The Future of PC/Outrage Culture

I've heard a lot of people claim they're not really worried about this rabid SJW culture taking over college campuses because it's just kids being kids who will naturally become more moderate as they get older.

As much as I hope that turns out to be the case, I honestly can't see that happening to the vast majority of them.
The echo chamber phenomenon profoundly facilitated by social media and its reinforcement by the contribution of MSM have instilled such an unprecedented sense of indubitable righteousness in young people's minds that, to my thinking, their beliefs will only become more solidified as bonafide truths to them as they spend more time in their echo chambers.

It seems like in the past young people were much more dependent on their own sense of reasoning to develop and defend their beliefs as they encountered opposing ideas in the real world. Today (and going forward), however, young people can choose to discuss their beliefs only with others who think the same way, which not only fortifies their convictions, but as we're seeing right now, can lead them to cultivate their entire adult identity with these convictions at the center.

Consequently, for a typical SJW to confront the notion of doubt in their convictions isn't as innocuous as "getting wiser with age," it's a confrontation of the validity of his or her (or ze or zir or zem) entire conception of personal identity, which obviously can be a terrifying prospect. It'd be much easier and enticing to recede back into one's echo chamber.

Another contributing factor is that these beliefs aren't coming exclusively from MSM and each other, but also very crucially from their humanities professors, who they've been conditioned to regard as possibly the most trustworthy intellectual authorities in their lives.

So what do you guys think? Will the SJW movement still be around, say, 10 years from now? If so, will it have faded considerably? or will it be stronger than ever?

I believe that SJWs will die like a dog very soon like dam daniel and the catch me outside thing did and the best way to speed up the death is to ignore them. They feed of attention and publicity and to ignore them and let them act retarded will eventually give them an epiphany that what their doing is not going to work. We do that. And were good.

I certainly agree that they feed off attention, but how can you ignore them when they're doing shit like they've done to Milo at Berkeley and Jordan Peterson at multiple Canadian universities?

My biggest concern is their influence on even younger kids, maybe little brother or sisters. The infantile, simplistic nature of the ideology might actually be beneficial in passing it down to others that haven't reached full intellectual maturity.
A 12 year old can easily latch onto the argument "Why don't we just be nice to everyone?" but the importance of freedom of all kinds of speech probably won't register to them.

Looks like she's had enough sammiches

Apparently not if she wants another one

SJWs as a group of people won't make it more then 3 more years.
Social justice as a concept shilled by ((universities)) will never go away until Soros and associates are hanged.
The bigger worry is censorship and how there's been fuck all push back aginst it. >Twitter has gone full on 1984
> normiebook is less obvious but much more subversive.
>news sources that aren't from youtubers along the lines of Sargon or Styx are almost complete compromised

SJW shit will be even worse 10 years from now. This currect reaction against it is temporary.

Speaking of 1984, it's incredibly ironic how leftists have been citing it as an anti-Trump manifesto...when it's fucking leftists who are trying to censor or even silence unsavory opinions.

>this current reaction against it is temporary
Are you saying people will stop speaking out against political correctness over time?

It will dissipate. Wrongthink punishment and peer pressure will make people who are bothered by it to shut up.

>Wrongthink punishment
State-administered or carried out by civilians and silently condoned?
Obviously the impact of peer pressure is already extremely apparent. I made a post last night about an argument I had with one of my best friends over BLM. I argued it has caused more harm than good, and even though he couldn't raise any counterarguments I'm pretty sure he's convinced I'm a racist now. It's discomfiting.

Oldfag here serious question for you to ponder...Why do you give a fuck what others think about you and your opinions? I have met many a sjw type over my 44 years and I just respond to their rants with "Oh your one of those silly people." Turn and walk away from them....Don't give them the power you are entitled to nothing on this Earth but your opinion you have no need to defend it from silly people and their bait.

It's not that I care about what people think of me specifically, but beliefs about society that are becoming more and more prevalent all the time.

Arguable the worst example is "You can't be racist against white people." When challenged on this, the speaker will play a evasive semantics game based on a new made up definition racism.

But the more this simple statement gets disseminated throughout society with no context (which is the true intent), the more people are going to genuinely believe it's acceptable to say and do heinous things towards white people as a race because they're the "oppressors." In fact, it'll be praised by many as "brave" and "revolutionary." I'm sorry but I think this shit needs to be spoken out against.

Pic related is an illustration: the overwhelmingly outraged reaction to the top tweet forced the author to step down from a network that he himself was a co-founder. The author of the bottom tweet experienced no professional consequences whatsoever and received plenty of resounding support for her courageous stance.
If a white person tweeted the same thing but with "black/blackness" not only would it have been career suicide, but twitter themselves would have banned the author with no hesitation.

Imo, this is blatantly indicative of a very dangerous collective mentality brewing.

I think that the main problem SJWs have is that they continuously have to up the stakes. They continue to find more and more tiny forms of violence and aggression, and I think that sooner rather than later their lack of inner consistency as a movement is going to:

1) Become absolutely disconnected from normal society because their demands will be ridiculous.

2) They'll have defined so many groups and concepts and regulations and ways to act that they'll start entering in more and more constant contradictions, and then they eat each other to see who survives.

>but how can you ignore them when they're doing shit like they've done to Milo at Berkeley

Not be a fucking retard and go to Berkeley just to agitate. Leftists are basically contained in their own circle jerk metropolises in different pockets of the US. Avoid them like the plague, on top of not following mainstream media.

Both of those things are already visibly occurring, but most people are still too afraid to call them on their bullshit.
They've so thoroughly imbued our society with the notion of white guilt that they'll continue to advance inch by inch and successfully shout down anyone who opposes them as alt-right neo-nazis. And MSM outlets will defend them if only for the clicks.

So we're just supposed to stand by and watch as they effectively suppress any speech that goes against their narrative? While the MSM pushes this narrative? While they start to occupy positions of administration and executive decision making en masse just a few years down the road?
These aren't just random fucktards, they're privileged and ambitious students at prestigious universities. They're the kind of people perhaps best equipped to work their way up to positions where they're calling the shots in whatever field they pursue.

>tfw no fat gf to feed sandwitches to

Just please dont sit on me

> women's issues

>kids being kids
To some extent this is true.
Things today are a lot better than the 1960s.
As the Bible says, things never really change.

>Things today are a lot better than the 1960s.
In what way? Not necessarily disagreeing with you, it's just a pretty vague statement.

Riots in hundreds of cities.
Hundreds of bombings by arabs and wetbacks.

If he thinks that then he was never your friend to begin with.

>step down from a network that he himself was a co-founder
Oh look, another cuck who decided to apologize to SJWs instead of ignoring them like any normal person would do.
Those people never learn, do they?

Life has become too easy, we need world war to get people focused on actual issues again desu

no the best way seems to not ignore them but shine a light on their delusion. any alt-lite youtuber can get 100k subscribers by talking about how dumb sjws are all day. easy as hell and it works
leftists definitely have more control of the public's mind than anybody else because of entertainment and media. they re not contained at all. wtf are you talking about

>tfw Shillary would've started WW3 and saved us from SJWs
Was she, dare I say it... /ourgirl/?

I don't think that's necessarily true. We've been really tight for like 6-7 years now and he's done a lot to help me out when I needed it.
I think he's just a textbook example of a person getting so swept away in this social justice whirlwind that they start to see everyone who disagrees with it as racists/sexists/bigots by definition.
Because you know, who wouldn't support equal rights for everyone except a truly evil individual?

No, Kerby is still /OurGirl/

This is only a problem because you're a wimp.
Stand up and fight back, or accept your defeat.

Well I make posts on social media explaining my opposition to this shit and basically the only response I get is from my friends saying I'll never get laid

Why and how did he get caught up in it?

>so swept away in this social justice whirlwind that they start to see everyone who disagrees with it as racists/sexists/bigots by definition.
This is a good sign of someone who will stab you in the back if you get in their way.
Someone who is easily influenced, with no guiding principles.
Someone who has a weak character.
Someone who is not very smart.
Not a friend.


The response to that shit is saying there is more to life than fornification and no sanr society valued a person's self worth by their notch count.

In what exactly? My argument with him?

>SJW shit will be even worse 10 years from now. This currect reaction against it is temporary.

We're going to see full blown SJWism like we've never seen before. We had a nice little run but people will grow tired of ""anti-sjws"" and punishments will become far more severe for those that stray beyond mere YouTube feminist critiquing. Everyone else will merely conform as they always have.

The rest that might want to speak out still have a lot to lose.
Therefore, silence.

Buckle up kids. Go underground now.

To the people that say if you oppose the zeitgeist of today you will never have sex.

Ou cant turn and walk away when insanity starts getting government sponsored.

"Just ignoring it" gives them the impression we all sielently agree, and then what happens is if i dont check my 32 pronouns at work i get shitcanned, my employers hands are tied or they will be burned down by a government backed witchhunt, and my daughter gets to be exposed to transfaggots in public restrooms, leaving me to explain why a man in a dress is aloud to flop his dick around in the ladies room.

Then i get to tell my daughter when she grows up to give up on any dreams or ambitions of becoming a professional in any womans sport, because the same crossdressing faggots are somehow allowed to compete and outperform every woman on the league because thanks government.

Not pushing back against this crap and calling it out for the delusional shitshow it is, has most likely caused irreversable damage on multiple levels.
Lets stop letting it continue.

You already see that shit on Sup Forums with people saying anti- sjws are just as bad as sjws unironically. Anti- sjws are not a thing outside of Sup Forums and certain youtube channels yet sjws memed it so that those who speak against it are "bad" on the few corners of the internet where you can still freely speak your mind.

On a side note, has anyone else noticed that the comment sections on news websites have all been removed during the last two years?

Oh sorry, misread your post.
Well he's 1st generation Mexican and from the age of I think 10 onward (we're both 23 now) he's grown up and gone to school amongst almost exclusively white people. In our friend group of 7-8 he's the only non-white guy, so his ethnicity is a big part of his identity.
It's also probably why he identifies and sympathizes very closely with other minorities, particularly black people. So he was inclined to get behind BLM from the beginning.

Tbh the never getting laid thing was kind of a joke (though a friend has told me this before).
My point was just that my speaking out against it doesn't really seem to have any meaningful impact on others' opinions.

I will make you a sandwich.

The ideological stranglehold the left has on millennials is as impressive as it is disturbing. I shiver to think of just what percentage of people under 30 fully support BLM and actually believe that women get paid only 77% of what men receive for the exact same job. They're literally brainwashed.

Also, the comment-deleting on news websites is incredibly discomfiting as well. Jordan Peterson pointed out a few days ago that like 20 comments on an article attacking him were all deleted because they were all defending JBP. It's sick.

Hol,y shit I want one of these

Feed them sandwiches till they die and the fit healthy people outlive them, perfect plan user.

Pretty much this.

We missed the train. Its over. We are heading into a very dark future and nothing is going to stop it. Speaking out is going to be met with increasingly more harsh punishment.

I guess we have to accept that life as we know it is over. People don't value free speech as we do, and soon enough, the internet will be marauded by SJWs in an attempt to shut down any and all forms of """hate speech""" and that'll be it.

The reaction to SJWs came way too late in general.

It will implode under its own pink haired morbidly obese weight. It is fracturing already and to hasten it's demise we should push it further make trans racial and pedo acceptance a thing make it happen so big and fast the Normie's flip their shit.

Tldr we should out Jew the Jew.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums just got shut down one day and the media would celebrate it as a defeat of a "major alt-right neo-nazi forum"

I mean, I guess it sort of is in a way...
But still it'd be fucked up to just shut down a forum because it spreads ideas that challenge the popular narrative.

Its an inevitability at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if being a white straight male who wasn't constantly apologizing for your privilege literally becomes the new jew in an SJW filled political correctness fueled new holocaust.

Who the fuck is going to enforce this? The muzzies hate them and the nigs and SJW's are too lazy to work.

White normies and most high iq non- whites.

It'll fade soon. Becoming right wing and having opinions that they'd consider fascist is becoming the norm because of their aggressive attitude towards outsiders. Soon they'll realise that their existence is shooting the left in the foot and disband.

don´t want to sound like i enjoy this, because i absolutely do not - but welcome to our world
germany has been like this forever

I agree that there's been a perceptible growth of people challenging SJWs lately. My concern is that the vast majority of those who challenge it are generally older than 30, maybe even 35.

Like I said before, when it comes to people 30 and younger, I get the sense that the vast majority, if not genuine SJWs, then at least sympathetic to far leftist ideology. Not only that, but they've done a great job of labeling any younger person who challenges their rhetoric or is vaguely right-leaning as "alt-right," which, as buzzfeed and huffpo can tell you, is just a fancy new term for neo-nazis.

I went on a date with a 28 yo girl a few weeks ago who seemed extremely intelligent and open-minded, who turned out to be an avid "pansexual" radfem is admonished me unblinkingly for making a dumb, flippant "LGBTBBQ" joke. This ideology dominates millennial minds.

This shit is not going to end well.

As for dating, I hate to say it but if you are not going for Christian women, you are going to have a very bad time.


Reading about that NYE sexual assault incident in Cologne a couple years ago and the subsequent "Guys come on, let's not be islamophobic!" outcry was probably the first time I seriously questioned the consequences of mass acceptance of Islamic migrants. It's crazy how many people are simply beyond logical thinking.

That same girl turned out to be in an "open relationship" and has been keeping me a leash for the last month and half. And far from the first time a girl has done this to me. You're probably right, it's either a girl has strong values or absolutely none.

Why are you investing any resources into a woman like that?

Just lightly make fun of him for his views. Not too harsh or he'll shut down, just enough pressure. Equate his sjw shit to kony2012 or something. Make him feel stupid, vapid and trendy and it should undermine that crap. My 2 cents

Read A Brave New World for some idea where things are going to end up.

It's hard to know but I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. The universities (and to some extent schools since the universities are teaching the teachers) are done for entirely, there needs to be an alternative method for education. How science and research funding will be ran is a big deal though. The mainstream media is done for too, but as soon as all these youtube guys figure out how to do or fund their own reporters (which is happening already with some small organisations) that might work.

Regardless I think Western society is going to become more divided. More parents will be taking their kids out of school and university and everyone will be consuming media targeted at them, so we risk creating parallel societies.

Because I can fix her, I just know it!

But in seriousness because she's absolutely beautiful and exactly my type in terms of intellect and artistic sensibilities. My dilemma is that virtually every girl that's generally "my type" is also a zealous radfem. I thought at least maybe I could get some casual poon, but alas, she's just a manipulative cunt.

Interesting suggestion...but he's incredibly hard-headed and would almost certainly get seriously insulted. Honestly I think my best bet would be to get into a debate with him around some of our more impartial friends and hopefully they'd back me up and tell him he's being retarded.

I've experienced it in real life. It's horrifying how these babies are coddled with their lunacy.

>but user, they felt like you were being sexist
>but I wasn't
>yea but they felt like it

It's crazy shit, nigger. And it is real.

Petercuck? Who the fuck cares

Yes, exactly. There are so many people now who literally believe that if they're hurt by a statement that statement is inherently bad and should not have been spoken. The mental gymnastics they perform to suit their ideology are nothing short of astounding acrobatic feats. And since they're only concerned with feelings, it's impossible to argue with them using logic.

solid argument

the problem in germany are not really millenial SJW´s, but gen x - middle/upper middle class -
they have barbed wire planted through their brains. nye cologne for example is a conspiracy theory to them. fake news!
they watch political comedy and feel enlightened. like rebels almost. oh i bought tickets for a left leaning show, viva la revolution! those types will never get tired of dragging hitlers corpse with them to beat it with a stick every 2 steps they take.

>Oh no Jordan Peterson the liberal cuck-whisperer was eaten by his own
Fuck him

>every girl that's generally "my type" is also a zealous radfem

i know that feel

>however, young people can choose to discuss their beliefs only with others who think the same way

HAHAHA Sup Forums pretending like it's all reasonable and shit. Fucking AYYYLAMO

They seriously think the Cologne incident was a conspiracy? That someone paid a mob of Arabs to sexual assault dozens of women?

It seems like any college-aged female with a sliver of real intelligence and isn't solely devoted to Chad's cock only gets as far as "77 cents to the dollar?!? MUH PATRIARCHY!"

At least sometimes there's genuine disagreement on here that starts critical discourse. On most sites any comment that goes against the status quo gets downvoted to oblivion and hidden by default.

Or gets banned. See NeoGAF.

/pol actually is one of the few forums to have extensive ideological diversity. You even have dedicated threads for communism and islam.