/leftypol/ here

/leftypol/ here.
Just wanted to let you know we told you so, you fell for the porky again like an idiot.

Continue to laugh at Sup Forumstards part 4

Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone's starting to regret their vote for Trump. We need to move to impeach to secure the nuclear codes. We all saw this coming.

Reminder that this gayreek is a champagne socialist

Porky is an awful, awful meme and le happy merchant is 10000000x better


>We all saw this coming.
Sup Forumstards clearly didnt lmao


You know, I'm starting to think your intention isn't actually to convince anyone, but to fish for (you)s

If the strong rule,
And jews control the world,
And keep their "racial purity"
And have unbroken clan allegiance
And make every other ethnicity their slaves.
Doesn't that make Jews the Master Race?
Checkmate nazitards.

I find it funny how /leftypol/ had to find some non-offensive version of the happy merchant to project all their hatred towards. In the end it's just a neutered version of a superior and more accurate meme. Jews ARE disproportionately wealthy when taking their tiny population size into account, but /leftypol/ refuses to acknowledge this. The happy merchant is more accurate representation of "porky" than porky is.



>he is still not a NatSoc

Waiting for proles to realize billionaires don't give a fuck about them and never will.


they're anti-racist white guilt fags what did you think they were gonna use?

Porky will be Porky, time to take the real *red* pill


>germans are autistic
>they invent communism
>try to destroy Europe multiple times
>Communists like autistic things like Got and MLP
>People like Stirner don't believe in human nature or morality

All makes sense

/Leftypol/ obvious raid is obvious (bernie sanders still giving clinton the ol clit stim)

Now, now, be nice. This is our chance to spread class consciousness.

Yes, Porky...

wow dude i should have voted for hillary
really made me think

Never thought I would agree with a fucking leaf

Lmao, even bioware games are more rational than Sup Forums lol

Syriza is greek obama :3

You guys always talk about feels and reals but when anybody brings up genetics you guys suddenly switch sides.

actually Stirner isn't what you imagine him to be
memes about Stirner =/= what Stirner wrote

Leftists refused to answer this last thread

>Science is a spook
>Modality doesn't exist
>If you notice patterns, stop
>People are all the same, if you think otherwise stop
>The same as religion, culture, and lineage

So basically

>Waaahhhh why doesn't everyone believe in my ludicrous a priori suppositions on human nature based on scoffing in the face of empiricism!
>Identity doesn't exist, that psychopath over there who has a genetic malfunction in their orbital cortex which prevents them from feeling empathy is created solely by the environment!
>they can be cured
> that's why we put them in charge of the labor camps everything will go fine!

>Inb4 more irrelevant meme posting to avoid actual refutation.


>what is automatization
the post


>This stumps the antifa

Jews are based capitalists feared irrationally by both stormfags and marxist retards

Leftypol actually supported Bernie and BLM till they made themselves look like idiots. Then they lied that they never supported them and they were just liberals lmao.




>Labor theory of value
>Anything but pleb tier

>waaaaah the evil porky has money, we need them
>muh revolution
>hurr durr you NAZIS are so feels>reals, lmao

>all bankers are jews, the ruling class is all jews.
>Once we get rid of them, the white christian non-degenerate ruling class (because degenerate behaviour like homosexuality is a jewish invention) would totally not exploit me and engage in imperialist wars and import more brown people to drive the wages down.
>The fact that jews are overrepresented in the ruling class is totally not a simple result of tribalistic nepotism, but in fact the proof for a irrational century spanning conspiracy.
You people think you are so smart to have seen through to "jewish lies" but are not different from the people who have seen through the "illuminati lies" or the "lizardmen lies".
You are all suffering from a false class consciousness.

>britbong complains about shitty ideologies and invading other countries

Why don't you pay for more of your monarch's crumpets?

Ουστ Γραιkυλε προδοτη

this "I regret voting trump meme' is only being pushed by people who:

A. didnt want trump elected in the first place
B. Shills.

choose any, lose anyway

Wow what a surprise, the eternal naysayer wants credit for "calling everything" as soon as one thing strays from the plan

Grow up you opportunistic cocks

You leftists are D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L if you think President Hillary Clinton/President Bernie Sanders wouldn't have done the same thing. Presidents change, but (((the agenda))) stays the same.

>all bankers are jews, the ruling class is all jews.
Not what I said, but they make up 10% of the world's billionaires and 40% of the USA's billionaires despite being only 0.2% of the world's population. They are disproportionately wealthy and that's a fact.

This all would have happened much sooner if Clinton won. Face it, we were going to lose regardless of who was in office.

>still failing to see that jews were the only nation to consist entirely of bourgoise between 17th to 20th century


Stay mad spook nationalist cuck, you ll never experience freedom

friendly reminder 2+2+2+2chan rates pedos, furfags, and ponyfags over commies, so they're over here to vent their frustrations about being the least valued board on their site

Because scientific racism is illogical horseshit and I'm not going to waste my time reducing you to screeching about shitskins and mud huts.

He was still the best choice.

Class consciousness doesn't exist. It's not supported by scientists.

"Porky lies" "1% lies"

Why are commies tinfoil faggots who don't even know what a parent distribution is?

Class consciousness is just another form of identity politics.

Identity politics: white black people are my enemy
Class politics: All rich people hate me
Reality: The rich are actually not a monolith and the elites do not have Alex Jones tier power.

ITT pol on suicide watch

Even if Trump is not /OurGuy/ he now is one of (((yourGoys)))... our ideology is intact, while we will try to find a hero that will liberate /us/ from (((you)))

what specifically is the problem with killing syrians? they seem to be enjoying this for years

>calls others spooks
>is a communist

Not very ego-centrist of you my spook.

>he thinks liberals are leftists

ITT leftypol gets BTFO and exposed


Does furry animal porn come along with that freedom you are talking about? Degenerate faggot

>still believing in marx- the first neckbeard

>liberals aren't lefties

Holy fuck.

class-cucked Sup Forumstards dont even know they're class cucked. My dick is so hard im getting dizzy.

Protip: Voting for the ruling class wont make you the ruling class.

>facts and statistics are illogical

>SJWs do something leftypol likes
>fuck yeah true leftists
>SJWs do something stupid

Liberalism died 100 years ago. All those ANTIFA retards and anarchists believe in SJW shit and are universally anti capitalist.


>Still no refutations
>yfw leftypol can't deny that communism only works if everyone has the exact same thoughts
>yfw captcha has my back

Racial differences are real though and your blank slate delusions won't explain why the richest black areas of America are still more crime-prone than the poorest white areas, or why as the west becomes more "diverse" it becomes more conflict-ridden because groups are in direct competition for limited resources with each other and the groups that don't play a cohesive in-group preference strategy are the ones that lose and can literally go extinct.

>pol on suicide watch
>whilst your board is dead because of your fat cuck mod

Why didn't you just redistribute your wealth so your board wouldn't die?

>Not what I said, but they make up 10% of the world's billionaires and 40% of the USA's billionaires despite being only 0.2% of the world's population. They are disproportionately wealthy and that's a fact.
how about you read my full post and not just the first line, I already adressed this

It is called having quality taste in men :3

>female soldiers
Cool story babe, now make me a sandwich.

>everything I know about biology and statistics I learned from memes

Would you be a for a culling of "the stupid?"

I've always considered that the left's version of being racist "without being racist."

Funny how many blacks would die from that though...


We aren't regretting shit. Let the pussies jump ship. Fuck them.

I rather be a hyper-atomized indiviualist and tip my fedora and write blog posts about how jewish libertarians were so right about everything while my living standards go down and 3rd world conditions form around me as a result of changing demography.

t. perma virgin

your assuming you earned that wealth.

>the commie malaka faps to this
Not surprised at all.

If you kill the stupid you arent racist, you punish people for being dumb

Though let's be honest, why kill the stupid when you can use them as a tool ? ;^)

Did you see your new Supreme Court justice coming?

Its because all their heroes are jewish mass murderers.
At least our mass murderer actually went after the "burgeouis"

If they only knew how similar our goals are.

>The Bell Curve is a meme

You have no argument against the data, though. Just some SRS-tier snark. Gas yourself, nigger.

What is your argument here? I'm honestly so confused, are you making fun of statistics?

and there is nothing wrong with it.

>I don't like statistics because I don't agree so they must be a meme.
>mass murderer

some of those are not Jews
>Martov wasn't a Bolshevik, he was a Menshevik
>Lenin wasn't a fucking Jew
>Lukashin (Armenian)
>Krestinsky (do you even know what his surname means?)
>Kerensky was SR, not a Bolshevik, and not a Jew
>Rakovsky (Bulgarian)
>Dzerzhinsky (literally Polish noble)
>Berzin (Latvian)
>Frunze (Romanian)
>Latsis (Latvian)
>Krestinsky again
>Azef was literally Okhrana agent
>Rakovsky again

So 20 guys there are just wrong, and out of rest most weren't really important.

>liberals do something unfavorable
>"not real leftists"
>socialism goes awry
>"not real socialism"

I'm starting to notice a trend of being unable to handle responsibility. I guess that pretty much the foundation of communism though

Maybe I did earn it. Would I get to keep it, if that were the case?


With being a white-hating shitskin or a degenerate virgin who faps to furries?

sjws everyone.

based tito

You and your Donnybrook family will be among the first to be torn apart by the "proles", faggot.

>Hillary says we should take out Assad's airfields
>trump does it

I like how communists love workers but want to murder them if they're fascists.

Nice meme

Poles, Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Ossetians and Estonians were all far more over represented than Jews in the Russian Revolution.

Yet nobody cries about "Finno-Bolshevism". Just mindless screeching about da jooz.

impeaching trump just puts a new figurehead in place, nothing changes, the president is irrelevant and people who don't realize this are just playing into the system