What reaponses do you give when someone asks for you political views?

When talking to a girl and the topic of politics comes up? Do you avoid it? And if so, what do you say to avoid it?

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Fuck you.

Girls don't vote.

I don't talk to girls..

meal prepping instead of bull prepping for once leaf? looks good.

Does my mommy count?

if they directly ask I tell them. Their pussy isn't worth me cucking myself into saying I'm a lib.

If they don't ask and I'm trying to fuck I just ignore or change the subject.

sweet potato some shit.

>shut it down.

>tfw permabulk


kill yourself

Pro American sovereignty with our borders and a unified American culture.
I don't say that it's only white people though.
I'd say paleo-con is she pressed the subject.

"I'm apolitical"

"every issue is different, I don't fully agree with either party"


"but buy me another drink and I'll run for local office ;;;)))"

I say I tend to lean libertarian.

>being picky about food
wanna know how I know you're a limp wristed fag?
>interested in politics

Someone threw up in your lunch

Yeah im counting on around 1k of calories a meal. I do IF and go to university so i pretty much eat 2 meals a day and roll around 2.1k cals. Im losing weight for now so its super good.

Thats a pretty good way of going about it, i could do the same with European culture, even here in Canada. (Im european & foreign)

Sweet potato, haram pork, and green pepper.

The answers so far deal with a random slag youd wanna pump and dump however, what if you actualy meet a girl that youd like to stay with over a prelonged period of time? Do you hide your views completely or tell them that youre a monarchist, or as that user said "lean libertarian"

>friends who want to stay friends don't discuss politics

Depends on what she brings up

If a girl mentions something like "I wonder.. maybe taking in all these third worlders is a bad idea" I'll agree with her slip in s few subtle bits of redpil material and hope I've started her down the path. Same as I do with guys really if they have cucked opinions I just act not interested and walk on

I tell them I feel very strongly that they are a woman and their place in life is to serve, and that they are evolutionarily less intelligent since more of their life energy is devoted to reproductive cycles.

Honestly, this has gotten me laid quite a few times

What's the grey stuff?

Fuck you. that's like $30 worth of food he has

usually say something like "they're all crooks"

Say I'm a conservative. If she is conservative, it's a win situation. If she's not, she will admire that you had the balls to say it and will start watering for the BCD ( BIG CONSERVATIVE DICK). She knows all """male"" liberals are pussies.

I don't bring it up, I don't push it, but I don't back down either.
I've had a girl for nearly eight years now, I've never had my beliefs with anybody if they ask. Do not put the pussy on a pedestal, you'll get no respect.

I don't. Talking politics is for old faggots.

> I'm more interested in discussing what the mouth do, bitch

Wrong !

I call them a boring nerd.

Is it that bad in Canada? That's five at best here.

fucking cuck

I call myself a centrist. Get literally anyone to shut up and fuck off.

Shut up Suzanne

I tell them im a national socialist.
The national part makes them balk,
the socialist part makes them interested.

Then the work begins.

I say I'm extremely conservative, and go Trump!

So far no one has the balls to do anything about it besides the usual liberal whinging.

I just say i'm a rightwing conservative and that all the parties in canada are to liberal for me. Most of the time the drop the politics talk after that. Some keep it going and i piss them off with my views but thats on them they asked me questions and i answered them and they get angry. To many liberal faggots in this country i hate it.

Probably $10 dollars actually. Although you can get half a chicken on a plate heaping with rice and potatoes if you know where to go for $10

I let them know where I stand by casually bringing up womens rights.

At parties, If I'm asked, I'm honest. It's usually not a problem because the people in Williamsburg are just like me.

On the other hand, if I'm home in Ohio, I don't engage in conversation about politics.

I don't really get much chance to talk to girls who aren't my sister

I know right even the conservative party in canada are total fucking cucks. Then again, I'm temporarily in toronto and the entire city is full of blue pilled fags

the conservative party here is pretty much the democrats and that makes my piss boil.

also im in ottawa and its fucking libcucks as far as the eye can see. I hate going outside.

>I'm a centrist

Tell this to everyone, ALWAYS. Regardless of whether you're actually a centrist or you're conservative as fuck, telling people you're a 'centrist' and then (if convenient) explaining your viewpoints helps you avoid any possible stigma they might have. Most lefties are brainwashed to associate conservative/right values with church, family and other social stigmas -- and while they're not completely wrong, if you designate yourself as a conservative then no matter how well you explain your views to them, they'll still hold some stigma and not be acceptive to what you hear.

i tell them im an anarcho-communist and i get a bj immediately


>talking to a girl
>about politics
You fucked up, move the conversation back to fluff and sexual innuendo

proud of ur meal planning

you tell her you are apolitical if you dont want to talk about it or voice your view if u wanna man up

I'm a high level manager at my work (fisheries manager/scientist) and everyone knows that I'm identify primarily as a fascist (of course they don't know what it means) because I think that the vast majority of people out there are cattle and need to be controlled, we covered that years ago, so, people just don't bring it up.

Also, I'm pretty intelligent, have a PhD and the people that work for me are mostly 20-30 somethings with B.S. or less and they know I debate without (or with little) emotion and stick to facts, I think that type of debating is boring or something for youth.

The topic just goes without being broached, we just fish.

University of Alberta campus is the same.

this works 100% of the time.

There's nothing that makes pussy dry faster than sexual innuendo moron
Every step towards sex must be non-verbal; pick-up 101 for fuck's sake

I just change the subject quickly and efficiently. Most people don't actually want to talk politics anyway

I thought waterloo would be better since its a ways off from toronto but the University of Waterloo is cucked as fuck now and the University of Laurier shut some guy down for posting a satirical ad with the word "slave" in it. Blue pilled SJWs taking over everything.

>There's nothing that makes pussy dry faster than sexual innuendo moron
You must quite inarticulate.

Obviously you gotta be subtle with it without being overtly brash - and of course part of the innuendo implies the non-verbal aspect ei: dominant posturing, movement, touching etc

If you're with a woman who is interested in what you're saying, don't be coy about making your intentions clear. Women love to be desired/wanted, and in fact think about sex more than men.

If she asks I will reveal my power level, if I'm trying to get a life partner and she backs away because of my political views then she isn't fucking worth my time and I'll be glad to not waste my energy with an obviously incompatible match.

"You must quite inarticulate"

Oh shit the grammar police is patrolling in full force tonight

Accidentally deleted the *be, guess Ill go an hero now

>europeans in charge of reproductive rituals

no wonder you're being replaced

> When talking to a girl and the topic of politics comes up do you avoid it? And if so, what do you say to avoid it?
Da ryce an poom poom, get it all up, sookit all up in me mout den I kiss me lip, cha"

I understand your confusion, nowhere did I mention getting a sex change, which I guess is the routine for men in your country

you know you guys import almost all of them, right?

Paris and Barcelona are famous for their tranny slave-traffic. Ty for taking our scum.


Were you speaking to me? I don't understand.

>I'm apolitical
>I don't follow politics
It's a shite state of affairs.

Yes, and I have the best strategy. I make a quick probing attack at the first opportunity, wherein it's not obviously shoe-horned.

"What do you think of Trump?"

If she says 'good,' "Yeah, I love his kids. I want a large, awesome family like his."

If she says 'bad', "Awww... you don't want a beautiful large family?"

This way I've taken the highground, but proven I could almost certainly outsmart her in a debate. This forces them to avoid the subject, or reveal them as a nutcase with no self control.

Because women are so malleable, they'll slowly convert to Pro-Trump as long as you retain her respect.

Is this directed at me? I don't understand what you mean. This is confusing. My grandson put this channel on for me but it's hard to follow the conversation.

You know this is going really well right now. I don't want to risk to fuck this up for some political stuff.
But if she insist, then talk about it. If she is a leftist snowflake, better for you to know get too close with her. Before you got a rape accusation

I redpill her gently using facts only




I am honest and offensive, that pulls the grills what ever you think

I just say really vague things that could apply in several different ways. I'm not super red pilled by Sup Forums's standards, but I do hold some views that are extremely controversial (IQ is genetic which explains why blacks have a lower mean IQ - this isn't really an opinion, more a statement of fact, but so be it in addition to some conspiracy theories I entertain (I think it's likely JFK was killed by some US government actors or some such actors participated in the conspiracy, I think it's likely that TWA-800 was shot down by the government, possibly because it had been hijacked or friendly fire, I think that the American anthrax attacks were likely not done by Bruce E. Ivins alone, and likely had involvement from actors within the US government in order to scare people and allow the PATRIOT act to be rammed through congress)). I almost never talk conspiracy theories with women I'm interested in (occasionally, I'll argue something stupid like chemtrails or 9/11 being an inside job just to piss people off, I'm a convincing enough debater that I can generally raise points others can't respond to and in effect win the argument). I did date a girl for a while who was with me on JFK so we did talk about that a bit. As for politics itself my controversial views (race realism, clamp down on immigration in general, but especially for illegals and refugees, not wanting to allow parents to pressure pre-pubescent children into being transgender, not believing that gender-queer or non-binary are real, etc.) generally don't come up, or I just don't bring them up.

This is a real concern, perhaps he should document all of his encounters with her.

Don't use facts, humans generally don't agree with facts that don't reinforce their existing beliefs. Use leading questions. This is how you get someone thinking, and when they are thinking that's when the facts can seep in past that mental block.

conservative with liberal views

I've found women don't enjoy talking about politics, plus you already know ~80% of women's stances on every issue.

2-3 lbs ground turkey, bell peppers and sweet potatoes is more than $5

Centrist now means far right compared to the left

You don't avoid, you say it with full confidence.

>When talking to girls
Do you know where you are!?!?!?!?

Would you ever give it over with that meme of "nobody on pol gets laid", this board has more married men than any other board on Sup Forums.

Its like 13 bucks for 5 pounds of beef (this is not lean)

The yams are like a dollar each. These 2 meals are around 6 - 8 dollars together.

This is not a good idea if you have to go and partake in an institution which is looking for so called racists to make an example out of.

I go full 1488 like an autist and then I wonder why they don't want to talk with me amymore :^(

Suzanne yuck !

tell them i love puppies and doggos instead because they don't believe in politics

>>Hey user whats your political opinion?
>The world is fucked

I would avoid it/outright tell her I have no interest in talking politics unless we were dating for awhile. I wouldn't continue a serious relationship if one of us were vehemently pro/against certain issues and it would interfere with day to day life.

It's also hard for me to "pick a side", since I'm pretty much all over the board politically. I'm:

>pro separation chuch-state
>pro marijuana
>pro death penalty
>pro small government
>anti-immigration (environmental concerns)

People tend to think I'm trolling them with my views. Makes having a legitimate conversation hard when people just want you to fall in line with political lines.

I feel uncomfortable discussing that, coming from a place of privilege
>shuts down good goys erry time

I'd default to generic descriptions like conservative unless they were talking specifics. If you get into the meat of it make sure to frame things as a moral issue if you can. Most people only have strong beliefs for the purpose of virtue signaling to their peers, be they liberal or conservative. Liberals especially derive pleasure from having beliefs that make them feel like good people.

So if you criticize welfare, talk about how it destroys the human spirit and self esteem when someone is handed something without working for it, or if it's affirmative action talk about how it's basically just paternal racism to expect less of minority students.

You always have to make it look like you're the nice guy, not the smart/rational/pragmatic guy. Nobody wants to hear about how something will wreck our finances or how everyone having a computer science degree saturates the job market and makes the degree worthless for everyone. Difficult truths don't make them feel good, so they'll resist it. Optics are EVERYTHING

I say constitutionalist. It sounds good to other americans and the chance of them going home and looking up the constitutional party's platforms is slim.

I say im a nationalist and very conservative, and that woman and men in general tend to have very different roles in society. Yet they dont mind, why?
Cause im Iranian and muslim.

Feelz good being a minority sometimes.

I say libertarian, but I will go Hoppean "physical removal" anarchist if pushed on it.

i go full an-cap
then when people are comfortable with that (because anarchism is hip and inoffensive) i slip in the fascism

I focus on things most people can agree on or at least respect initially.

For me I'm right libertarian so initially I'll talk about corruption, my concern over the national debt, my preference for small government, my distrust of the state and the futility of our interference in the middle east. Only once I trust someone will I start talking about how taxation is theft or how we should all be armed and ready to overthrow the government if the need arises.

Uncomfortable truths like the relative intellect of various races or the fact that Muslims worship a child rapist I rarely touch without internet anonymity and I won't bring them up unless I'm extremely confident they're going to agree.

I never say anything without anonymity that I wouldn't be prepared to say in an interview on television unless I absolutely trust everyone I tell it to.

I say I'm a nazi with a straight face and watch as their laughter turns nervous and the go quiet while they try to decide if I'm being serious. Usually works to shut people up because I'm not a pussy and I'll say what I think if they push after that.

Bring up holohoax lies. Redpill on immigration and islam. Make nigger jokes.

After you fucked em well you can say whatever you want. Don't be a pussy about it.


god sweet potatoes are so fucking disgusting