
All you faggots turning on our glorious leader and doubting his judgment already. You disgust me. You have no loyalty

He's the one having no loyalty.

He turned on us. We didn't vote for him to start a new war. We voted for him to stop a new war. Kushner is a fucking Jewish cancer. Fuck Kushner. Fuck Trump. Bannon/Paul 2020.

sort the catalog by creation date and youll see a shill thread being made every 10 seconds

Fuck you nigger he's helping Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Excuse me? How about you go read his own statements on the matter?

Trump deserves every single word of criticism currently being thrown at him. Holy fucking shit what is he even thinking?


Sigh, I swear people have no sense of political theatre. Any thing we break will get repaired or replaced by Russia within a week or two. Russia will continue airstrikes against ISIS from other bases in the meantime. This will change nothing in Syria, but it will start a national debate on whether we want to risk war with Russia.

>i-i-it's four dimensional chess I promise!

Dude it's literally a horde of shills, it honestly never ends here. What people don't realize Sup Forums has turned into 90% shills shilling each other, I swear share blue has its own threads where they troll each other without realizing it

Its a shills. Relax.

I don't have any loyalty. What I do have is a neighboring house full of illegal mexican immigrants who are living off food stamps and government handouts, and guess what. They just bought some new lawn furniture, so they don't seem to worried about being deported anytime soon. You're a dick sucking faggot, just like every Obama/Hillary supporter.

Lel, he is changing sides, don't blame Sup Forums

This. He betrayed YOU to slurp establishment cock. He's no different from Obama, just another empty figurehead with no real power.

Deep state runs the show. Expect Bannon to exit stage soon. This was a coup.


All of the initial "i don't support trump anymore" posts were just lefty shills, but now the real Trump supporters are falling in line.

>trump changes sides
>whoa why dont you side with him u traitor!!'

Shills have taken this opportunity to absolutely invade. Literally nothing will happen and this shit will be forgotten by the weekend.

Spread this info.

I think not.


>political theatre
kys you clueless faggot. Bombing a nation is not political theater, it is an act of war. Syria may be unable to respond in kind, but fucking around like this is not in our interests and fosters attitudes like your which are going cause catastrophe when some faggot pokes the wrong hornet's nest thinking it is harmless political theater and finds out that they can fight back.

>talking to us about loyalty when a man gets elected on promising one thing and turns around and does the opposite.


>our glorious leader
speak for yourself sheep

He's a fucking Kike who spat on his own people.

HE has no fucking loyalty. Fuck him. Seriously fuck him and fuck The Donald, you rat kikes just. won't. fucking. stop.

>You have no loyalty
Lotta loyalty for a hired shill.

He betrayed us, thankfully there are a sizable number of anons who aren't total establishment cocksucking faggots on this board who can see Trump fucked us hard. Trump was never supposed to just be "establishment lite" he was supposed to put and end to all the horrible shit America and the west in general has suffered through for the past few decades, one of the most notable things being POINTLESS, COSTLY MILITARY INTERVENTIONISM.

Why is this up for debate?
We Don't Want A Fucking WAR With Russia!!

The congnitife dissonance is strong with you mental slave.

I loved Trump from day one but that's it faggot.
Americans could go 3 month without being good fucking boys.
Now I unironically agree with shills, Trump is a retard.
Whole system is set up.
Ron Paul was the only true alternative and that's precisely why he was set up not to win.
Trump duped everybody.
Especially pol.
Should've seen it coming with 100% of his adult children being KOSHER'ed

This is true. It's also true that Trump is a kike worshipping rat.

You are like the Democrat fags crying that Hillary got hacked...not what the emails contained.

good for you!
go fight and die for the glory of Israel