So Sup Forums are we still with trump or are we against him?

So Sup Forums are we still with trump or are we against him?

Rand Paul or Adolf Hitler.

Dunno but keep making these threads

Paul Joseph Watson is off the trump train. What's next?

I just come here to masturbate to anime, so....

Is he still with us or is he with (((them))) now?

If you think we will jump the Wicked Witch of the West train, you are delusional faggot.

im still with him but fuck this was a dumb move

it doesnt matter who is responsible for what, we are now involved and I don't want to be

fucking dropped trump. he's obama 2.0

The cunt is out. Fuck Trump.

I was never with him.

Or you.


I'm with November 2016 Trump. I don't think we're in that timeline anymore, though.

Fuck off back to whatever shit hole country you came from, nigger.
Still with Trump!

Against, but OP's whore would have done the same.
The (((USA))) are lost.

I'm against neocon kikes. He isnt one but he's surrounded himself with them which is almost as bad. Its a bad feel.

Minor cruise missile strikes almost identical the ones that Bill Clinton did in the Balkans in the 90s. No one will give a shit in a week. He isn't going full neocon. If he did he would announce a land invasion. The main reason for doing this is to save face and to end the Russian connection narrative that the tin foil hat leftists created.

Daily remainder that Shareblue posters are Chinese agents. If they aren't registered as foreign agents as required by law they are commititing a felony for posting here and being paid. The Chinese government owns 20% of shareblue and is one of the main groups funding it That qualifies any American working for them as a foreign agent under federal law. It is another felony if they deny being a foreign agent while being one.

The accurate question is: Is Trump on our side or not?

>dumb move
it was a very smart move, you not being able to see it that way speaks volumes about your intelligence

show some faith, he knows what he's doing

This is not shareblue you ameritard. This is former Trump supporters realizing he's no better than Bush or Obama. Actually he's worse than Obama, since the later dropped in anti-Assad bombing plans in 2013.

You got me. I regret voting for Trump, I wish I could go back in time and vote for Hillary. I'M WITH HER

>our side
no such thing
you're all getting played

he already proved that he is no different than the others, a deep state/neocon puppet

>The main reason for doing this is to save face and to end the Russian connection narrative that the tin foil hat leftists created.

And... to avoid conflict with North Korea through a "free" demonstration of might and power.

/ourside/ is the Bog

>Minor cruise missile strikes almost identical the ones that Bill Clinton did in the Balkans in the 90s. No one will give a shit in a week.

So it was completely pointless? Ok then.

Holy shit you Stans are so embarrassing.

Lost for now. We will see a better day. A new generation will grow up knowing the facts.

were on the fence. a couple jews def have him in their pockets right now, but i believe there is a chance he will go rogue and fufill promises. well see


>uses might and forwards America on the world stage
>tries to get Arabs banned from the US
>this is bad
Fuck off.

So what is he doing?

Make your own opinion. I'm with him til the end though

99D INTERGALACTIC UNDERWATER BACKGAMMON!! LIBERALS BTFO!!! Fuck off back to /r/the_donald retard

Why don't you think for your fucking self?

you dont just flip on your guy because of one event that we dont have any knowledge of the ramifications yet

"Its ok now guys as long as he is neocon lite"


when your guy turns out to be a cuck

No it's not you dumb gaul, since these people come out of the woodwork whenever shit like this happens.

I am all for chaos, and Trump train is still the no.1 choice for chaos. Shills that want slow but sure destruction of the world can go die in a fire.

Putting Assad in his place, telling Russia what they are capable of (how many russian cruise missles crashed again? 3 or was it more?) and sending a message to north korea and china. No, it does not means a fullscale war, it is the opposite, its banging your hand on the table so you dont have to start fighting someone.

All of you dropping trump and shit for this just supported him to be edgy and piss people off, fuck off cunt. This was clearly going to happen from the start when they killed their own civs with chemical warfare.

>tfw clinton could've prevented this
>tfw jeb could've prevented this
>tfw you voted for nuclear annihilation instead

Why do you need us to tell you what to do?

You won't. Your jew government never cared for your interests and never will, citizens of your fucked up artificial country are irrelevant

Like they have been doing for literally years now? But somehow it was a bad idea back then when obammy wanted to push the button? Now its le based because tru-- neocons are pushing the buttons?

Because I look for brazils advice in times like this. I have never lived in a shithole of a country before.

Your expertise is greatly appreciated

We're still with him.

hi fucked up, hi betrayed his suporters, still way better choice than shillary

Assad? yeah i know, really disappointing

We will never know! That's the great thing about this we all just speculate

You burgers are fucked, fight to get him in but jump at a bump. WTF, I though Sup Forums had some balls left. Is Trump doing the right thing I don't know but guessing by Sup Forums's reaction no shoelaces or belts tonight.
You don't have to blindly follow, always criticize wrong, but Jesus Christ have enough balls to back your fucking horse before the race starts.
Even ponyfags would get that.

I'm done with him as of today. After styx's video a couple of days ago and now Stefan's video today it really opened my eyes to the truth of things. Now with Trump bombing and destabilizing the region further when Assad was actually winning, we're going to end up with another Iraq. I thought I could be proud of my country for once and we would expose all the dark spots in our history and stop warmongering, but Trump's anti-foreign involvement policy falls flat on its face. His approval is taking a nosedive for this shit, and I will 100% vote for whoever runs against him next election. Former MAGA poster and awooposter, out.

Makes me feel good you saying that. I guess that's why you're such a pussy. Always had everything in such a nice rich country. The schmiss in my face is my biggest prize.

>putting faith in a politician

The race started in February. When else will a race start for a president?

>save face and to end the Russian connection narrative

Ah, the wag the dog strategy.As I recall Clinton bombed the Balkans to cover up a blowjob which isn't as bad as conspiring with a hostile foreign power to help you win an election

It just did.

even IF its true that it was asad witch i doubt
hi acted WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE without ANY investigation

With, 100%

I hope you really mean what you are saying.

>Always had everything in such a nice rich country.
What? Fuck you. South America is way more beautiful than 99% of North America.

We are against America. No matter who is in charge, it will always lead to bad things. If you would just stay in your little bubble and leave everyone alone everything would be okay.

But we are rich.

I'm a centrist. Before this election I didn't ever pay attention because I always felt like it didn't matter who won since they're all the same. I felt alone, like I was the only one who knew this since everyone else would get excited for elections. Then Trump ran and I had hope again. This is inexcusable to me. I loved his approach about defending AMERICA's interests and building up a strong defense. To stop policing the world, destabilizing the middle east, and making more refugees that hate us. This makes it clear that I was wrong to think that. Unless the bombs turn out to be pinata bombs or some shit, it's over. I won't support this shit anymore. I don't want to see escalation with Russia, I don't want another war in the middle east, I don't want another Iraq. And if people think it doesn't matter then why the fuck are we poking them? This is bullshit, and it's obvious. Done, done done.

I'm not rich, must be nice. Most of rural and flyover areas aren't rich either.

So are you one of the people that thinks this is the UN's fault? That they should remove the UN because they didn't stop Assad and Trump?

First off Obama likes to fuck with Trump and you guys + Obama blamed Hilary, Trump, and Putin ruled Russia. Now I see team Chivalry has a large turn out. Bill Gates is probabley gonna handle the defenses eyy?

>So Sup Forums are we still with trump or are we against him?

This is precisely the shit that hillary was planning.

She wanted the invasion of Syria, as did Obama.

And it looks like despite the fact that Trump is in office, they are going to GET IT.

There is no deflection from the Russian issue..... he warned Russia he was going to bomb the shit out of that base. So that bolsters his Russian ties. We can see that youre not a 4d chess player.

>thinking we have a hivemind
Youre thinking of leftists

Jesus Christ are we back to the shadow government theory? That was like two weeks ago bro!

Pick your path, white man. But Trump is dead to us. What is he compared to Paul Ryan or even Bill Kristol? Just another neocon.

Match starts at 11 am Saturday. Tell everybody. Also everyone feel free to cctv the war game and don't bother ddosing. Everything is Homeland Secure. And don't you dare riot ;)

Oh man it makes sense why kush hired the guy that produced the purge!

We all vote Democrat so we can have open borders, kill off the 2nd Amendment, make sure only progressive LGBT positive bills pass from now on, and white people become a thing of the past.

Trump did something we don't like so we must abandon him completely you see.

Trump is dead to me now.


You would have made an even worse shit sandwich that this jackass could ever have.

...and at this point that is saying alot. I was all in with this fuck too. Goddamn bummer. Fuck it. Back to secession I guess. Fucking never trust a goddamn yankee or his fucking jew kids....ever.

You had other republican candidates

>I don't want another war in the middle east, I don't want another Iraq

Every single modern war was started by a Republican president and ended with a Democrat president. If you didn't want war you'd vote Democrat.

Unfortunately the people on this board love US involved wars and they got their wish to re-enter the middle east with revigor after Obama ended with Bush started.

The ones thinking this attack is really against "poor child slaughter with gas" are completely naive.

This is an attack against russia and its influence in siria. The USA don't want Assad in charge.

>tfw clinton could've prevented this
Bombing Syria was practically part of her campaign dipshit

And? What does that have to do with right now?

Chaos and lolz. That's why I voted for (((Trump))).


let's all vote Democrat in 2018, so (((kushner))) and (((trump))) go to jail where they belong

That means you got fed bullshit and are it up.

Hillary would have been better throughout this whole shit show.

Except they have cut military communication? Brilliant. To bad you have no script and no relevant leaders to write you a new one.

Kanye 2020

Oh fuck off. Trump was still the better choice. Gorsich is still a perfect SC pick, immigration is down, deportations are up, the wall is getting built, jobs are coming back, he's protecting the 2nd amendment.

This was a fuck up but I'm not a fucking purist whose going to give up completely after that. Keep being a faggot and soon the Dems will take power again and you're going to be getting raped in the ass by refugees. But you'd probably like that wouldn't you shill?

>Jesus Christ are we back to the shadow government theory?


Is that what the immigrants have been doing to you? Makes sense now why you would be anti immigration.

I definitely don't want to be raped!

With America
Against Israel and all the faggoty bullshit that comes with (((them)))
Question should be: Who is Trump with?

Same. Who the hell is this "Trump"