Jews are inferior

>Jews are inferior
>Jews control the world

Choose one

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Do they control the world, any proof of that?

According to (((Sup Forums))), they control the media, banks, politics, etc. so basically yes

A parasite can absorb the vast majority of nutrients in its host, to the detriment of the organism it is living in. In this light, the parasite can be seen as successful, yet that does not make thebparasite any less distasteful.

I didnt say they were inferior but they are evil and demonic. And it'll be a good day when they are all shown the oven door

Thats just a complex way of saying they are superior, little johnny. The parasite has already taken control of the brain of the host and can tell the host to do whatever it please.
>they are evil and demonic
How so? Do you just consider all rich and successful people evil?

They are inferior because they have no humanity
They control the world because they have no humanity


>look at this BASED black guy in a trump hat XD

No one said jews are inferior, they are a cancer, that's all

Semitic Jews are the majority of all Jews and they have low IQs and are stuck in the middle east and are poor. So yeah.

A small minority of Jews are of European decent and they run the US. The US is fast transitioning into Brazil 2.0 so who cares. Let the Jews have their ghetto.

Yo these lil Jew girls need to sit on my pyramid building Iberian dick.

In my opinion the Jews are a very influential minority with a political agenda.

But that's it.

well look how they controlled everything also other jews (i know a lot of them and a friend teach in a jewish school) hate powerful jews because they're a mafia also many jews in Israel thinks that diaspora jewishs are lazy criminals, also jewish get fortune from many criminal business as example they bring black slavery with them in Brazil (sugar can) and also take it to North America (cotton).

>he believes might makes right

You're hit on a basic problem with language: most of our words don't have strict definitions regardless of what's in the dictionary. Each person has their own set of preconceived notions and connotations associated with words. In this case there is no set definition for the word superior. By your argument, we could say wheat is superior to humans. We expend a huge amount of our time and energy helping wheat to reproduce. We set aside huge tracts of land for the exclusive use by wheat. We educate our children to grow up to be scientists who labor hard to find ways to genetically improve wheat. We bring water and nutrients to wheat. Basically we are wheat's bitch. All we ask in return is to be able to eat the corpse of dead wheat while guaranteeing that we will nurture the next generation of wheat.

Wheat is superior to humans.

They obviously don't control the world, though. As evidenced by the recent elections.

That doesn't mean they didn't cause a lot of damage in the past or aren't still trying to destroy the west, because they obviously are. In the end, they'll get gassed just like they did last time. Some "master race."

>Jews are inferior
amoral and degenerate, they propagate everything destroying western civilization, porn, race mixing, gay marriage, destruction of the nuclera family, genderism, you name it. for the jew, the gentile is nothing but a pawn, they have less respect for us than the muslim, at very least the muslim is open about their believe in a false prophet. the jew is silent, schemeing, stabs you in the back, never changes

>As evidenced by the recent elections.
> drumpf is fathe of a jewess and is being manipulated by her husband

The federal reserve, the central banks, the whole diamond industry, big part of gold industry.

Real state specualtors, lawyers, lobbyst of any kind...

Who this bitch is??

Irish men and women are the highest paid ethnicity in the UK. Just so you know.

>(((Sup Forums)))

Keep trying kid. You'll fit in one day.

That is a lie. I thought White people control Media and banks. Look at the whitewashing in asian and african movies. Look at Bill Gates, he`s not Jewish, he`s white. What we need to worry about is not Jews, but White people. White people deserve to die out through succumbing to diversities

I wonder if the high verbal IQ works as well on east Asian languages. I suspect no because logograms draw on the visuospatial side of intelligence more than linear alphabets do? In which case we gotta stop teaching Chinks English b/c when we're gone they're gonna be all that stands between Earth and full retard

"White" isn't a race. Caucasian is a race. Caucasians have already taken most of the planet. North and south America, Europe, half of Asia, North Africa and Australia. Whites are just the best Caucasians.

>they obviously don't control the world
You do realize trump is a zionist puppet with multiple jewish relatives?

I'll choose Jews have nothing to do with me and should fuck off to Middle East

Yahweh = gnostic demiurge

>jews are inferior by lack of acceptance of evolution
>jews are the hand of the being that has corrupted them and enticed their greed, and HE controls the world.

solved and i didnt hav eto pick one.

The mental gymnastics are strong in this one

As far as I know you just have been running a 1/2 tax heaven for a couple of decades, apple amazon and many others just pay all their EU taxes there, and that is why irish are rich

>the world is shit cause it's ran by inferiors
Where is the contradiction?

Really? I don`t see no more than 30 white people in Tokyo. 50 if I travel to nearby cities

Whites wuz the greatest race in da wurld but then the evil jews came and tricked da white man and stole our civilization and now dey tell lies and conspire to keep da white man down

Stop throwing around buzzwords faggot, sage+hide


shill tread

Agatha looks like she stinks.

>In the UK.
Different country to Ireland.

Check out their military bases on your islands.

It's the kikes trying in infiltrate jap culture.

You know, in a tweet, the 'content' of the tweet is more important than who says it. So when someone shows you a tweet, what they are trying to do is to pass on to you the content, rarely anything else.
in this particular instance there's no meaning we can derive from the issuer in contrast to what he says. There's nothing that you could pick on to say that he's being proposed to us as 'based', or anything of that sort.

What I see is a pedestrian exchange, rudimentarily humorous that most people can chuff a laugh at.

If all that you see is the black man and nothing else, there's a problem with you.
Not the healthiest of obsessions, the race :^)

Who is this aggy, whats her channel

They excel in a niche, the rest is a trainwreck

They still need the support of the people to start wars
>Control everything
>Still need a majority approval to get shit done

If they were the master race they would not need to censor evidence that they are evil because they are obviously scared the goyim will kill them off if that is a reality.

Jews are so weak that they need american goyim to even fight their wars and american technology to even beat Islamic goatfuckers.

Who is Aggy? Is she a trap?

>jews are cute
That's the one I choose and she's 18 now so I don't feel quite as bad saying that

Parasites may pretty much control you to some extent, but they're still tremenduously inferior.


>In my opinion the Jews are a very influential minority with a political agenda.
wow i wonder if that has any implications at all?

She's also a lesbo, which is good --- more degeneracy for the kikes.

>literal Weimar Republic look

Why are girls with pale skin rare?

they are basically a race of savants in the art of jewing people over.
Lawyers and bankers are Jewish professions that rely on exploiting people.
On their own Jews can't succeed, they need some sort of host to leech off.
They are very good at finding and exploiting hosts, but they are not capable of establishing civilizations on their own due to their deficiencies.

>text face in 2017

Not that user, but to claim that a huge portion of Sup Forums does not claim that jews control everything with an agenda to rule the world is fucking retarded. Either you're getting embarrassed, back peddling, or simply are too much of a newfag to have seen in which case lurk more or shut the fuck up.

>Le epicc Troll XDDDXDDXD Look at Sup Forums getting BTFO!!!!

Holy fuck OP is a massive attention whore.

Look at any old medieval fiction, Jews are basically Goblins. Goblins can be inferior to man but also be globalist conniving cunts like Jews. Simple.

The classics never go out of style ;^)

She's a Twitch streamer I think, Threemilk-T.

he posted something totally irrelevant to my thread, so i made fun of him for it. Thank you for the concern though sweetie

>deception and subterfuge = superior


>my thread
just like it's '''your''' girlfriend, yes?


Kek blessed Aggy with those beautiful digits!

>tfw no Jewish gf so I can infiltrate their ranks and smash their globalist agenda from within

Quints: acknowledged.

Beginning guardian purge sequence

Jews are superior, because even after WW2 they managed to BTFO their nazi enemies who ultimately ended up as fat virgin weeaboos posting on Sup Forums and believe in a frog god.
You can't beat this.

Can't argue with that

They both look pretty cute. I don't know what Hitler's deal was; I mean I get he didn't like jews in Germany - and fair enough - but why did he have to go all out and make ridiculous claims like all jews are ugly or Jerry cucks were once Gods in some made-up land.

Jerries really are stupid things.

>nigger stole my tv.

That clearly means he is superior.

>le jews r inferior meme
Please listen to Hitlers actual words so you understand national socialist anti-semitism you ignorant non white.

stealing a tv isn't the same as controlling the entire world
Atleast come up with a better analogy next time sweetie

who is saying jews are inferior?

The reason that mainstream narrative exists is because its an angle that can create sympathy for the jew hence the jew pushes the idea that they are thought of as inferior so gauge emotions.
But in reality that is not the argument against them. The real argument against them put forward by Hitler is not one anyone can feel sympathy towards. This is why national socialist remains present to this day because they never truly tackled the arguments of the ideology- they only ever strawman'd them.

It's less about power and more what they do to us, especially the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7, after we treated them as brothers and let them into our nations with open arms in most cases only a few generations ago. Essentially if I wanted to bribe people to destroy Canada from within it wouldn't be hard to do rather the opposite, but why would I destroy my own country? This act of destruction surely wouldn't make me exceptionally powerful or intelligent. Remember Europeans could do far, far more damage than Jews ever could imagine but why would we destroy our own societies on purpose? The hard truth is Jews and Muslims will always be envious/afraid of Europeans and this is why they shouldn't be allowed to live amongst us.

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.

how old is this chick? 11? or 25? ?????????????

They are not inferior in that sense, they are evil. And evil is always inferior even when it's winning.

Jews come from Satan's balls.

What's wrong with this retarded piece of shit? Is she mentally impaired?

This woman is a psychopath, can you guys see it too?

This is the funniest shit I've read so far


nothing to contribute, but well said, have a (you)

I'll guarantee right now that you're at least 50% Jewish.

>People are actually falling for her act of nice, cute little girl that's innocent.

You guys are fools, she is evil and putting on a facade. Can you not fucking see it?


Back to you fucking kike loving pedo faggot.

>unironic current year memes in 2017
You're worse than him

I'd fuck agatha in her tight little hairy Jewish cunt

We should enslave a jews and put them in camps and force them to manufacture goods

A parasite can be a single cell organism, said parasite can kill a human being.

For example: is entamoeba histolytica a higher being, more sophisticated being than it's host, man?

Take away central banks, and jews are less than NOTHING.

SHES MINE user-kun

Wish she would go back to her old voice though, it was cute.

Jews eternally BTFO.

How can they recover from this nuclear banter!

more like they use their intellect for shit things like marxist communism or SJW shit

They are negative on society for this reason. Also it's mostly from self-identifying as not of the population that leads to this behavior. Not a product of being jew but of being a minority. People are meant to be in homogeneous societies. Jew's mentality has been severely damaged by being minorities for so long.

>parasites are inferior
>parasites control the host