
Continue attacking Sweden/Scandinavia.

Go into Azerbaijan and invade Kazakhstan shore

Invade Swedistan

I should have Austria. Borg Ceded me those territories inside of it. Attack Germany to cancel bonus and Invade Blue's northern province.

Attack yellow in Russia

Finish Czechoslovakia. Spill into Germany.

Spills to Georgia, Azerbaijan

no sea route, which land route would you like to take?

this and i also rolled for slovenia

yes but it got conquered

Finish taking germany.

>Britannia +8
>Dark Red
>Alliance: Mugiland
>Vassals: Netherlands

Finish taking France, invade Britain

updated bonus

You're getting attacked by others. :(

You can't sail due to how small the sea is? I will have to go across the Chechen black sea if so, sorry Ukraine but we cannot help them

by whom? Me and Borg are allies.

I mean sorry Ukraine but we cannot let them succeed Christ that can be misinterpreted bad.

you can beeline across the coast north. It's fine by me.

Let me have germany so I can deal with Portugal? I don't care about anything east

>Britannia +8
>Dark Red
>Alliance: Mugiland
>Vassals: Netherlands>Britannia +8

When we bleed through all the 'stans we'll be able to win this war FAST

sorry, got confused, got it now

so can I count slovenias bonus?

also roll to attack spain

By me, shitstain traitor

you aren't in Europe buddy so you couldn't have invaded Austria.

Well, i guess my ally is gone now. That's what happens when you don't post the new link in the old thread, OP.

defend>push back>take>pakistan

realised too late

Attack blue full force

go over green's land in Russia to attack blue there pl0x

Defend; then bleed through the stans

Attack green thru to Greece.

Fix your fucking bonus, autismo.

Jesus christ you're an unbearable risk player.

I mean 17 wtf

Your bonus is 14 at best.

Defend against Portugal, push them back into France.

I got mega cucked in germany for fuck sake.
Help me out please

>Britannia +6
>Dark Red
>Alliance: Mugiland
>Vassals: Netherlands

Who was your afk ally? I'll hop in for them

Defend. Keep invading Germany.

defend if need
fill slovenia
spills spain

India. I am the cyan to your north, so you'll have to roll to attack Arabian penninsula

didnt you count my roll?
attack pakistan

Attack in Scandi

Invade India before it's too late; they're gonna attack you

Invade Norway. Denied from attacks.

spill afghanistan

Would you like to ally? We have a common enemy

>Britannia +6
>Dark Red
>Alliance: Mugiland
>Vassals: Netherlands

Invade ISIS Deus vult

I need to deal Swedistan first. We're locked in a fight right now.


Just destroy England at all costs, I'm dying anyway so might as well take him with me.

our NAP ended 2 turns ago, sorry

N-next time I swear

No point in allying England, I'm just going to launch full offensive agaisnt him and not really protect my land, just take Spain first so I can keep the Portugal bonus a while longer.

I know, forgot to update, still there was no way the Western nations could compete against the Eastern powers that rose so it was just a matter of time before you turned your eyes towards me.


Would it be possible if you could cede your holdings to me after me after we conquer Germany? I swear to you that this act of generosity will not go unnoticed and that I will be your most loyal and staunchest ally in every war.

i dont really need spain, you can have it, back, if i could go through swissland

I am sorry that it had to end this way, but it is true; the alliance has become something strong and the north is decaying. Who knows how this war will end?

You could've asked, I'll allow you free passage.

I mean the German holdings

Of course!

was too late, added it here

do you mind if i go for germany?

May God bless you Ukraine. Not only are you my ally but also my greatest friend. The Hussars will not forget this.

So will you cede Spain back?

Defend and keep spilling into Germany.

Fully charge into England.

Attack France though Netherlands and block Britannia off from Portugal.

Spill to Sweden.

Combat the eastern blue territories; pave a way to India with spills.

Attack Cyan.

attack india

k-keep defending our mainland

>Britannia +6
>Dark Red
>Alliance: Mugiland
>Vassals: Netherlands

Roll: Change name of Austrian empire to Australian Empire

Ok, nice.

Now fix that fucking map. India attacked arabia. Stop fucking that up every time.

Btfo ISIS and save Eurasia

Can i join?

can i?

need to go
im ceding my land to Kekistan

Queen Misaka I have no further intention of harming you or your proud country. Cede me your German holdings and let's call off this bloodshed once and for all.


You rolled last turn to attack ISIS and OP gave you my land.

You meant to attack by sea, did you not?

its shitty territory so it doesnt really matter

if ally allow me to go for germany

Your people will not be forgotten.


op has ruined the game by not following this very important rule.

Cede German lands to hussars

North east russia
What ever color is free
vepso-ingrian empire

Thank you kind sir!

so spain for swissland?

It's incredible how your bonus grows every round magically.

I'm assuming isis conquered from you then me from him. It's a moot point though, they ganged up on us good, that's how risk goes though


cede spain to Portugal
claim Swissland

Here's another offer. Cede me your German holdings and I'll help you win your war. Face it at this point you're almost dead. Your German territories are moot and you're embroiled in a war that you can not win. Why not use Germany for something useful?

No, if OP did his job right we would have beaten them back. Look at the beelining he's allowing and the rules he's not following.

Besides, it's not a moot point because it's OP deliberately misplacing you on the map.

in other words, OP is a faggot. OPs should not play.





I accept. But please do not harm my vassal. I wish to keep my isles, that is my main goal

>Britannia +6
>Dark Red
>Vassals: Netherlands

Who let this stray election refugee live?

instructions unclear, there is no cyan on the map anymore

OP Germany is mine.