Bannon kicked out of security council

>Bannon kicked out of security council
>Drumpf starts war with Syria
How can Sup Forums be ALWAYS so so wrong?

/leftypol/ here, we are laughing at how big retards you are to fall for such obvious manipulations lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

Go fix your own country before you critique others.

We would literally be in the same position if Hillary was elected. The agenda has not chained whatsoever

>Economy is rapidly falling apart
>A solution is needed immediately to blaim it on

We have seen this before.

Reminder that you lost

He was never ment to permanently be a part of the security council.
He did his part and will now move on to other projects.

Greece is improving thanks to the Eu, unlike UK and US which are becoming shitholes big time

How is that peace Drumpf told you about? How's that draining le swamp meme? The failed muslim bans? The failed healthcare ;^)

Lmao you are such a joke
You are the one who is so much in denial about losing hahahaha

>Economy is rapidly falling apart
but I thought Trump was single-handedly saving the economy and making America great again. what happened to the big promises?

>Greece is improving

>He did his part and will now move on to other projects.
kek, do you actually believe the "we put a blatantly political operative on the NSC to de-politicize it" excuse? I've heard 12 year olds give more convincing stories for not turning in their homework than that shit.
Then again the Trump shills believe Trump having the most Goldmann Sachs executives in his cabinet in history is proof he's standing up to Goldmann Sachs so I guess it's not a shocker.

>is a lefty

You guys couldn't get anymore retarded if you tried, could yah?

The right image is what fox news is telling them lol
>Look, Trump is better than Obama, he added so many jobs and fixed everything
Honestly Drumpflets are the stupidest people on the world

No president or congressman will ever fix the economy in the US or anywhere else without resolving the root issue. Unfortunately they're willing to do whatever it takes to keep from doing that. Look at the last 70 years for examples.

He hasn't even started a war though.

>calling anyone else retarded

that article says literally nothing other than "Bannon says he depoliticized the NSC and didn't explain how"
what am I supposed to be convinced by exactly?

Yeah the exact fucking moment that happens, Trump manages to go full retard in Syria

So he kicks out Bannon and pisses off Russia. Is this Trump literally reacting to SNL?

>greece is improving
It seems when I woke up I skipped a thousand years. We 3017 now?

Left laughing about manipulation haha.

>He did his part and will now move on to other projects.
>We had some artistic different but par in good will
>we wish him good luck for future endeavors

Tytus, please stop samefagging.

I know being right wing means you cant into manipulated
1st manipulated by your own nature like some animal with no free will and self awareness

Then manipulated by people who act like idiots so you can feel close to them such a drumpf/alex jones and you fall for that low tier manipulation too lmao

> greece




>Greece is improving
faggot you just had demonstrations against austerity YESTERDAY

>he didn't drainnthe swamp
>he didn't ban muslims
>he didn't jail hillary
>he hasn't repealed obamacare so far
>he's not anti-syrian was after all

So... he's basically Hillary Clinton, right? Apart from the PR they're the same candidate, and had the same plans. The establishment wins again.

>Their only excuse is literally to ad hominem

>Greece is improving thanks to EU
fuck off ΔΑΠ shill

> ad hominem

m8 i'm not even trying to argue with you

i'm too busy laughing

>doesnt pay debnts
>keeps spending money they dont have

Nah, Hillary would have just taken orders from Goldmann Sachs through backdoor channels and shaped policy through that.
Trump put them directly in government and let them write the bills themselves to cut out the middleman so he can spend more time playing golf

It's all just 6 sided 8D chess, by starting a war Trump is creating jobs for the American people.

Truly the greatest US president of all time thank you Trump.

Nah, it would've been way worse than that.

so much this

Cucks can't come up with counter arguments.

Nice juan cuckchan; you've outdone yourselves this time.

> thinking that everyone on the sidelines laughing at you is secretly wishing they had the chops to debate against you

that's some really great wishful thinking on your part

do you want a side of external validation with it

Leftycuck pls.

>It's all just 6 sided 8D chess
>This is what Drumpfshills tell themselves

All of us goys lost. As usual.

Kushner pushed bannon out.


So? It only shows how mad and triggered 8ch admins are over leftypol because we are so much better than Sup Forumstards so they are jealous lmao

are you fucks going to bunkerchan anyways?

Well good to know you've accepted that you got cucked by Trump.

> maybe if i repeat myself what i'm saying will become true

your existence is an argument in favor of eugenics

Bannon gets fired hours before the Syria announcement. There has been a complete take over of Trump's administration that includes control over the president himself.

Russians and their friend Assad were warned in advance. I get the feeling this was the most friendly and polite attack in military history.

Trump will jump up 10% in approval.A few weeks and Putin will sell Syria newer and better jets, cheap.

>Sup Forums

oh look the first year physics major who discovered Sup Forums this summer

also, RARE

I am sorry you are in denial, just like most drumpflets it shows you are unable to think and do anything beyond your spooks

>look mana I'm projecting

>Little boy learned the word projecting
>Now uses it at everything that BTFOs it

So, what did /leftypol/ get right that Sup Forums got wrong?

>generic ''you're in denial'' post in response to unrelated post

either extremely subtle bait or pure retardation


Fuck these /r/The_Donald posters from reddit. I'm getting what I voted for, the final beautiful happening.