High paying repetitive jobs like lawyers, accountants are vulnerable to automation warns report

>If you're an accountant, lawyer or data analyst, a robot may soon take over your job.

>A new report from the International Bar Association suggests machines will most likely replace humans in high-routine occupations. The authors have suggested that governments introduce human quotas in some sectors in order to protect jobs.

>The authors have suggested that governments introduce human quotas in some sectors in order to protect jobs. Gerlind Wisskirchen, a lawyer for labour and employment law, coordinated the study, which started one-and-a-half years ago.

>The report suggests that the jobs at risk are high-routine ones, such as accounting and lawyers.

>Financial services are more at risk than legal roles though, as algorithms are easier for a computer to synthesise when compared to maintaining client relationships and drafting new legislature.


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>If you're an accountant, lawyer or data analyst, a robot may soon take over your job.
Not a robot, an algorithm. And an algorithm is much cheaper than a robot.

that shit could/should have been replaced by computers since the 90's

we'll all be pet psychologists and youtube celebrities when the dust settles

>>The authors have suggested that governments introduce human quotas in some sectors in order to protect jobs. Gerlind Wisskirchen, a lawyer for labour and employment law, coordinated the study, which started one-and-a-half years ago.
>>The report suggests that the jobs at risk are high-routine ones, such as accounting and lawyers.


Suburban and rural retard lawyers and accountants want Drumpf to stop progress so they can stop robots from taking their jobs. They should just accept that they will lose their jobs and live a minimalist lifestyle when the Guaranteed Income programs are started.

It's better for the planet. All these lawyers and accountants should be living in tiny apartments and only using public transportation to get around. Reduce their carbon imprint.

There's gonna be a Constitutional crisis if the state tries to replace public defenders with machines.

I'm ok with robots taking every job and replacing humanity entirely

How soon till an algorithm takes over the government?

socialism is the natural concluson of capitalism. automation will lead to full blown communism

I'm going to law school and fuck you, leaf.

>mfw i'm a biomed research scientist and will not be replaced by AI in my lifetime

This. Lawyers and accountants are uneducated rural and suburban retards, so they can starve for all I care. The sooner those people die off the sooner we can have real progress in this country. I can't wait! :D

>Lawyers and accountants



>lawyers replaced by robots

.... how? Wouldn't it be the paralegals who draft all the repetitive documents who are going to get axed?

>Lawyers and accountants are uneducated rural and suburban retards

>implying anyone educated would have their jobs at risk of being automated

It's glorified blue-collar work, and I can't wait to automate you out of a job. America WILL become more educated and diverse as you rural and suburban retards fade away.

it can't come soon enough

Automation is great.

I work in an electrical power generation plant. Over the last 100 years manpower demand has shrunk by a factor of 20 while output has gone up by maybe a factor of 100 in the industry.

Humans are only around because the finial push to total automation just doesn't have a payoff and current regulations demand that you need at least one human around which seems like a hard lower limit.

The day when I can access legal services for 1/100th of what it costs now will be nice.

How will jews stop uncaring A.I?

I was just curious as I've never heard that before. I too would like America to be more educated and less retarded.

>Get virtual accountant
>Don't get antivirus/fire wall
>Get's hacked/infected
>Stuck without an accountant for a few days at most.

I'm all for improvements in technology, but there is still a major problem here.

I guess it's fine if we replace lawyers with robots. It's not like either one has a soul.

Sh-should I not go to law school after I get my bachelors, Sup Forums?

4 year college educated accountants tend to be more like financial analysts.

Im an accountant and my job is to analyze monthly financial data and track down the cause of anything that looks strange.

A computer will never be able to do that. Accounting is already very automated.

People who say accounting and law will become dont know what the job actually entails.

The only vulnerable area of accounting at the high level is tax. And thats if the goverment just decides to make it very simple.

I can't wait for robots to replace health care professionals including doctors. Those are the most stuck up retards yet their whole job essentially consists of following flowcharts

Dont listen to these idiots. Lawyers and tax accountants are dependent on the law. The job they do cant be automated but it can be done away with if we decide to simplify our laws.

Yea dude, webmd is already great at diagnosing, the reason why it has done away with doctors completely

Some aspects of law could be automated, but some not. In some of the dealings I've had to hire lawyers for, like estate law, I don't want code wading through all the bullshit.

That's for stuff outside of a courtroom. Inside, no fucking way. No judge is going to hear arguments from a fucking computer.

its clickbait

>vulnerable to
Already being replaced desu. I'm a software engineer who works with accounting and finance systems. Huge numbers of accountants have had their jobs automated already. This isn't even one of those "needs more machine learning," things. Accounting is comparatively trivial to automate with the algorithms of ten years ago.

butthurt medstudent detected

if you think a doctor could diagnose better than a robot you are absolutely retarded, in fact i bet the doctor would do a better and more accurate job because he wouldnt let his personal biases affect his decisions and instead just let the objective lab tests decide the diagnosis

>People who say accounting and law will become dont know what the job actually entails.
This is literally what truck drivers keep saying. You're both wrong.

>Can't be automated

You would think at one point people would stop saying this as every time someone says that their job is the next to get automated.

Happening sooner than you think


Radiologists.will go first (well... anesthesiologists and pathologists kind of already have)

Wont be completely replaced for a long time. Look at ERP systems and accounting. Maybe cost a few jobs but also created tons of new, different ones

*robot doctor

What about lobbyists? Any chance of those getting automated?

fuck yeah

fuck all assorted pharmakikes

>thinking any of this is a bad thing

A lawyer's job is to use every law to their advantage to try and win the case for their client, and if justice truly does prevail then the guilty won't be able to swindle their way out in a fair courtroom. However, many MANY of our lawyers are incompetent fucks, so the side that has money for the best and most lawyers wins. A robot/algorithm would shit all over the losers and be on equal playing field vs a good lawyer, something this stupid system needs if we require the defendant to be appointed a lawyer if they don't have their own.

As for accountants, a lot of their job is already automated for good reason. Most people who cry about losing their job are the ones that steal money or they're paid to fraud for their company. Only legitimate concerns about automation in accounting are glitches and downtime, but if the stock markets didn't give a fuck about those problems I doubt the government would care too down the line about replacing accountants. Well except democrats, because the taking government via accounting tricks.

Like how TurboTax has put a lot of tax preparation out of work.

But law is a different matter. Law isn't black and white, and you can't flowchart all of it. It depends on what part of law practice they're talking about. One of the aspects that could be automated is legal research. But anything in the court, or related to the court - nope. Unless it's simple stuff like automated services to prepare and file motions, and simple lawsuits. But anything that requires an officer of the court, ie. a lawyer, that's where this ends, because they'd have to redefine officer of the court. And, the judges won't stand for it. The heart of law, when it comes to the court, is arguments - and computers can't do that.

>robots replace everyone's jobs
>dont need to work so the risk of injury or transmitting disease is now 0%
your not wrong you wont be replaced your now just completely irrelevant.

Yes. The problem is knowing which tests to order in a time and cost effective manner. Coming soon

Also... plumbers and garbage collectors literally save more lives than doctors. Medfags BTFO

did you loose your custardy battle?

>The problem is knowing which tests to order in a time and cost effective manner
Essentially just follow a flowchart, it's what doctors do already

there will be a lot of if-statements in the code

>Im an accountant and my job is to analyze monthly financial data and track down the cause of anything that looks strange.
>A computer will never be able to do that. Accounting is already very automated.

That is exactly what a large neural network does better than humans.

If you read more into it what they're really talking about are the low ends of these jobs.

Low end lawyers really just look things up and write legalese documents. They never set foot into a courtroom. So no, you can't replace all lawyers but there is a wide swath of low end law jobs that lawyers do which computers will replace (I imagine a lot of it is already semi-automated. You can research more with a computer in 15 minutes than you could have with a team of 6 lawyers 50 years ago, I'm sure.)

I'm sure it's the same for accounting. Some of it will require a human for the foreseeable future. Low end accounting will get replaced.

I can't be automated.

>government jobs
Good riddance.

>was in the army
>officer so paperwork all day every day
>most of my time was spent on paperwork
>most of the paperwork could simply be handled by a machine if we had the option to
>majority of the work in the base could be handled by an automatic system without any major problem if we had one
>out of it 2 years ago and I am still having problems with some paperwork that needed to be done that was lost in a void
Just pay me the money you owe me fucking government faggot

are you saying that as automation has increased cost has gone up yet when automation is complete everything will be some how free? let me tell you the tale of a people known as the jews....

Lawyers aren't going to be replaced because robots cannot pass the bar. It is going to hit those in support roles (paralegals, legal assistants), but even that's going to have a marginal effect imo.

They also float these "stories" every couple years and they don't really pan out.

i do to.....

yay for communism

A robot would have to be an officer of the court - that means, it would have to have passed the Bar. Doing away with that would destroy the legal profession. There are reasons officers of the court have to be trained and licensed, and held to things like oaths, so if they lie, they can be punished. How do you punish an algorythm? You really think juries are going to be swayed by a computer? You're talking about undermining the foundations of law in our system, and there's no way that's happening in our lifetime. AI simply isn't up to the task, and I don't think anyone is ready to give legal protections and power as an officer of a court, to code.

>not employing machine learning

Yeah, i agree. But the regulatory difficulties and opposition my medical establishment jews will hinder progress. The regulatory review alone will takes years and years.

No, he won his chocolatey battle.

CUSTODY, you illiterate moron.

>doctors just follow flowcharts
You're retarded, m8.

yeah its called a text message and paypal

>Im an accountant and my job is to analyze monthly financial data and track down the cause of anything that looks strange.

Dude, a bot is very efficient at doing exactly this. reCAPTCHA works this way. It analyzes and learns from behavior from billions of clicks and is very good at telling if something is afoot. That's why there are much less bots on 4chin than back in the days with the old captchas.

not seeing the parallel with the shit spewed with liberals when we talk about bringing manufacturing back
not understanding these cubicle pooftah are terrified of losing their i-spend-75%-of-my-time-on-normiebook job.
not considering all the implications, in their entirety.

You want computers to negotiate settlements? Good luck with that - corporations will LOVE that, because they can hire better coders to outwit the court's code.

did the little white coated autist fee-fees get hurt?

Just wait until everybody in the medical field is laid off due to AI

A lot of my work has been built upon leveraging relationships with elected officials in my locality. No chance in hell I'll get automated, but I like the joke.

>A computer will never be able to do that
Says the increasingly nervous accountant

>has an inferiority complex
>I'm the one with hurt fee-fees

>always makes the nigger plead out because they're always guilty

No, not really. Its an algorithim. Just not a computer coded one. There's literally tomes of logistics literature for medicine (emergency medicine in particular) that are just complicated flow charts. And EHR systems can do crazy shit already.

>inferiority complex

youre the guy who is scared shitless of being replaced by inanimate objects kek!

Haha, good, they're all faggots anyway.

>bots have algorythm so perfected they can litterally detect when a female is pregnant before she even knows it
>my job is 100% safe
oke doke

Robots be raycis n shiet we need mo money fo dem programs

B-But I start law school next semester...

We need automated diagnosis machines that gets a lab, imaging or pathology result and pairs it with the most expected disease. Then another machine that determines the best treatment possible considering the data it has, patient age, other health problems, allergies, medication costs, side effects,etc.

Every time the system is in doubt you could just send the data to a central and have a human expert analyze it and give another command to the machines.

You will never be able to substitute the man 100%, at least not until our AI overlords are great enough to enslave us as cattle, but you can greatly reduce the workforce needed.

Not everything can be flow charted, especially with symptoms. Or, conditions that simply don't have an answer. When my mom was dying of cancer, at several points, she developed symptoms and conditions the doctors never figured out.

Intuition can't be coded. Until it can, we need humans doing the work.

>mfw I went to school for Robotics

That's what's meant by "robot".

lol fag.
Should still be able to get your money back up to a few weeks in ;)

Shit i graduate with a degree in accounting next year am i fucked Sup Forums?

Motherfucker did you even read what I wrote. If it takes "wit" then it won't be taken over by computers.

But there are a lot of aspects of a lot of high paying jobs that require no wits at all and can be automated.

Too bad any AI they make has all logic and reason ripped from it becuase they always turn into literal Nazi if not.

im a freshman in college current major accounting- i need to know if this is good choice or not too

how the hell is "lawyer" a repetitive job? there's no way they just stand around and scream "I REST MY CASE" with the same repetitiveness of warehouse or assembly line work.

if that really is """" repetitve"""" then I think I'm ready for a job change.

>everybody losing their job and then starving to death
sounds correct.
why do commies hate food so much?

>mfw i'm a biomed research scientist and will not be replaced by AI in my lifetime

You know, computer can design more efficient antennas than human engineers, same for computer chip design

There pretty much already are automated diagnostic machines. Look up bioMerieux. Its just crazy expensive

TurboTax is one of many companies we contract with. Almost none of their stuff is in-house. The major stumbling block to massive expansion in the accounting automation process is residual fuzzies in the tax code every year that are meant to provide a loophole for some, but might get others prosecuted. This means at the high end there will always be room for accounting wizards who are willing to use loopholes we can't guarantee to everyone.

>But law is a different matter. Law isn't black and white, and you can't flowchart all of it.

Right. Law runs into the same fuzzies problem. I am dubious about the law automation meme too. That said, if you just always biased the law in a predictably progressive manner it could be done. Of course that would lead to a nightmare scenario for everyone else, but it certainly could be done. I imagine the more they push this as a possibility the more wacko judicial precedent trolling court cases will be brought just to stat-pad.

To some extent that happens too. Used to be you'd hire a lot of low end guys to carry out experiments by hand. A lot of that work is already automated.

You still need real scientists to do research but the a lot of the manual tasks of testing can be and have been and are being automated.

The moral of the story is don't suck at your job. Be one of the high end guys doing the real work.

its a pun your americans....

Good. (((Lawyahs))) are scum of the earth and accountants are just glorified paper pushers

do they not?

so a death threat text message and a paypal?

>financial analyst
Yeah no.

t. investment banker

get back to the field Mr toad

Accountant here.
Good job teaching a robot how to find loopholes in laws.
The truth is, both accountants and lawyers' main job is swimming through all the regulations, red tape and laws the (barely) human congressmen create. Sure, book keeping and forms can be automated, but accounting and law are essentially people jobs.

Incorrect. The algorithm is simply incomplete as of yet (ie the physicians had the wrong algorithm to predict the course of her disease). To be sure it will never really be perfect. But a machine analyzing literally millions of data points from patients can generate insights much more accurately than humans can (that is at least the idea). No single healthcare practioner can learn data published in papera better than a machine will be able to.

Get some SAP certifications.

Doctor robot consult when?
Even Akinator is more smart and precise than any doctor.

Akinator can tell me the exact person I'm thinking of in my mind, my doctor sticks a finger up my ass and tries to give me anti-depressants.

just do it bro fill in the time whilst you wait for the GBI to be implemented what else are you going to do anyway

dont stress your on more money then everyone else till the GBI gets brought in then who fucking cares anyway
t.current accountant student