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>YFW no missiles were launched in his 8 years

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The difference is that the missile attacks during his presidency were against non-state actors, not sovereign states.

You are gay and you should kill yourself.

No I'd rather go to war over a white president than a black one.

Nah he used drones instead.

No missiles?????


He started a domestic race war. Fuck him and his Trayvon son.

Baltimore & St Louis & Milwaukee burned because of that cunt.

based obama never got us into WW3 no matter how much these sucks cried he will. and trump did it in 2 months

>Red line gets crossed with obama in office

>Red line (((gets crossed))) with trump in office
>Tomahawks within 24 hours


>Domestic race war


>America: Hey Russia we're going to bomb Syria.
>Russia: Okay senpai.
>America: *bombs Syria*

How does this start WW3?

Please, he had no role. Did you want him to act like Al Sharpton, all "my fellow niggas"?

If a democrat was in office, wouldn't they do the same? I mean, wasn't this red line drawn by the Obama administration anyway?

You heard the cum gurggling OP, NO MISSILES

right that's what I'm asking

he dropped a bomb every 7 minutes for 8 years straight

this is all on OBumma and his line in the sand. I hate war but this must be done.

We're doing this because Obama was suppose to after he pledged he would then backed out like a pussy leaving it to us to having to do it now

Gaddafi was a non-state actor?

Are you retarded? Heard of Libya?

... am I the only one that remembers Lybia?

You are absolutely retarded to think Obaba din doo nuffin

you know Obama is the Drone King, right?

Go back to buttfucking on your south pacific gaycation.

Were not going to war you faggot shill.

low tier bait, but still saying Libya, and kys.

So missiles from drones dont count. Go suck Brocks dick

Obama wanted to bomb Syria in '13 but was proved that that gas attack was carried out not by Assad. Same scenario here, except Trump got pushed to go ahead with it.

U S Presidents are merely puppets. BTFO libfucks. Saging this shit

sage and shill thread


Wrong faggot

>Obama ordered ten times more drone strikes than Bush.

The worst thing about this is Obama's girl Hil is agreeing with this and even saying that we need to go further to remove Assad.
It really doesn't matter who you vote for, Israel wants constant war in the middle east, Israel gets constant war.