End of the White Africans

guys, I fear the end for white South Africans is very very soon.

The violence and white hate has reached new levels. They want to take our land for no compensation. Our currency is falling at record rates so it is even harder to afford to leave.

Things are going badly for us.

I just wish the blacks would realise that once we leave they will have a zim 2.0 except this time there will be no country for them to flee too. I cant imagine what the over 2 million Zimbabweans think about this, it must be Deja vu for them.


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if the Goyim are telling you they're gonna kill you,
they're gonna try to kill you,
I hope you have an exit plan or atleast some genetic immunity to gas.

Definitely figure out some way to gas them. Or to be crueler call up Soros and control their nation remotely through currency speculation...
Maybe put some stuff in their vaccines too

I would unironically support white South African refugees coming to my country.

>I just wish the blacks would realise that once we leave they will have a zim 2.0

Leave then. Go to Europe, get refugee status. We cut foreign aid and problem solved. Let black Africans take care of themselves and we'll see what happens. Natural selection will solve the problem.

good riddance ... what are white people even doing there? ever looked at a map ... it belongs to africa

just leave and go to europe you fucking occupying land stealing autists

Why are you acting like a jew in nazi occupied Poland who still hopes that Germans will spare his life? LEAVE
Smart jews left Europe years before Hitler started building camps - they saw whats coming years ahead. Jews were smart. And here YOU are, shitposting on Sup Forums instead of doing something for your life.

The west will never cut Aid to Africa. The west has a huge hard on for blacks. Not only do you send millions in aid you also allow them to come to your cities freely. It would be much easier to get into Europe being a black South African then a white south African.

Just say you're trans black

>White people
>refugee status in Europe


Grow a pair and fucking genocide those niggers already. You should've done that a century ago.

You invaded their country, you were being a dick, to not being a dick you lost all control, bad idea, now you don't even try to regain control, bad idea, you not even try to segregate, bad idea. Oh right, capitalistic Christian shit only is strong when exploiting, but to do something for own race for real without gold sponsoring, that's out of question.

There was no country before the Afrikaners came

Even if there was, they're doing the same thing to Europe and we aren't killing them all.

2017 and still living around all them niggers. You deserve it

There were tribes, which is none of my business, like it should be no business for Africans to meddle into my or any other European country. I am getting sick getting blamed for "white" problems, needing to solve "white"(American, colonial) problems and then getting blamed like if Communists fucked up Europe. Stop socking that black dick and stop fucking black pussy. Get your shit together and segregate. Leave those tribes be, shoot them when they invade your designated land. Yes, of course you should designate white land, total ban for black people. What happens in Zulu Vegas can stay in Vegas.

I agree, We should have taken a page out of Australia's history book, Its to late now though. And this may be my problem now but in 20 years its the worlds problem as there will be more blacks then any other race and they will all want gibs and nice countries to move to

You have one of the biggest nigger populations out of Africa, so you cant really talk. Also not everyone chooses to live around them... financial, social issues and just bad luck can cause you to be stuck around them

I agree with this sentiment but the logistics of segregating the country would be almost impossible. Where ever there are white people a black shanty town will shoot up with 10 times as many blacks. They leach off of whites because they can not create anything themselves. Go look at that site that shows demographics, if you look at South Africa you will see a few small dots representing whites and then 100's of dots around that representing blacks.

Whites in SA are fucked. It was unavoidable, never should have let the blacks govern. Not that you had a choice. It's the 90's SJW's fault

>Our land

You're an invader. You don't belong there.

Right. We arent native to America either. If shit hit the fan here in the US, I would leave and go to Europe in a heartbeat. These Boers just dont want to leave. They are idiots and I no longer feel sympathy for them.


What the fuck are you still doing there? You should have left years ago.

t. - comfy expat in New Zealand

What you need are volunteer right wing safety squads that evict the shanty towns and send them packing back up to the jungle. Those things are extremely unsafe

My country should be taking in any Whites who want to flee from South Niggerca rather than actual niggers from East Niggerca.

I'm sorry my president is sometimes a faggot.

America needs to take in Afrikaner refugees!
Let them in Trump!

so if you buy a house in America (which I assume you would not be able to do as you are a liberal and probably poor as shit) you think the native American Indians can take that from you whenever they feel like it for free? That is what is happening here.

Where do you live? whats your lifestyle like there? Why NZ instead of Aus?

I dont think you understand the sheer number of them. they are literally like locusts but bigger, slightly smarter and a lot more destructive.. Do you know how hard it is to remove locusts? now imagine removing blacks.

Why can't we get refugees that look like that?

She's probably already been raped and killed by niggers.

iirc the zulus and other groups moved into south africa after the europeans did.

>A. Mehsut Değirmencioğlu

They where all hunter gatherers so they never really stayed in one spot for two long. Western cape (cape Town) was free of them, but there where blacks in the eastern cape and in some areas further North.

If youre white you can live me with.

>Spics and its hot as fuck
>Tons of Jobs
>Cheap stuff
>whores who love accents.

haha, just like Germany belongs to white? except you will be in the minority by the end of your life.

how can we meme this? can we get it trending on twitter?

I actually know a South African family living in Arizona. Funny

Leave man, there are tons of us in the UK now.

Start killing nogs
The world is so pre-occupied with ME right now that a muslim holohoax in myanmar went unnoticed

Just buy a plane ticket to brazil. We'll grant you land and/or capital to start a business, its the law.

Law was created back when the italians/japanese were coming, but it was never repealed.

This refugee may stay with me.

You guys are just going to have to band together, centralize in one area, and hold down the fort. It's either that or genocide at this point sadly.

Kiwi here, you are very welcome in NZ, there are heaps of you already here

Ek het baie vriende uit Suid-Afrika en ek het geleer 'n bietjie van Afrikaans uit hulle

If you havet hide in Namibia.


yes, but imagine leaving your country. The place you where born. You leave your friends and family. you have to start all over again. Now when it is becoming a life or death situation you have no choice but before we all had hope that SA would be different.
For anyone who needs to learn the realities of blacks they need to look no further than South Africa as an example. They got a first world country and destroyed it in 20 years even while 4 million whites tried there hardest to stop them.

There was no "country" of South Africa before COLONISATION (not immigration) and only a minority of blacks in South Africa are mainly descended from peoples who lived in that region before

wait does this work for everyone ?

Are you stupid?

Take your friends and family with you, retard. Everyone. Just pack your shit and leave.

No amount of land is worth being genocided over.

>start killing

you live in a muslim country, but you do nothing but draw cartoons.

You don't have to tell me, I grew up near Newark, NJ.

haha! nice, I know their are lots of South Africans there. I have an uncle just outside Auckland. I need to quickly research how hard it is to get in there quickly.

Nah , that is nigger worship america

>According to the US Census Bureau, a certain person is considered White if he/she has "origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa"
Middle Eastern Americans as of 2010 was only 3.2%, in other words, around 10 million Middle Eastern Americans are currently residing in America
2010, the true percentage of White European Americans was this: 63.7-3.2=60.5%

>2015 US census said that Non hispanic white percentage is 61.6%
without baby boomers , actual white population is 50%

LE 60% are actually 50% white with aging boomers

and 6~7 million young white women in america get BLACKED

There is no hope for white men in america
they gonna gang rape by liberal and become beta provider

More or less, nobody has claimed colonist status in a long time tho.

In the text of the law you had to be a man of good faith, and be granted twelve acres of land and capital to buy seeds and tools.

Look up the italian migration to brazil. You'd be better off just moving to sao paulo or rio de janeiro and teaching french tho. Most people speak english already, and i bet you could find a job doing whatever you do in france over here too (unless you are a cuck shed inspector or something).

If all the whites in SA escaped right now the savages would be eating each other in the ruins in a matter of days.

its a lot more complicated then that and you know it. But yes, as I said it has reached the point where you need to just go where ever you can to get away.

They already kinda are, the whole reason whites are trying to escape is savages eating them too.

Good luck kid.
Hope you can turn some of the tide to steam before you drown.

Hatians do this, then try to illegally enter USA by claiming refugee status, because there is no way they are smart enough to make boats, and cant fly here.

Thanks Obama.

I know its more complicated mate, but your ancestors built that country out of dirt and sheer willpower.

You can rebuild elsewhere, too.

This is true... but realistically within a year they would all be starving and trying to get into Europe as they would have destroyed the last bastion of Africa.

Today has been a very sad day for me. Hopefully I meet you again South African user, in Valhalla

If whites trickle out, it will increase the danger to the remaining whites, who will then be even more outnumbered. It's murder to leave, and but suicide to stay.

Leave, OP. It's only a matter of time until a pack of nogs wielding machetes smash down your front door, or, at best, they so destroy the infrastructure that the number of flights out falls to almost none and you're basically trapped.

Its blowing my mind that whites are still living there.

Get on a plane to anywhere.
Get on a boat. Whatever.
If dumb arabs and africans can migrate, you can migrate. Get the fuck out. Let them burn themselves to the ground

>They leach off of whites because they can not create anything themselves
they are basically orchs then?

Organize yourselves so whites defend each other. Niggers are too stupid and can't win even if they heavily outnumber you.

>not immigration to 80% white canada or australia

>moving to socialism infest "Le Bolsa Familia" Land

I know it's hard, but the better option it's to sell all and to leave your country.
The best country in Europe now it's the UK, if you want to take a job, Germany it's good too but you need to learn German.
In my opinion go in a country where they speak English.

Shit climate. Drake.

No population. Shit internet.


go to any city or town and you will see the same thing... small population of whites surrounded by the black hordes.

come to australia we could need more whites even though we have more we need to bolster our ranks

Australia is first option... Canada is too cold for me..

better than yellow fever "Mother" Russia

>having gook gene make your children ugly

>having mestizo and nigger gene make your children ugly and stupid

you are no better than black cocksucking "white" Americunt

Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, and Peru will happily receive white refugees.

Perhaps the US will too.

>having gook gene make your children ugly
I.. Is this irony?


>children ugly
Try harder chink. Meanwhile your entire "race" looks like shit, dog eater.


>Samantha bee and her husband opposed school integration when niggers


>even libertard don't want live with non white

Seenobody want to go LE 60% White america

You a mudslime? If you're going on about how us whites are the master race you shouldn't be such a pussy. After all whites are native to the northern hemisphere

He literally put in his post that the currency has dropped so low they cant afford to leave. Why the fuck should they run anyway? Their families built that country from dust.

>Sup Forums wants pic related "whites" to immigrate

Kyselves seriously

THIS. The fucking niggers whine about whites stealing from them, meanwhile the entire infrastructure of South Africa was only made possible through white intellect, the democracy they use to suppress whites is a white form of government, the fact that their nigger populatuon went from tiny to the vast majority in mere decades was made possible using white medicine and hospitals. And (((they))) say colonialism was oppressive.

>Chill. It's a step down in materialist terms, but I think safety and reduced stress more than make up for it.
>Harder to get into Australia, and the weather is nicer here because things are not on fire

This goes for all the barbaric cultures and "civilisations". The world owes whites a debt for industrialisation and medicine which has greatly improved life for billions and has made those billions possible. It is a pity those billions being born are subhumans instead of white though.

>tfw a qt brown South African girl wants me to go to SA to meet her.
>Be as white as Adolf fucking Hitler.
How dead would I be stepping off that plane?

they were there before these niggers were retard.

China has the ball in africa now

Go homu whaitu piggu :DDDD

>2 million Zimbabweans think
They don't, there's the problem.

Shut the fuck up, tiny China

>as white as Adolf fucking Hitler.
you are a swarthy south-german manlet with jet black hair ?

STILL mad over being occupied lmao

You controlled them before. What makes now any different other than your unwillingness to fight dirty?

This. I'm surprised there are still white people in South Africa. Anyone with sense knows a country in Africa not completely run by white people is going to turn in to a deadly shithole very quickly. Seriously get the fuck out or you're going to die. The only question is how many cocks are going to get shoved in your rectum first.

I actually cant wait for the Chinese to exploit the Africans... They will be praying for whites to come back once the Chinese get a proper hold of Africa.

they won't instead you will find a bunch of blasians in place

my brothers are already extracting these fertile women as we speak

shut up tiny australia (but admittedly better than australia)

The difference is the world is a very different place then it was in the 60s. Look at America, booming, mostly white, tight families and high levels of racism (or people just had a better understanding of blacks back then). Now if you look at a black the wrong way you are a racist and can get locked up in jail. A lot has changed in government and socially in the world.

>Hohol defending his nigger brothers.
Nothing new.

I know the chinese will sleep with anything that has a vagina... which is great as it will increase the IQ and work ethic of the locals. But they also treat the non Chinese ones like shit. I remember reading about some mines that where owned by chinese where the workers had to do two years before they qualified for a safety helmet. Was hilarious stuff.

Is Brooklyn New York a hell hole? With all those blacks there I can just imagine crime being out of control?

if a white ethnostate was established how many white south Africans would go there?

brooklyn got gentrified so it's somewhat less bad now but NYC in general is a nigger shithole