North Korea When?

>A pre-emptive strike against launch facilities, underground nuclear sites, artillery and rocket response forces and regime leadership targets may be the only option left on the table,” retired four-star General Jack Keane told The Times on Tuesday.

What would the ensuing hours look like? The marine invasion SK/US has been planning for every year?

Is this something, realistically, accomplishable today? Or are we pre-war 'Nam'n ourselves to another Middle-East?

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Invasion wont happen
China will either kneel or pour all of its political capital into keeping norks safe
China WILL not accept us troops so close to its borders

Nam was a police action, this time i hope there will be no such thing.
Iraq on the other hand, it was mission accomplished, wot y' on about?

Will be an interesting talk on Friday

Its gonna set a precedent for the future
Xi and trump both needs to look strong

You think they would spend the hundreds of billions, if not trillions, to keep them from saber rattling the US to a response? If the North Koreans continue to rail on about "We are going to nuke the United States" and they reach the ability to be able to (which the intel. agencies will know to a reasonable timeframe), that the US won't start bombing the US?

It's never going to happen because South Korea doesn't want Seoul wiped off the map and North Korea knows they can't win. It's gonna be a cold water till NK collapses like the USSR

China would secure as much of NK as they could.

If attacked I imagine NK would blow their wad as fast as they could before they got stomped utterly.

The final "the US" was meant for the North Koreans **

No, not likely because they wouldn't risk the Norks leveling Seoul.

ranged-weapons are the only option
the north has literally spent 60 years making the southern-border "invasion-proof".
giant-cement tank-traps that will come toppling onto every path into the country by explosive



what's worse, hardly any reliance on utilities, they would function just-fine without electricity or other infrastructure

seoul would be fucked though, unless the US and Japan can accurately target all of the artillery before shells start flying

> that the US won't start bombing the US?
You mean NK?

most likely scenario: the NK military take out Kim Jung Un. He'll accidentally cut his on head of while combing his hair on something similar.

Well if you anything about the Korean War and the Vietnam war (which since we are on Sup Forums you probably don't because Sup Forums believes every left wing lie ever told about foreign policy) you'd know that the Korean War was a conventional war which the US was equipped to fight. Whereas the Vietnam War was an insurgency in which the United States constrained operational capacity greatly limited their ability to fight the enemy.

This shows well the difficulty in fighting the Vietnam War.

A modern day Korean War would be a lot like the last one the biggest difference is that the United States has a massive military today that is incredibly well equipped and in the last conflict they had to reappropriate old howitzers and Sherman tanks from parks to outfit them for service. If China got involved the United States would still have a field day.

TLDR Best Korea and allies if any would be absolutely BTFO'd

From what I've read, Seoul is pretty, to a large percentage of survavability, safe from traditional artillery attacks due to shelters and short-warning systems in place.

Yeah, I know the DMZ is fucked. Thats why you send the Marine landing units which, I thought, have been training for this exact kind of large beach landing to get around the DMZ nonsense.

Erm. It was Korea that was a "police action"

Yeah, sorry, i corrected in

This, China will back certain generals and their will be a military coup to sweep out the Kim regime. Fat ass has been sabre rattling about China lately, I imagine they are none to pleased about that. They just dont want US troops on their border so they will put a more amendable regime in place.

........ and then? You shoot Un, what next? lol

the north isnt a nation its a fucking army. miles and miles of tunnels mines everyone being told their whole lives one day its gonna go down. honestly lets fight iran instead.

I'm positive North Korea would collapse like a rotted wooden house if they were hit. North Koreans don't have the endurance that North Vietnam had.

A invasion is tricky because North Korea is very mountainous but I figure in a all-out war we're going to nuke basically every single city of theirs anyway. They have the advantage of defense but their army is composed of Soviet era equipment. What they'll do is hit with everything they got first including Seoul, Busan and the US bases in Japan to make moving troops and equipment a nightmare.

The problem is in every scenario they hit the major cities of Seoul and definitely Tokyo. When people ask why America attacked Iraq and not North Korea and why North Korea is left alone that's why. Seoul getting his would be like 9/11 times a thousand. A shitload of skycrapers going down, a city the size of NYC all going into a mass panic.

Then there's the flood of refugees post-war, what the hell China is going to do in response to a huge US army right nexdt to their capital, the world financial markets response to Tokyo and Seoul both being possibly nuked.

It'd be a fucking mess.

The only way to do it would be to simultaneously take out every single artillery, rocket, and mortar that was within range of Seoul.

I'm not sure that's possible. Presumably a ton of their stuff is dug in.

We could probably pinpoint the launch locations and then bomb the shit out of them, but by then there'd already be dozens of shells heading into downtown Seoul.

The bottom line is taking out North Korea would be EASY.

But Seoul would take at least some damage no matter which strategy was employed.

At least that's my thinking.

there* will be. Bad engrish

Wheres the tank with the swinging bludgeons webm?


Bottom line is USA and allies would have absolutely no problem with best Korea but they would face consequences. Just remember the last time the US fought an army like NK's. It was 2003 and the campaign lasted 28 days.

I don't know much about the korean war and i'd like to know war. My dad's war-buddy he knew threw ham-radio used to drive ammo trucks in korea. Would never say a word about the place.

I love learning more

Nope, North Korea has I believe the largest artillery force by number of pieces in the world at the border all pointed at Seoul and almost all of it is cold war/ww2 shit. Not much an EWS can do against 10,000 non rocket artillery guns going off at once.


This is a good jumping off point.

>implying the us would ever preemptive nuclear strike anyone

thats just not the case NK is nothing like iraq or vietnam for that matter.

they have been planning on being invaded for decades, they are ready. It would be a total disaster.

Dude, crazy fucker going to do so much damage with the safety on.

Holy cow, LOOK OUT.

>they have been planning on being invaded for decades, they are ready. It would be a total disaster.

A total disaster? Are you fucking kidding me? The United States Navy on it's own could take it most of it's capabilities before NK even got it's pants on.

Is there a flight time calcuation done on how long it would take to fire ordnance that many klicks? With bomb shelters throughout the city (mainly on the north), anything under an hours warning time would be life-saving on orders of magnitude.

>the bombs kim, hand them over and we'll all get to enjoy anime

thx. check it out

you live in a fantasy land, or you've been purposefully misinformed

the NK army is underground, not like in a mud tunnel like heavy blasting inside rock mountains they have tunnels all over the country large enough to move missile trucks around, theyll pop out like rabbits fire theyre shit (that can hit south korea in minutes) then run back it.

thinking north korea is a joke that doesnt know what its doing is the exact same narrative liberals have about trump. Kims a fat cunt but his dads dad was preparing for a war with us, they are ready.

Sure, civilian deaths would be lowered but Seoul's buildings and everything else would be quite fucked.

when i was stationed at yongsan in seoul we would run drills. Black hawks were going to pick up officers families at the softball fields with 10 mins notice. essentially a joke. youd have to be at home waiting for a green light to make it in time.

Wow they're subterranean army will be so hard to defeat without thermobaric bunker busters. O wait...

If you actually think that NK's defenses are going to do anything meaningful to prevent their defeat you are the one that's deluded.

>they've been planning
Who has been training them on "their plans"? You mean the people who's great grandfathers were enslaved by who knows what? You give these people opportunity and chance and the "World's largest active military quickly becomes nothing more than Pyongyang holdouts.

fucking chinks!!!

why havent we NUKED china?

no one saying theyll win, im saying theres no chance of wiping them out before they masacre 100,000 of south koreans. which is unacceptable. the whole reason for going to war would be to protect them.

Compared to the last few countries we've rebuilt?

US Shouldn't setup basecamp in north korea. Help the build, But they're best CHYNA is footing the bill.

imo the best move in all of this playbook of moves is for China.

That move is to do nothing.

at worst you lose your puppet state that is getting quite unruly.

at best NK manages to get a few missiles in the air, seoul is destroyed, and america get pulled into a war, with its economy now fully chained to the war effort, and to rebuild SK giving the China a firm go-ahead to take dominance as the world #1 economy and for the yuan into being the world reserve currency, noting the deep instability of the USA. (full blown actual war with NK we don't have the money or manpower for if we keep Afgan & Iraq & Yemen & Syria & ME going)

>full scale invasion
>ever happening against a nuclear armed country
It'll be a series of simultaneous strikes on nuclear arsenals, then followed mpby a full invasion.

like flights north, pickup and out that quick? Well shit at least we were training.

100,000 with conventional artillery? Very doubtful. North Korea is basically just playing the MAD game, the problem with it is they are the ones who are living under a situation where their enemies could destroy them almost utterly before they can effectively launch a counter attack.


whats the possibility that chinks will do some palace coup and install their own man? regardless of whether they actually plan this, is it possible, how would they do it and who would be their man?


the military kid, its a nation it has generals just like us all the moves on both sides are PREPLANNED thats how you fight a war.

NK has been sending sbabtours to SK for decades like terrorist cells that will fuck shit as soon as it pops off. The shit just never makes us media.

i was there for link related



>at best NK manages to get a few missiles in the air, seoul is destroyed
what if north korea has sleeper agents in the usa ready to nuke an american city?

True, if China (ideological commies, economical centre), lets the US invade another commie country china will be in danger. And the China wont let US (Capitalist) troops so close the border. Think korean war.

The chinese populace are starting to dislike the norks, things will change in the next decade.

even better for China. They DinnduNuffin

no clue they never said but im sure the flights were either going to be to camp humphries or some aircraft carrier

you can't invade nk dumbshit, they're all fucking soldiers

Yeah. It means you're fucking comment was so low IQ it made me retarded just reading it.

>Is there a flight time calcuation done on how long it would take to fire ordnance that many klicks?
1 minute, 30 seconds, roughly.

I'd hardly consider NK "nuclear-armed". Nuclear capable for sure. But the time is rapidly approaching the "Hey this country who always says they are gonna nuke us, ACUTUALLY, have a delivery system capable of western US seaboard". That will not end pretty for them.

Lol, malnourished gooks with outdated weaponry half of which don't want to fight for their country, the other half so demoralized they'd probably kill the!selves for us.

They can and will retaliate with nukes if we open ly invaded them, those nukes wouldn't hit the US, but they might hit Japan or SK. Which is pretty fucking bad too.



where do you get these ideas?
The soldiers are like theyre middle class they eat fine and love the country for it, theyre brainwashed like crazy millions would fight to the death when asked, which kim would do act one.

They're not true communist they're in my free fire zone

You can never be sure if all nuclear weapons are taken down. If it would fail Seoul or Tokyo could turn into giant craters. North Korea will kill millions with conventional weapons even if it succeeds.

Assuming we did decide enough is enough and perform preemptive strikes on hardened military and launch installations in NK and then invade with a coalition force, like the old forgotten war our troops would make massive head-way but ultimately be held up at a certain point. The ensuing slog battles would give China enough time to intervene. We all know China has too much to lose in a simple buffer state like Best Korea. The major difference between today and in the 1950's is perhaps the toll that continuous dictatorshipdom has done to the people of NK. Many US and SoKorean soldiers joke around about how they see NK guards on the border dick around and hide to sneak treats and shit. It is entirely possible that the lack of food and worsening resources would choke NK completely - and do so even with Chinese emergency aid. Furthermore, if Japan decided to become involved rather than simply being an airstrip in proximity, there would be major contests in the Pacific over islands that China has deemed "property of the People of China."

There are bunkers and most of the Koreans are prepared to hide and wage a long war.

I got a helicopter a fascist can take a ride on

yeah just let china kill the fucker and take over, who really gives a shit.

Of course they would, but as was said at the beginning, it seems tillerson is trying to force china to act or there WILL be something done by the US (before capability is reach, at which point there would be no option). What would that Actually look like, again, was my first question (assuming conventional)? I DO NOT see a nuclear bomb dropped on the korean peninsula .

They're brainwashed and believe that America is even more evil than Korea. They're not just going to defect.

If the region decided to full blitz-krieg the entire peninsula from all direction (after key strikes), the regime would fold in days

it will be financial. and it will extend to other nations who violate it. theres no way the us will go to war with nk and make the first military move.

I think you would have to consider that a pre-emptive strike would entail that the NK response would be to level Seoul, but I'm sure the U.S. would alert the ROK ahead of time, to prepare for such measures.

Regardless of how "bog dick" our militry is, the fight won't be over in a week, it will go on for a long time, and then the rebuild will go on for a long time after that

h, hi everyone
wish me luck

your air raid drills will have come in handy.
remember to know where all your cities bomb shelters are!

IMO, this is a reasonable response:

>Multiple F-15's scramble to target SAM sites, using their stealth technology to confuse the outdated Anti-Air
>Simultaneously, F-18s firebomb artillery, nuke sites, and coal power plants.
>After, B-51s perform bombing operations to clear tank traps, mines, and other obstacles north of the DMZ (merely a distraction)
>Marine forces deploy from naval ships hundreds of miles north of the DMZ, siezing several landing zones for additional reinforcements via Chinooks and Blackbirds.
>Meanwhile, U.S. Navy Seals infiltrate Pyongyang with support from Stealth Fighter/Bombers and Apache Gunships (Why Apaches? They're fucking scary, that's wut.)
>U.S. Army Airborne paradrops on the NK/China Border to develop a new DMZ
>Army and Marines push north through the now mostly clear DMZ with tanks and supplies.

Merely proving to the people of NK that their God-Emperor is only human and easily wiped out by a systematic military operation lasting only a week would devastate them, to the point where only the most belligerently loyal soldiers would continue to hold out while snipers pick them off.

I am not a strategist. This is just literally how I play Red Alert 2.

You can't send Dallas PD down to take over these Villages. You show them that you can offer them more than the current regime. Basic Diplomacy. Even the military has been reduced to basic rations. Pilots get like, a training flight a year?

They'd kill the Americans before they could even speak.

Cross your fingers man. If it happens, what do you say we meet up in Pyongyang for a couple pints after the war is over?

We talkin Desert Storm? Enduring Freedom?

Lol mission accomplished.

9/11 was a false flag, wake up.

Shit we gotta make you a general user. Along with south korea starcraft experts we could manipulate north korea and beat them in a day.

Yeah, too bad I was only referred to as "commander" even though Gen. Carville was Ivan'd.

"reports" say these ancient arty pieces are trained on Seoul. This ancient tech (in "modern standards") isn't easily known in advance on their position.

The best I've heard is an advance warning for Seoul to head underground before an all-out bombardment followed by invasion of other key infrastructure.

We'll see how that works out when their government is toppled. Japanese had tunnels, Japanese had fanaticism they still lost. And they had an amazing military.

Kim should take his own population hostage. If somebody lauches an attack against him, he can nuke his own cities. It's one thing to start a war, but nobody will want to take the blame for millions of deaths by nuclear holocaust.

With that tactic nobody will touch north korea unless they actually commit to an invasion against SK or Japan.

has he actually threatened that yet?

The USA will not be subject to nuclear blackmail.

And this is the problem. South Korea is willing to live with North Korea threatening it's existence. America is not. America will not tolerate a situation where that fat manchild kim jong un can use the threat of nuclear attacks on out cities as a tool to extract concessions.

This war is going to happen. North Korea and China have vastly underestimated American resolve.

Massive joint special op. Highest tech gear for any possible situation. Seals, delta, everyone. First to bag the fat man wins. I would gladly sign up and probably die to experience that.

>kill the very people he could use to fight for him


preemptive strike with a B2 armed with B61/83 nuclear bombs is the only option.

We only have to topple the regime and hold South Korea. We don't need any boots on the ground in North Korea. No invasion force. Just something to let a big dose of reality into the country. It won't be like Iraq. There are no jihadis. Best option would be to threaten kim into hiding in china while the two countries reunite

I think nuking them all is secondary strategy within 1 yr hard limit.

There is 100% chance that northern Seoul will we wiped out to a large degree. I know SK has plans for rebuilding and relocating those who may be affected but it isn't like we are going to just steamroll NK into submission without heavy A) human casualties or B) heavy infrastructure damage

This is what I think they should try. Blue beam the population pacify them. Assassinate Kim and party leaders then deal with the rest