My University just announced a "White Privilege Workshop"

For the most part my university as not allowed shit like this to infiltrate the mainstream. But they have just opened up a (((workshop))) for whites looking to learn about their inherited privilege.

Since this event is so close to me I will be taking it upon myself to go there and raise points that would be frowned upon.

Give me your best memes, redpills, and infographics on the anti-white meme.

Other urls found in this thread:

Print out a "Black teen gets accepted to every Ivy League school" article and then a print-out of stats on how uni application numbers are skewed towards blacks

I thought race didn't exist
how can there be white privilege if race is a social construct?

jewgle interracial rape stats

lmao this is a good one

1. Go to your university admissions page.
2. Print out all of the scholarships white people cannot apply for.
3. Bring it to the workshop, and wear body armor.


Go and make up stories about how you grew up in Appalachia in a trailer to meth addict parents and that the Black trailer park supervisor raped your mother because they were late on rent. Say you still understand privilege though because one time a cop pulled you over and gave you a ticket instead of shooting you.

I have irish heritage. So if she pulls the "you have no idea what its like to be oppressed" I'll just bring up my ancestors. Cause if black people can do that for slavery I believe that is fair game.

When is the panel on jewish privilege?


This, if they reject your anecdotal evidence then hit them with the actual statistics. Don't forget about the study showing that blacks are less likely to be shot than whites when dealing with police.


Request a black privilege workshop then sue them if they don't accept.

Don't sperg out on them.

Call out their Newspeak when they use alternate definitions of words.

Use statistics of how hard Asians have to work to get into college, etc... don't make it about yourself at all because they will drown you in their bullshit.


I wouldn't go there to stir shit up. Rather, I'd go there to gather info about what the workshop is all about. Namely, what kind of behavior and mindset does the workshop try to instill in white people?

The idea is that all occurrences of a concept like "white privilege" is to be understood in a broader context of inter ethnic warfare, whereby non whites marshall rhetorical and conceptual weapon so as to make sure white people give them access to some of their resources like positions within certain institution, representation in the media, welfare benefits, preferential treatment and so on.

Seen this way, white privilege becomes a strategy used to condition white people to learn that the things they enjoy are not legitimately theirs, and that they ought to give them up (to non whites, of course) as a result.

Of course, your country is the most cucked being on this planet

The US sure is a SJW shithole.

This is what happens when you let private business run your entire higher education sector.

Also inb4 delusional Americans claiming that this is a global phenomenon.

Ask them about the wage gap, specifically if women are paid 23% less (give or take) than a man, why don't companies exclusively hire women to cut on labour costs? Mix race in, and you would look at 30 to 40% savings when hiring black women

>not enough black people are becoming doctors
>lower standards to meet racist quotas

Yeah basically just point out how fucking bad certain "white groups" had/have it but then pivot and act ignorant like them and say they are still privleged because (insert ridiculous white privilege claim). I would have so much fun with it. Just claim to be such a cuck that it actually insults the meeting and makes it seem like a parody

>Black and Hispanic teachers to dumb to teach

may this come from the stupidity of other burgertards? no pro jewish tho

Turn the tables. Ask why they make it about white privilege instead of black burdons.

If as they claim black people deal with racism, cops pulling them over, etc... why should the absence of that be a privledge? Sounds like they want to take it away. Honestly I think white people would be more sympathetic if it was refrained this way. Bring blacks up to our level, not cut whites down.

(((white privilege workshop)))

Its happening to all of us. At least I am trying to bring up reasonable debate before they can indoctrinate more people.

Can I get the shut it down meme? Preferably the drop down menu

it's also what happens when you base your "culture" around war.
when there's no war going on, shit gets ugly.

"This is probably the dumbest decision I have ever made."
>almost kills a baby
>probably in the top 10 dumbest things I ever did

Just remembered a story my flatmate told me a few weeks back. She was in class, had a lesson which focused on the US and racism.

Now there are a few US foreign students in her course, and so she tells me that when discussion turns to black on white racism, the American foreign students insist that black people can't be racist to white people. Everyone else, prof included, agreed that racism was just racism.

She's asian as well, so it's not just a white people thing.

This is why white people are doomed. Yall just want to meme instead of fighting people and kicking these traitors heads in.

Affirmative action and minority quotas are state sanctioned black privelage

Said the fucking leaf

Do they actually have a thing that says "whites need not apply"?

I was lucky enough to escape all this shit before graduating and I grew up and still live in a very conservative white homogenous place so none of this shit really applies here.

They would say some jewry like the privilege exhists because of the social construct and thats what they are trying to break down with the class.

I dont know if facts will work with people that emotionally compromised. You need to be prepared with facts but you need to outjew the jew with emotional arguments. Maybe point out black vs asian acceptance scores, act sad and say you thought people were supposed to be equal?

Obviously they dont say that but theres the United Negro College Fund, minority loan programs, promoting women in STEM, etc.

Liberals are like women. They dont listen to logic or reason or even emotion. Only strength and fear.

They usually don't say, "Kill whitey," but it's pretty freakin' obvious from the scholarship descriptions that there's no reason to even bother applying.

argue it's a good thing, because it also them to criticize it, if white privilege was so destructive and hurtful, institutionally, it wouldn't be allowed to be talked about.
>the fact that we are allowed to talk about white privilege, proves that it's great

If whites are so racist and oppressive, why does everyone and their mom want to live with us?

Yes yes. This

OP: Print out some pro-white posters and leave them around campus.

oy gevalt!
stop those hatefacts immediatly!

Wait... What if...Mmm...How much percentage of the cuckoids loudspeaking are just some retards like us pretending being retarded?

Lots of useful talking points by the one researcher in the thread.

Shut it down. Act like Antifa do and get it shut down however you have to.

this nigga pretty dumb

Make a petition to shut them down.
Get others into it.
Don't alloy your univeristy to fall into this pit of shit made by sjw-s and neo-commies.

Also check this site out and spread it among the freshmen:

Meant allow.

just say
feelsgoodman to be white, sorry negros you'll never know!

i don't understand why whites don't just embrace their privilege in these classes and make everyone feel bad that they don't have privilege.

Point out all the things that make your whiteness better like

i love to be able to travel anywhere in the world and be admired for my whiteness
i love to be able to speed without getting pulled over
i love being able to get loans easily
i love being white because it's the epitome of beauty around the world
i love going to a job interview and feel comfortable

shiiiiiit nigger embrace your whiteness

>american universities

Raise the points that most of it is just socioeconomic advantages. When they inevitably turn on you ask them do they think the white son of some trailer trash family is more priviledged than the son of a black lawyer. Do they believe he will have an easier life and so forth. Just ignore their feeling based drivel and keep on subject and ask them for proof and examples of their claims, they will offer no explanation that will justify this white bashing.


Remind them that a privilege is by DEFINITION Something granted to a group, to the exclusion of others, by a superior 3rd party.
Ask them, from their perspective, who would that 3rd party be?
When SJW complain about "privilege" they are in fact complaining about "better than them", which might aswell be, let's face it, anyone who is not a SJWtard.

haha, go in there and declare it cancelled on behalf of god-emperor trump. MAGA, brother

Why are you wasting time and money at an university

I second this. That'd be so funny.

>"white have socioeconomic advantages"
Amen brother! I mean, even homeless white people are advantaged cos like even though I was poor my whole life I still was able to work hard, got good grades and made it to college.

>"whites aren't suspected of crimes"
Yeah true, true. There were a lot of black people in my neighbourhood and some of them stole the speakers out of my moms car, but if I did that, people wouldn't say I did it just cos Im white? So how come when they do it people think they did it cos they are black?

Just act like such a fucking cuck who agrees with them 100% but all the content of every story you tell still shows how fucked blacks are hahaha

should have a black criminality workshop as well. Same idea.