Im not religious im spiritual

>im not religious im spiritual

what the heck does that even mean ?

Other urls found in this thread: protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

"I'm too lazy to research world religions and don't have the balls to decide what to believe"

It's kinda like gender-fluid, but for people who needs a daddy in the sky.

I'm dumb enough to be religious, but too lazy to actually do all the stuff associated with it.

Doesn't believe in angry jealous guy in the sky but doesn't want to upset grandma.

"I have some vague sense of the ineffable underlying divine reality and i've read some pretty top tier buddhist quotes on social media but i cba to find out more about it or change my life in any way as a result"

A lot of things can be spiritual experiences
Feeding donuts to a cute grill is one of those.
Pic related



that you believe in some higher power interfering with us, but believe that the general religions out there doesnt get it right, have become corrupted, the scripts changed too much over the course or you dont agree with those religions for any other reason

that's called deism

sorry please excuse my retardation meant to reply to you here:

"I smoke marijuana and look at the stars occasionally."

that sounds accurate

Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Basically this.


Basically you know there is god/life force/spirit that created the universe and that life has a meaning but you can't find/decide what religion is the truth.

Or wash anime

It's something retards who don't understand Saussure says.


means they go to yoga classes and actually say namaste at the end like a faggot


I believe in karma and good energy and all that shit

>>im not religious im spiritual
>what the heck does that even mean ?
"I'm superstitious but I don't like rules"


Religions are hijacked spirituality. So, in a way, religions contain the truth, hiding behind infinite layers of bullshit

I would pay to hand feed her donuts.

> there is god/life force/spirit that created the universe

No, no. I'm pretty sure it was a Sumerian knock-off tribal deity from 3000BC Palestine that did it.

"I believe in retarded new age shit"

why is dad wearing lipstick in the last panel?

"I'm still an ignorant fucking retard but I'm also too lazy to attend church like the rest of the tards"

>i want people to think im deep but i dont want attach myself to any particular philosophy because that would expose me as a vapid hypocrite

>I'm an atheist or agnostic that doesn't want to be seen stupid like all the religious people,but I like Buddhism xDDD and I'm also like very very smart

And mention the neighbor tribe's deity Baal because it makes him very angry. Grrrrr.

it means i have my own relationship with the powers that be and am able to foster that relationship on my own.

>daddy in the sky

What religion would that be?

nice furry

Someone post assigned white pls

SIMPSONS DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!
SIMPSONS DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

It means they like to collect buddha statues for their bedrooms and have gay ass dreadlocks


They are stupid

>I'm not honest but you're interesting

That's an old Dmitri Martin joke

doesn't make much sense to say that but I would assume it translated into "I don't believe in any established religion of the world, but I think there's something out there that isn't just science and nature"

God is a frat boy in the sky, not a daddy.

I took it to mean you believe and hold values higher than nourishing and reproducing yourself like honor and courage without believing in a some semitic fairy tales. Having "spiritual values" like to duty to the fatherland.

"Religion" comes from the Latin religare, to bind. It involves a deep commitment which some do not wish to make. Moreover, traditionally speaking, every great religion had both an exoteric and an esoteric dimension. In modern times the esoteric dimension has been lost or gone underground, become inaccessible. This has lead many spiritually-minded people to become disillusioned by religion, seeing in it only the exoteric forms, without the esoteric heart which once existed.

close to where i am at but i am of the belief that science and nature are part of "it."

That explains what happened to Joseph's wife Mary.

Who can resist the Cosmic Chad?

Coming to understand that religion is a method of right-brain imbalance mind control, and that you can still come to know the creator's natural law's of morality without having the intermediary of a priest class.

>im not religious im spiritual
>what the heck does that even mean ?

It's when you want to be closer to god and live a godly life, but it's completely obvious to you that ALL organized religions are self serving shits run by satan.

It makes a lot of sense though. You know that the perfect balance in our world cannot be a succession of coincidences and luck. All civilizations tried to explain our world with different religions involving god(s). Faith and spirituality is a necessary element to keep the human mind healthy. Faith moves mountains, it also give us balance and stability. The problem is that there is thousands of religions out there. Despite reading a lot of different religious books, it always feels like the answers to your questions are uncomplete or not fulfilled. You don't know which one to trust, and you end up to this position. You know there is something but you can't name it.

it means you're in touch with the essence from which the Jews used to create your desert jew book you all blindly follow. Accept everyone goy! Love everyone like Jesus were all one race the human race goyim right? Jesus was white, goy! Don't be jealous of the semites for having more than you do goy God said so!

Yeah nah, fuck off Christ cucks. God doesnt have any personal characteristics other than everything and everyone and their individual characteristics. Sad thing is, you retards who believe in the desert Jew book are simply evidence of the perfect fractal balance of reality.

I found him

It means that they get a nice dopamine kick out of believing in the supernatural, but they disapprove of the practices of organized religion

That you can be a whore, take drugs and use nice quotes and meditation to soothe your hurting conscience, so that you can keep doing shit.

>trying this hard
Sup Forums, America and Europe is Christian. You can't subvert us Jew.

It either means
>I'm a theist but I'm not into all that dogma and guilt-tripping
>I'm a liberal snowflake, and so even the very word spirituality reflects my uniqueness and superiority over you fedora-tippers and racist Christians

Wow, Danish bants coming in strong.

The popularity of the New Age smorgasbord, and the existence of the death cult, both have the same explanation, says researcher Ron Galloway. "Humanistic psychology is buying into the Eastern world view, the search for the 'higher self' [rather than personal righteousness]. Once you're a higher self, you get to choose your own reality and become your own law. At that point, anything can happen."

A century ago, the Western world was ruled by non - denominational but implicitly Christian governments, obedient to a moral law they themselves did not create, says Mr. Galloway. But as the Western elite began to buy into the notion of human evolution (under the tutelage of educational theorist John Dewey and numerous others), their politics became secular - humanist and materialist, and the meaning of life, family and right all came up for grabs.

But psychology couldn't stay materialistic, because people became disenchanted with thinking they were just cogs in the mechanical evolutionary gears," says Mr. Galloway. So educational theory turned to "progressive" spiritualism. "Mystics like [deep - occultist] Carl Jung are standard fare in education departments now, and teachers' conferences talk openly about being midwives of the spirit of Mother Earth." There's no saying what they will deliver. "We're unleashing forces we can't control," he warns. "And it's just started."

you don't even know what it is your worship, you are so dumb you have to get what you know about the divine from a kike book instead of personal experience and journeys into the spiritual.

>Christians totally hate jews goy, why wouldn't you follow them.
>destroy naturalistic sacred grounds and build churches on top of them we're so great
>nothing is real but Christianity

Lmao, alright bud, organized religion serves the same purpose as television. All Jewish propaganda. Keep shovelling it into you'll brain goy,

Of course the secular state promotes paganism. It does it under the guise of pluralism or multiculturalism," says William Donohue, executive director of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in New York. "The secular state wants to deny Judeo - Christian morality its traditional access to the public square." Because of mankind's innate religious longing, the political elite's secular humanism can't really replace the Church in the public square, "but it wins in a negative sense, if it can create conditions of spiritual anarchy," explains Dr. Donohue.

Secular humanists," he elaborates, "think that a sickly spiritual smorgasbord is preferable to traditional Judeo - Christian culture, because they have a kind of religious phobia; they're afraid it'll infringe on their freedom. Which means they also have a pretty juvenile sense of freedom."

The New Age assumes that everything spiritual is good, provided it lets them do as they please. "The scariest thing about New Age is not how spoiled it is, but how naive," says Ron Galloway. "The entire cultural elite of the Western world has forgotten that the greatest evils are the supernatural evils."

Spot on, user.

It means they don't follow a religion because religions tell you not to do certain stuff and that's really a downer for their libertine lifestyle, BUT they wouldn't intentionally kill anything that isn't a baby growing inside their womb, so they're basically the same thing as Jesus if you really think about. Oh, and they HATE Christians.

Atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Socialists, Communists are the cancer of the world. Mankind is Pagan, you filthy degenerated 'murricunt scum, burn and die with your sandniggers bullshit.

No one knows what happens when you die but you for sure can feel that your spirit is there

You sound the exact same as some pagan faggot going
>lol ur book is jew book xd can't you think for yourself stupid goy ur controlled
fuck off. You probably don't even know about the blood lines of the ancient Israeli tribes at all, but that doesn't stop you from going
>le kike on a stick XD
Christianity is the true religion and if you don't accept it prepare for hell faggot.

>once you're a higher self you get to choose your own reality and become your own law

What the fuck. Researcher my ass.

>Which means they also have a pretty juvenile sense of freedom.

That's how someone who's about to infringe on your freedom while telling you how it's not "real" freedom speaks.

Look at Japan, very spiritual country with a lot of traditions due to their belief in a thing beyond them, yet barely any religion there.

it means you hate christians

It means "I want to think of myself as a good person without having to deal with the obligation of doing good things"

Oh no what is France going to do? You pagans are the fucking worst. Constantly trying to halt humanities progress. Go fuck a cow in the ass faggot.

Tell me user, what experience with the divine have you ever had aside from your priest smashing his cock down your throat?

>Christianity is the true religion and if you don't accept it prepare for hell faggot.

You understand that something isn't true when it's menacing you for questioning it

it means you have a sparse understanding of religion but you want to look deep

humanities progress toward what, retard?

Why isn't Britain spiritual?

I leave sodomizing to uncivilized pagan shits like you.

how is it wrong?

It means instead of telling others you believe in the same imaginary friend as a bunch of sheep do, you tell other you have your own imaginary friends.

oy vey I think youre confusing Christianity with the Holocaust

>I like doing drugs

Yup. Here's better reasoning; protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

Pagans barely contributed to science at all.

>bagan calling someone else gay

it means I don't blindly follow the rules of a religion made by man in the name of god but instead give thanks where thanks are due.

Some religions have valuable teaching points, but if god truly did give me free will then all I have to do is be me. Whether or not there is a heaven and a hell is not important.


I'm spiritual in the sense that I'm non-materialist and believe in something that could be called "God" but I don't think it's an anthropomorphic being in the sense of normal religions, more like something internal within us that we can access in times of need.

in Buddhism achieving enlightenment is to rid yourself of any material needs or desires, Mr "researcher" implies the exact opposite, as if the point is to play reality Legos in a make believe fun box. he knows fuck all about what he's talking about.

would impregnate / 10

Basically you believe in creation, but religion offers too much crazy shit like talking snakes and the idea of eternal damnation for not believing in God.

Ancient Greece
Ancient China
Ancient Persia

Try again, you fucking mondialist, christians want to convert everyone into their evil dogma, dogma coming from the jewish felony, get fucked by niggers, dickhead, kill yourself.

>I'm uncomfortable with the idea of nothingness after death but I'm too hedonistic to accept Jesus into my life

Nice answer faggot


Of course everyone has a different definition, for me being spiritial means I don't necessarily believe that any one religion has it all correct, but there is some value in believing a power higher than yourself, and while I don't follow any particular religion, I think doing the religious stuff and thinking there is that there is something greater is just calming, and so that's what I believe.

[spoiler]plz no bully

"I don't believe in organized religion, mainly Christianity, but I'll buy into dumb shit like witchcraft, the secret, the universe being a thinking being, karma, any new age garbage someone comes up with, and other hoodoovoo nonsense meant to rob me of my money."

(((Protestants))) I'd honestly be surprised if the evangelical church isn't run by kikes.

>Ancient China
Stagnated and required Europe and United States to open them up so they could advance
>Ancient Greece
Increased progress far more rapidly when christianized
>Ancient Persia
stagnated and was annexed by Greece. Exposed to Christianity and started to advance again. Retard.

Is saying thanks to every tree you cut down to have firewood for your he religious? Not in any living religion. Is it spiritual? Very much.