I unironically still love Trump and think he's great

I unironically still love Trump and think he's great.

He knows you need to shake things up every once in awhile to prevent both atrophy and entropy.

>Today was fun

Trump showed strength exactly when it was needed.

Something Obongo couldn't muster in 8 years.


Imagine the extra layers of whinging we'd have to deal with if he'd backed down like Obama the pussy

Now he has the cachet to do as he pleases going forward. He can still investigate the gas and everything and get to the bottom of the whole deal

Fucking this.

>I can't believe stalwart Sup Forumsacks are falling for this sensationalist bullshit. He's flexing his muscles and letting all these fuckers know he's watching.
>He gave the Russkies notice and allegedly there were no civilians targeted
> these "rebels" or whoever the fuck are trying to bait us like they did when Obama was in office.

I pray Trump can defeat the deep state and I am worried but Insay give it 72 hours for all the details to come out.

>He gave the Russkies notice and allegedly there were no civilians targeted

I think it's the opposite of this. I'm reading everywhere that he gave 0 notice to the russkies.

It's like everybody forgot that he campaigned on being unpredictable

If you don't support Trump implicitly in times like this then you never really understood his appeal anyway.

He'll just as easily win over scores of new followers for the ones who leave now (which they really won't)

this thread is now a hold out for trump supporters against the hordes of shills

I'm on the left and he's been growing on me. I really like that finally fucking owned up to his responsibility this morning. He said something like "This isn't Obama's problem anymore it's mine". Maybe he'll still make mistakes but he's at least acting like a man, and doing what he can in a bad situation.

Please, get in here goys

There's at least 30 shill teams running heavy interference on normal discourse

also God bless the USA and their allies and the American military.

>i'm a clear shill who can't even greentext
Back to r/_donald.

Can we gas the /r/The_Donald shills already?

gtfo retard

You can't support Trump following the same failed neocon nation building policeman of the world shit.

This is Hillary's foreign policy.

See, there ya go. It was a damned if you damned if you dont situation. He erred on the side of acting. Now we'll see what happens next. I know that Turkey shot a Russian jet down and nothing happened to follow up on it. So we'll just see.

You have live life in the moment. Trump isn't an idealogue. He reads and reacts to situations

Hi shill. It's one day in your life. Wake up tomorrow and watch what happens then



t. the_donald shitposter

Fuck the jews, they're scrambling now too to figure out their own plans

Trump spent 3 months looking over the game board and finally said, this is a shitty board, and knocked the fucking board over

He bent over the board, put his butt in the air and said deeper shlomo, deeper

> everyone who disagrees with me on anything and isn't absolutely unbudging in their worship of a politician is a SHILL!



trump compromised zog

>If you don't support Trump implicitly in times like this then you never really understood his appeal anyway.

Sure, and only you know it.

All of his actions until now looked like merely like jewish shilling, nothing more

So there's no doubt that he's being set up by (((them))) right?

You're unbudging in your crippling ideology. I'd sooner follow Trump than some mindless automaton ideologue that rigidly says, no, this is not something that can be done.

Get a brain

Looking to his family and actions, there's no doubt.

His grandmother was jewish too

Why would you follow a politician?

he didn't call Putin personally, but that doesn't mean there wasn't communication between their militaries.

It's simply a small shock to a large system that's ultimately going to require a lot bigger and more memorable military actions than this. If we're being honest

Bombing the legit Syrian government over fictitious bullshit was definitely not needed.

He is behaving identically to how Hillary would have.

>Completely destroy Russia narrative
>Prove that US foreign policy is no longer being headed by a pussy to Russia, China (also, while eating dinner with Xi Jinping), Iran, and NK

Yes, yes it was needed.

All I ask is to still tune in tomorrow

Trump is cancer. The only reason he launched the missiles was distract you from the fact he is puppet for Putin.

Check the RT article.

>"Wah wah Hillary will make a no-fly zone and start WW3"

>"Oh yes thank you God Emperor for bombing the fuck out of Syria, such a good decision, give me more of your cock mm"

Fuck off shills

I think in the long run that will be a good thing

The Russia stuff was becoming the real cancer

>shake things up every once
We've been "shaking things up" in the Middle East for the past 16 years you delusional faggot.

Yeah obviously not the right way. We'll just have to see how this goes

Hypocrisy is a virtue on Sup Forums