Why do conservatives say things like "government isn't the solution...

Why do conservatives say things like "government isn't the solution, government is the problem" while they expand government and demand more government intrusion on all sorts of issues? Do they really lack self-awareness?

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Government is big and scary so it is easy to use it to stoke fear among ignorant voters thereby gaining their votes

1. Hypocrisy
2. "We need to stop coercion through use of coercion".

Please elucidate the expansion and intrusion you reference. Not saying you're wrong, but this thread smells of ShariaBlue

Conservatives want to raise tariffs, build a border wall, maintain a high incarceration rate, deport undocumented immigrants, ban abortion, keep drugs illegal, increase military spending, etc

No, they simply wish to deny their constituents the ability to use the state for their interests.

>the U.S. is never allowed to have tarriffs
>it's OK for people to break immigration laws

Those aren't really intrusions or expansions.

The rest: maybe.

However, both sides want the govt. to control more and more.

kek wills it

Don't forget banning gay marriage (or in some cases, want to ban gays entirely) and banning equal rights/force legal separation (transgender bathrooms, jim crow laws).

Or, if you don't care about minorities, let's not forget government surveillance of civilians, drone strikes (execution without trial), and banning cities from passing their own laws that contradict state law.

kek definitely wills it



>Conservatives want to raise tariffs
The Constitution grants the Federal government the power to make tariffs

>build a border wall
>deport undocumented immigrants
Regulating immigration is one of the duties of the Federal government

>maintain a high incarceration rate
>keep drugs illegal
The legalization of drugs is a state issue

>ban abortion
You have the right to life

>increase military spending
The Constitution grants the Federal government the power to raise a military.

So you're not denying that conservatives want to expand government.

>The constitution allows the government to control or regulate something
>Therefore, it's "small government" to use that power to regulate as much as possible!

because Reagan was a neocon and actor and they only pretend to be conservative


Give me an example of a real "conservative"

>still thinks votes count



A border wall is the very minimum of which a government should provide.

>while they expand government and demand more government intrusion on all sorts of issues? Do they really lack self-awareness?


>So you're not denying that conservatives want to expand government
Not expand, but use the government. They don't mind using the powers given to them in the Constitution, but they also don't want those powers being expanded or the Constitution being violated.

Weird how conservatives love military images so much. It's as if they worship state power.

conservative politicians are literally just shills for big business and the wealthy. They will hold any position that helps the wealthy. Don't overthink things too much. It always comes down to helping rich people screw over the poor. When the government is an impediment to that end they will be against government and when they need the government to fuck over poor people they will be pro government. The republican party switched from being mostly big government to being mostly for small government because in the past big government was good for business whereas now it mostly hinders them.


post more, i love this meme

So you think the government should rob tens of billions of dollars from the American people, take away the property of people living around the wall, hire more armed thugs to patrol the border and threaten violence against anybody who moves across some imaginary line without the government's permission? That doesn't sound like small government to me.

what? Trump had a gay transition team leader, and is the only pro-gay marriage President elect in American History...

Transgender bathroom are dumb, there are only two genders, pumping yourself full of hormones does not change your chromosomal make up...

Obama is the drone strike king btw, executed US citizens via drone strike

Sanctuary cities are breaking the fucking law by hoarding illegals....

They don't do anything bad to minorities btw, unless they are here illegally and committing crimes

are you retarded or just shilling?

Ronald ray gun was a turd.

And I hate him.

Both wings continue to expand the government, and arguing "libtards" and "conservashits" won't get us anywhere. Get off the bipartisanSHIP so we can actually make changes.

Where did I ever mention liberals? I'm not a liberal in any way.

Why do farmers always vote republican?

>The government is too big.
>Let's create a government department to make the government runs like a business.
>I'll have my son in law run it.

wait, wut

so as long as you are part of the Trump train which is nationalist, and not some globalist mega cuck trying to subert us, then please continue on and don't waste your time on petty partisanship or how both parties are absolute crapola

Generally speaking, conservatives prefer govt control of social issues but hands off economic issues. Liberals have preferred the exact opposite. It seems the dynamics and paradigm are changing. Now, conservatives want economic controls while liberals want social controls. I suspect each wants what the other rejects partly for political reasons. How much of the conservative economic controls are well reasoned it's hard to say at the moment. But Republicans have enjoyed expanding govt when it suits their desires, but they're not like the liberals who truly look to govt to solve all problems.

The two party system was always garbage, anyone who expects any kind of radical change in our socioeconomic paradigm needs to read some history. The government and the elite will do nothing as the people suffer, every civilization fails eventually. The only difference between then and now is that we get to record our own downfall in high definition.

You're wasting your time debating the two party system. Both are wrong, and right on a number of issues. It makes no difference if the parties cannot work together and just gridlock each other like we have been seeing for decades.

I wish the 'Reagan Conservativism' meme would die already. Reagan was a terrible president in virtually every objective way.

The eternal neocon

>Liberals have preferred the exact opposite
As they beg for government to validate every trans person and beyond they can think of...


That's just it. With social issues such as gays and trans the left do not want govt telling them what to do. They feel entitled to do whatever they want without any restrictions. If they want to get married to a horse they should be allowed. They want to shower anywhere they want and no one can say no. But tell them that a bakery doesn't want to bake a cake for them and they lose their shit. They want govt hands off the social freedoms but expect the govt to be hands on the economic issues (although i acknowledge that gay wedding cakes could be seen as both an economic and social issue). Generally the right is the exact opposite


Not if you like being rich.

>what is a neocon