and a pretty big challenge considering the infrastructure at the time. My dad says nothing but good things about him. That he was humble, smart ect


It was meant to happen. Dummy.

Not part of the (((Master Plan)))

the ((((((jews)))))) will tell you they thought it was a mistake at first.

well the company he helped start, Akamai, is most certainly a Mossad asset. it is used by most high traffic sites on the internet

he was IDF special forces.

hes one of the most interesting 9/11 stories, IMO. could legit be either the first victim, or a hijacker.

Daniel Lewin

do you have a link to air traffic control tapes? i cnt find anything

You are stupid.

The president does not need to authorize shooting a hijacked plane out of the sky. It's a call from the fighter pilot and his/her superior.

They had plenty of time. They knew the flights were hijacked from 911 calls, and from intel reports.

They ran drills on this very scenario for years before it happened.

The pentagons air space is some of the most secure air space in the world. They have anti-middle defense systems (like THADD) in place but they ignored it and an in experienced pilot managed to pull a miracle move and fly a commercial airliner into the Pentagon - and the 80+ camera in that area couldn't capture one single 100% identifiable frame of the commercial airliner hitting the pentagon

Also Jet Fuel melts steelbeams even when it was not too hot that people could pass through the hottest points to escape to safety

>the mastermind was Osama Bin Laden
