How do Jews prevent other jews from falling for their tricks?

Jews push degeneracy all the time. How do they do that and also maintain a homogeneous culture? Wouldnt their propaganda also influence regular jewish people in the west? Also, how are they all the jewish elite (journalists so forth) in on promoting leftist ideas? You would think, like everything else, there would be some diversity in thought and opinion.

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higher levels of intelligence.


it's a vaccination you get when you are 3 years old, and another one at 15

>what is new york

>How do Jews prevent other jews from falling for their tricks?
They don't. Look at shit like Jazz Jennings.
Jews don't care about degeneracy, they believe a degenerate society is safer and more profitable for them.

>Wouldnt their propaganda also influence regular jewish people

It does and has.

the only jew I ever met had more problems dealing with this world than the rest of us do

if anything they get it worse off than the rest of us

It does.

Only ones that are relatively safe from it to some degree is Orthodox jews.

But they do try to foster a lot of ingroup bias and it works to some degree, but it's still mixed with some degeneracy. (They don't really seem to care if there's a say half asian half jew kid...)

Look at jewish girls and black guys and jewish boys and asian girls.

This btw. The mixed ones have even more identity problems. They try to push the Jewishness but it doesn't work all the time and they still have problems.

That's the think about jews. All their meddling definitely adversely effects themselves (look at the holocaust for example), but they just can't help themselves. It's in their blood.

Most Jews are taught from birth that, even if they only are part Jew, their Jewishness is the most important quality about them. They're Jews first, and Americans / Germans / Russians / etc. second.

It's not even overt, they're never told this in a straightforward manner unless they're from an orthodox family. It's just "we're Jews". "We're Jewish". "That's anti-Semitic!". And never "we're American".

Because of all of this mostly subconscious conditioning that teaches them that they're Jews first and citizens of their country second, they really don't see anything wrong with ruining the culture of the nation they reside in. Americans, Germans, Russians, it doesn't matter - no matter where they are, they're Jews first. The nation's culture is secondary, so it doesn't really matter if it gets ruined.

So for most Jews they aren't doing it consciously. And even then, participating in "degeneracy" never really removes their Jewishness, so it's ok for them to do these things. At the end of the day, degeneracy doesn't take away their Jewishness, just the culture they happen to live in.

I know there is a fund (in New York at least, Bernie Madoff helped it out a bit) that is for every Jewish kid to visit Israel. There isnt a fund for Irish kids or French kid. Just the Jewish kids. Also, I had a friend who went to this trip and in it you could a 'train' a day or so with the Israeli army. This just, born and bred in the midwest, said he would fight for Israel but never join the US military. All of his ressearch in school was on, you guest it, jewish identity and Europe being men to jews.

They don't Jewish people have the highest rate of interacial marriage than anybody else.

Jews are all strategy and no tactics.

Untermensch detected

Even the name of the program suggests Jewish superiority: "Birthright".

Everything is written in their jewish quran, and they all lead a jewish jihad against whites.

They don't. Most jewish girls, atleast outside of Israel, are whores and racemixers.

They don't. The only people who get more jewed than the goys are other Jews. They are the real goys. Without scaring little Erma and Irving Schleissenbergowitz with the holocaust Nazi boogeyman every day, there would be no need for upper echelon master Jews who get control of everything else.

i'd say that cause they want their culture to be preserved and in culture i mean that unlike christianity and islam the jews don't openly invite others to join jewdism.
also the look shit externally sometimes cause of all the groups marrying and reproducing inside their own jewish group so in the long run genes tend to mutate em
Ps; not actually jewish myself

This guy

The Zionists consider non-practicing Jews to be trash like any other goyim, so they don't care about them. As for practicing Jews, they send their children to private Yeshivas which are public tax funded. Their children aren't being brainwashed with kike nonsense like 64 genders, race-mixing, or cultural marxism; they're taught to navigate these things to manipulate goyim.

Also, their schools have racial cohesion, so there are few disruptions. Moshi doesn't have to sit next to Tyrone who wants to suck his teeth and chant rap lyrics all day in class, so Moshi gets a fast-paced, quality education. There is no common core in Yeshivas, students are taught a real curriculum. Boys are taught to be boys, girls are taught how to tend the home.

tldr; Practicing Jews' children don't fall for Jew tricks because they're never exposed to them.

The same goes for the "elites." Matt Damon will do an interview and call Americans who want private school vouchers racists for not wanting their kids in diverse public schools, then turns around and throws his pig snouted offspring in the most expensive private schools he can find.

you don't actually have to be jewish, i know someone who lied to get a free trip there from that to go with his jewish girlfriend

he never knew his father so he just lied and said his dad was jewish

Think about all the Jew-Nigger hybrids in the media though:

Lenny Kravitz
Eric Andre
Rashida Jones

They are clearly prone to race mixing with the most undesirable of goyim (of course, all kikes are mixed-race to some degree)

Nuclear families that instill their values in their children at a young age. Also the synagogues serve this purpose.

PR fronts for goyim consumption, they don't represent the string pullers.

They don't. Think about how many atheist communist Jews in Hollywood have race mixed and/or have had drug problems. Pic related on JRE this week talking about how his cocaine habit helped cause a major breakdown on national tv that almost ruined his career.

I have heard of SJW infestation in Israeli universities. Some of them apparently sympathize with the mudslimes in the Palestinian territory and also push for the usial bullshit.

but only Lenny Kravitz is the product of a Jewish man.

Eric Andre, Drake, and Rashida Jones are the product of black dudes cucking the Jewish man.

How fucking stupid are you?

It does backfire, and they are somewhat worried about it, but the elite Jews only care about commoner Jews the way we care about distant fellow citizens

It's a non-profit. Billionaire pro-Israel Jews dump tons of cash into these organizations to get non-Israeli Jewish kids into Israel.

If you get rich and find out you're like 5% Jew... someone may come knocking asking you to donate to the cause.

According to Jewish law, you can not make another Jew pay usury to you.
All you have to do is prove you're Jewish and (((businesses))) give you discounts.
Interest at a much more reasonable rate, less taxes paid, etc.

>Look at the holohoax