Sup Forums wants to get rid of all muslims

>Sup Forums wants to get rid of all muslims
>gets mad when they start getting rid of muslims
Make up your minds.

I want to get rid of muslims out of the US. I don't give a fuck what they do to each other out in Sand Land.

IKR, it's not like it will be a troop war. It's gonna be mostly airstrikes and drones retards.

kill all kikes first
fuck the zog and their kike lies

This board is full of hypocrites

it's just the shills and reddit faggots who are upset. Sup Forums has been happy as fuck ever since this started

The middle east used to be full of christians. its rightful christian clay

Daily reminder that Islam is a religion of war and until its gone from earth they will stop at nothing to take the earth.

That'll just cause more of them, who hate our guts, to pack their bags and go live in Europe.

>we have to accept refugees

The kikes are too far embedded to be really gotten rid of unless people start doing it on their own.

But do you think this will eventually evolve into a Muslim purge?

I'm only angry that he didnt use a Nuke and instead chose to waste perfectly good missiles.

Assad regime is secular.


where do you think all the aftermath refugees going to ?

To Europes wall of led. Not our fault they have cuck immigration policies.

>wanting to replace a secular nation with islamofascists

user I...

They cause trouble and help fuel the fires of war. It's for the greater good. The west needs to protect the petrol dollar from losing value. Those refugees can lash out and make Islam look bad for all Europe cares... because eventually it will

And refugees are just trying to escape a warzone and Turkey should join the EU

Fuck off.


Assad is a secular Christian dumbass

>guys stop being against muslims or they will just hate you back more
They already hate us.

10% of Syria is Christian- the "moderate" islamist rebels or ISIS would wipe them out.