Harvard Students Insist Pres. Trump Is More Dangerous Than ISIS

I really ashamed.., Sup Forums...



But less dangerous than Harvard

ISIS should hit Harvard next. Students there would enjoy being enriched by ISIS's "sharp tools."

I had a roommate that went to Harvard

Sometimes he had trouble understanding the plot to the Simpsons we were watching and I had to explain it to him


Take comfort in the fact that we will all one day sleep our final sleep and be free from this bullshit forevermore.


Ivy League Schools are ground zero for kike brainwashing

Lol, mr bling won't last long there

He is.

Trump is eroding core civil rights (travel ban), rolling back funding for the advancement of science and the arts, and creating a climate of fear and paranoia within our nation that makes people outside take us less seriously. None of our trade deals have been improved. No one has prospered so far, except for Trump.

All ISIS can do is send some ignorant dune coon to blow up or drive over a few civilians, at which point we all pretend to be sad for a week and move on with out lives

What's the graduation rate of blacks at Harvard? I know they're paraded around by their Jewish owners right after enrolling and getting their jerseys, but I rarely see one in a graduation gown.

Was he white

One of these young pharoahs is the next Tesla.

Civil rights don't apply to non citizens, achmed.

Radical Muslims want to blow us up, moderate ones want to outbreed and replace us. Democrats want to destabilize as many borwn retard countries as possible and bring the survivors over here and into Europe for more left leaning votes.

But the dumbest, and most ignorant thing of all that you said was this:

>All ISIS can do is send some ignorant dune coon to blow up or drive over a few civilians, at which point we all pretend to be sad for a week and move on with out lives

One ISIS soldier, one bio weapon. One major city.

Dumb fuck shill. Have a (You) .

Traveling to the United States is not a civil right. How did you come to that conclusion?

Very poorly worded questions desu. Should have asked "Who is more dangerous, Trump or ISIS"? Simple and to the point.

Mike was on his way to Harvard

muh Harvard

But it's true

the qt blondie is /ourgirl/

Before yestrday, i would have disagreed with them. But now im not so sure. Its so confusing, what the fuck is Trump thinking?

I visited Harvard a couple times (massfag), I honestly think I've never seen a larger group of skittish, awkward, and autistic people (and I went to a shitty liberal arts college).
Academia has not only become a joke, but its producing people who are utterly unequipped to exist outside of intellectual social strata. It creates incredibly one-dimensional people that are hyper-actuated to their one skill.

well drumpf has nukes and isis dont pretty straight forward

Rare Michelle

pol uterly BTFO once again