Wage Gap

Hey, Sup Forums. I'm in uni right now and I am taking a sociology course for one of my GE classes. We're going to talk about the wage gap next class and I want to be prepared for this with actual statistics. I know, for example, that women work less than men which means that they get paid less. However, are there any other factors that affect the difference in pay? And what sources did you use to justify that the wage gap doesn't exist? Thanks in advance.

It's an earnings gap. Women, on average, are more likely to be stay-at-home moms. All the top paying fields in society, like rocket engineers and STEM fields like it, are heavily dominated by men. Not because women aren't allowed or inherently unsuited for the jobs, but because they choose to study other fields, that happen to have lower wages associated with them.

The earnings gap exists in Denmark and many other countries too, and we have EQUAL PAY BY LAW. Companies literally cannot pay men and women different wages for the same work. But there's still a gap. Why?

Some of the fields women traditionally go into (education, nursing) pay less. The feminists claim that this isn't an issue of personal preference, but that the patriarchy is shutting women out of stem fields, contributing to the wage gap myth.

Most information that supports the "wage gap" theory is simply statistics taken, and then an opinion/agenda slathered on top of it. I don't know if there is anything credible you can find anywhere to support either side of the argument.

Try thinking it through dummy. Stop perpetuating the myth by not being able to figure your shit out. Equal Pay Act of 1963. It's illegal to discriminate pay based on sex. Every other factor is irrelevant and stupid Marxist bullshit.

Also, you do not have to disprove the wage gap. They have to prove it. Ask them to supply a single study or statistic that says there is a disparity in the wages between genders.

The only one they can possibly cite, compares the average lifetime income of men to that of women, resulting in a 77% disparity. This, to anyone who isn't retarded, just means that over a whole life, women earn less money than men. There is not a single study anywhere in the world that says women are paid less for equal work.

>tfw my mother makes more than any man in her position in the state
>laughs whenever she sees anything about wage gaps

there is no wage gap, or possibly a very minor gap
earning gap =/= wage gap

I know that, you fucking mong. But I'm going to talk to people that have a lower IQ than a fucking zucchini. I can pose a great argument, but if I don't have numbers or sources or examples, their liberal minds just shut off.

It's not working less. The main idea is that women take easier less stressful jobs which in turn causes the "wage gap"

Pro tip:

Their liberal minds will still shut off, even if you have numbers, sources, or examples. Because FEELINGS!

>I know that, you fucking mong.
>but if I don't have numbers or sources or examples,
THE EQUAL PAY ACT OF 1963 YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGER. That's all you need. It is illegal for any of their perceived shit to happen. What statistics are you looking for if not actual textbook law saying they're fucking retarded faggots for thinking their stupid shit? Here have an infographic

So, what it comes down to is that women choose less stressful jobs and because of that, their total earnings are less than men. On top of that, they do not spend as much time in the workforce which also hinders their total earnings.

Along with this, it's not that there's a stigma against women in STEM fields or higher paying jobs, but that they're a rarity within those fields. Is this a correct evaluation?

This unfortunately desu

If they start trying to say that there is a gap in pay between men and women, or quote that '77 cents on the dollar' lie, politely inform them that if that were true, in order to reduce costs companies would ONLY hire women as it would increase their profits. The fact that they don't do this means that the wage gap isn't real.

Don't even bother doing this man
Don't show your power level lad, it will make you look like an autistic retard

More or less accurate, yeah.

If you're gonna argue liberals, don't try to talk facts unless they specifically ask you to. Just tell them to prove that the wage gap exists. Say "I've never seen any evidence that the wage gap exists. Have you?" If they say yes, ask them to show it to you. They can't.

This is why you should always actually look at graphs

I did that today and my professor said that such an idea is not what current trends show in statistics which is bullshit, I asked he about what trends she was citing and she didn't come up with a damn thing. I feel like this may be a lost cause seeing how close-minded she is, but it's worth a shot to at least let my opinion be heard.

Shut the fuck up goy just believe all graphs you see! Correlations are always causations!

Well, I did this concerning the population increase as my class was dead set that the world is overpopulated. I came back with my report on it that the global birthrate has dropped tremendously and if it doesn't rise, we will see roughly 900,000,000 Chinese and Indians go extinct by 2050. Nobody had a counterargument. So I think it's better to speak than sit in my desk.

There's your problem. Academics tend to be very set in their ways and this is very true when it comes to female academics. I'm an Econ student and the only female academic who teaches us is this Australian woman (her specialty is labor market discrimination) who is pretty much the laughing stock of the course. None of the other lecturers even like her which is hilarious.