Lads, leave saving France and Europe to me

Lads, leave saving France and Europe to me.

You only want us to vote for him so that our talented lads become fiscal refugees in London

Non, bien au contraire, parce que je crois en l'Europe et que la moitie de ma famille est francaise (du sud ouest) et j'espere venir vivre la bas apres les etudes.

Read his program. He wants to increase both taxes and public spending. He wants to tax the income of french people living and working abroad. He doesn't want to leave the EU, which makes most of his program impossible to apply. He's also pro immigration, which means that your beloved sud ouest (je t'écris de Bordeaux l'ami) will keep getting darker and darker.

I don't disagree with everything of course. There's nice stuff in his program, especially on retirement, social security and direct democracy (référendum d'initiative populaire). But it's also present in Marine's program and we have way too much non whites and non french already

Ma famille est de Pau et Capbreton. :)

Oui je me suis renseigne sur son programme de la France Insoumise (avec un peu du mal meme si mon francais est correct) et pour l'instant c'est le seul qui presente a mon opinion une vrai alternative qui ne vient pas du Front National (being a possible future immigrant you might guess why I'd have issues with their politics) surtout maintenant que le Parti Socialiste est une blague. Je prefere changer l'Europe et rester dedans plutot que la quitter (why I'd rather leave before Brexit gets implemented).

Sur les taxes on peut dire qu'il est honnete. Taxer les francais vivant en dehors de la france evite l'evasion fiscale. Il est pour l'immigration mais pas non plus pour une overture totale des frontieres. Immigration can be beneficial to a country (e.g. the UK).

About the sud ouest getting darker, well, that's just your personal issue with it but it's not mine. Culture and patois will never be lost. Hell, I'm calling it a chocolatine and I'm not even French. :)

Looks like you need some free helicopter rides

>Je prefere changer l'Europe

Rien que pour toucher à un traité européen, il faut l'accord UNANIME des 26 pays de l'UE + Vote aux parlements de chaque pays ...
On ne peut pas changer d'Europe Nigel.
Melenchon veut la fin des travailleurs détachés, passer de 48 a 36h de travail maximum, il ne trouvera pas l'accord des 26 pays ...

There's literally nothing wrong with giving a good idea a shot, my friend. And if Melenchon wins, he will put in place an assemblee constituante anyway so you guys will be able to make your own decisions.

Don't be the guy who never plays the lottery and then bitches about never winning it.

Yeah, it sucks that a good chunk of his voters are disgruntled commies and he has to pander to them with that empty humanitarian drivel
It'd be amazing if he and Marine could find a way to make some sort of coalition and work hard on making policies that actually benefit people in this country, from their respective ideologies

The sad reality is that the road the EU is taking is not the one of having less of a hold on European countries.

I am a millenial, the EU was a promise forced on us that wasn't fulfilled.
Keeping good trade relations and Erasmus programs doesn't require for an unelected oligarchy to rule over it.

Enjoy living in a third world France my friend. I'm just glad I got out

>sous entendu que les gitans s'arretent a vintimille et cap d'ail

You don't even know what third world is, stop talking shit m9.

muh direct democracy..
Let France be a new empire with a great leader and not a shit progressive country

It's too late.

La France va se faire niquer par les musulmans.

The population that's already legally allowed to be there is going to multiply and overtake the native French population within 30 years, even if the Front National wins.


switch back to english lad, this is not 18-25

Tiger a shit

>Taxer les francais vivant en dehors de la france evite l'evasion fiscale

Nope, that's not it. They don't get to be taxed when living and working abroad because they already contribute there and use foreign infrastructure. There is litteraly no justification to tax the income of expat workers. Tax evasion is another beast entirely, and cannot be toppled while inside the EU (you'd have to repeal or change the Lisbon treaty, which needs the unanimity of members to be done. Luxembourg, begium, the netherlands, ireland... will NEVER vote for allowing a tax on the movement of capital because their economies thrive through tax evasion from productive countries). What you'll get if you try it is people willfully abandoning their french citizenship to escape the baguette curtain.

Immigration needs to be stopped almost completely, right now. More than 35% of newborns in France are non white, the french people will soon be a thing of the past. That's nice of you to know chocolatine but there's way more to it, and I can tell you that chocolatine and poche are maybe the only things people with immigration background know about our region. And I'm sorry but immigration being good for a country is a untrue: it's good for GDP, not for the average salary or for the betterment of living conditions. Which one is better to decide what's good for a country?

Oh and side note, the PS has always been a joke. So have all liberals (RPR, UMP, PS, modem, UDI) since giscard.

Chocolatine was just a silly example.
Trust me, I've got way more from my grandparents and mother and I'll always cherish that heritage.

As for the rest, it's only fair in my opinion that if you're a national, you have to contribute for the good of the country, regardless of where you might live. But it seems our opinions are far too apart for me to convince you otherwise (which isn't something I was trying to do btw). Don't forget to vote this month and vote by conviction, not by concession. :)

Hopefully for me I'll be able to live in France without having to ask for a visa in the near future.

Adiou! :)

Sure because what we need right now is more Muslims and more taxes.

Is this Bong un Espion français? Frogs please halp

Don Fillon will win.

The conspiracy and medias lynching did not work.

2 weeks left. Stamina gentlemen.

Trust a gold thief to support Fillon.

I'm not. OX16 here lad.

I enjoy you and your bois whining since weeks.

Don Fillon is still here.

Wait for the end of the campaign.

> it's only fair in my opinion that if you're a national, you have to contribute for the good of the country, regardless of where you might live

Let's say I'm born out of France to french parents, or in France to parents that immediately move out of the country. Do you still think the "original debt" to the FISC applies justly? The justification for taxes is the fact that by living, working and producing in a country you take advantage of infrastructure, healthcare, public education, even administration. By moving to another country you don't benefit from any of this anymore.

I was not trying to say that you don't know south west culture, I'm actually convinced you're way more versed in it that people that were born here to foreign parents or grandparents. This culture could not be transmitted to them. Immigrants have a habit to say that if you're a real french native you have "pas d'origines"

You would benefit from it if you have French citizenship so as long as your ID card says that you're French then I think it's fair to be taxed even if you live abroad.

As for people saying that being a French native means you don't have any origins then they're just idiots. Idiots are everywhere, man. And I think the people who don't wish to integrate aren't 100% at fault either (even though they're wrong and they should) but that would involve multiple factors such as how France dealt with decolonisation which is something I don't really wish to debate because I'm not too well versed in that area. I've always been left leaning, my grandfather was a resistant and a member of the PCF during the war. What I don't like people saying is that because I'm not against immigration, it automatically means that I don't care about patrimoine as you'd say. And I'm sure I'm not the only one and those who don't are still a minority.

I am very much a patriot of a country I'm not even a cotizen of but all I'm saying is that you can be a patriot whitout being nationalistic or even a white supremacist like you seem to be (correct me if I'm way out of line there, I really don't mean that as an insult).

But then again, that's where we seem to differ in our opinions! But that's good to have a civilised discussion especially on Sup Forums.

So what you're saying is we should be taxed on potentially benefiting from a system. I'm not against taxes, but I don't agree with this, both on principle and what it'll probably mean in practice. On top of people abandoning french citizenship I'm almost certain (though I have absolutely no source) that what meager taxes will be collected this way will barely offset the cost of collecting said taxes.

Do you know that french communists used to be against immigration? Look up Geroges Marchais, his "discours de la porte de Pantin" especially. I'm no white supremacist, but I do believe there are distinct "races" of humans (for lack of a better word) that all have different traits (both physical and somewhat behavioral). All I'm saying about non whites in France is that if they became a too high proportion of our population (which they do today), "La France ne serait plus la France". French ethnies and culture are disapprearing fast. I don't say that we're better or worse than non whites, just that this is who we are and that a genocide that takes a hundred years is still a genocide, not "progrès" or "changement" or "évolution". I love my people, my culture and my land and I don't want to see them gone. That's all there is to it.

Being a patriot means you're attached to your fatherland. That kinda includes wanting to preserve what makes it what it is, IMO.