If there's a draft, what happens to the trannies?

If there's a draft, what happens to the trannies?

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Morale providers.

Then there will be a rag tag battalion of fags fighting for our flag.

Their numbers will suddenly increase. In 30 years there will be a US president who dodged the draft by going full tranny.

They along with all the other surrendered Americans get sent to gulags to freeze to death.

i would do that. would be better than getting thrown into prison.

Would you respect them if they go and die for you?

I'm 28 coming on 29 years old. What's the oldest to get drafted, am I safe?

Are phd (science) students exempt from getting drafted?


If you join the Army for anything less than full scale kebab removal you're a fucking cuck. A draft won't work because the Pakis would shoot every fucker in the back.

there's plenty of women for that.


Trannies are allowed in the military and the VA even provides dick reassignments free of charge, because our society is sick and needs to be completely destroyed.



Target Practice

We send them first

Trannies are infested with STDs, we send them first to get raped by muslims and they all die eventually without shooting a single bullet.

I'm transdwarf

Why not just not being a faggot and do the military service? Or are pushups too difficult for your fat 300 kg burger ass?

>content with indentured servitude

This. They aren't even required to be in physical standards during their "transition" phase, which could be however long they want it to be,

You'll be in indentured servitude anyway unless you're some NEET loser on welfare. At least you'd be serving your country instead of your (((boss))).

right, because someone is holding me against my will forcing me to work for my boss.
oh wait, government does that.

In simplest terms, their selfish "me-first" attitudes and attention whoring, will engender little to no honor in normal fighting males.
They are not respected now for their antics and having them interfere with combat will make things a thousand times worse. Any accidents/fatalities attributed to them will be personally resolved on a brutal level that hasn't been seen since before the roman era.
They will not be respected, dead or a alive.

Unarmed meat shields

Yes, so why not work for your country instead of some Jew when you have to work either way?

The normal guys do and go unnoticed. The fags make all the headlines and get all the press, because ratings.
After all, who wants to read about a normal guy doing his job? Aren't YOU doing that already? Are you special? No? Look at this fag over here, He's special. Look at him fail to do a pull-up, thats not fair! He shouldn't have to do that, because of his CONDITION!

His mental condition.

Aren't you glad you aren't like that?

Operation: Human Shield

because I have the freedom to choose who I work for, and I don't want to die?
the government IS the jew, military service is the ultimate bluepill

they all die in the war and we're free of them

I agree, but what does that have to do with what I said?

very smart move, they're pretty fucking fat people

>source: i was a degenerate and hung around them for a year

They get drafted. You can be as fucking retarded as you want and still die for your deep state overlords. Military just needs meat for Minerva and Moloch.

That's already been done. We call it "D-Day".

They draft people up to the 50's (depending on how badly they need the manpower)

A few ideas:
- Target practice
- Landmine clearance
- Dumb bombs
- Human shield

>because I have the freedom to choose

because someone else fought for it. pay debtns


Because, the jews have decentralized the working world, and there has been disconnects in the chain of command. You cant go and shoot your boss because he's following orders from his boss and so on. The head of the company, is a group of people that cant all be targeted at once,(unless you get them all n a board room at once...)and they have insulation that way. If you want to stop paying your mortgage because the interest is too high, they will simply sue you with faceless paper letters and finally order one of the constables to forcefully evict you from the house, regardless of how much you paid into it, before you stopped paying, because they cant give you a piece of the house that you paid for . Then their part would be as worthless. They have to take it all away from you and make you work for more shelter. Its the hold they have over us. It would take a financial disaster of apocalyptic magnitude to wreck or erase the records of who owns what, in order to be free of them.

I meant they only show the people outside the norm on the news. The real everyday guys are all normal 200lb guys that can bench their weight and run for miles.
THe burger-fats need not apply, and the disillusioned ones that try service get stories wrote about them, that,s all....

>because I have the freedom to choose who I work for, and I don't want to die?
That makes no sense whatsoever. What are you even talking about? You have the choice of working for the military or a Jewish boss, but choosing to work for the military means you don't have freedom to choose who to work for? What? And not dying isn't really a problem since you guys are pussies and just use drones anyway.

>the government IS the jew, military service is the ultimate bluepill
So use your military experience on your resume to become a politician and unjew the government. If the government is a Jew, then you're going to work for a Jew no matter what. Working at all and not being a NEET is the ultimate bluepill by your logic.

>all companies are run by le evil jews
>alternative of dying for jews is better

You are totally on the right track.

Eventually the normal people WILL get tired of all the stupid crap going on and do something. THats actually how Trump got elected.

Thats how hitler got started. It will happen again. History is cyclic.

>all countries are run by le evil jews
>alternative of wageslaving all of your life for jews is better