You can't sage the truth

You can sage me, but you can't sage the truth. Donald trump is a failed billionaire, a racist sexist xenophobe Transphobe. This is coming from a Female. And anyone who doesn't like him is a "SHILL" apparently.

Can TrumpTrash prove me wrong? Protip: You can't.

Thats exactly why we like him you cunt. We are just angry he would go full neocon

Some shills work for free.

failed how?

Brazil? Gtfo you brazil monkey don't you have street gunfights to get too?

Tits (even if saggy) or GTFO

sage obviously

>muh vaguna maks muh points mur valid

xenophobe? stop making up words and fuck off

Hillary supported the attacks Hillshill idiot

Honestly, at this point Trump is Like Hillary but with an orange skin colour. What's the difference between the two?

Incoming Trump shills who have such pathetic intellect they think anyone criticizing their "daddy" is a shill.

So many people need to eat a bullet on Sup Forums now.

>failed billionaire
What doe that even mean?

>a racist sexist xenophobe Transphobe
Which is why he won the election and the reason he has my support.

>This is coming from a Female
That was obvious from the begginning. I'm glad you don't dignify yourself with the word "woman" and simly refer to yourself with the word "female". It makes sense.

>Can TrumpTrash prove me wrong? Protip: You can't.

I'll just be smug and sage.
I mean it's not like you can hurt me.

And trumps the racist

Inb4 OP is found to have autism and revealed as a tranny subhuman

Inb4 OP is found to have autism and revealed as a trans subhuman degenerate

>mfw Trump lost by millions of votes
>and now he's going to start WW3 because he's a Russian puppet

Typical Trumptrash I hope he bombs you next then the TRUE president can come back when Drumpf is impeached

>Start a war with Russia that we would both lose out on because he is a Russian puppet...
Bad shill is bad at shilling.

So your response to sentiments that display disregard for certain peoples, even to go so far as to CRITICIZE certain peoples, is to kill those criticizing them?

>le drumpftards meme
>le impeach trump meme

What have you got to offer that we haven't heard before in a meme propagated by a million faggots?

>this is coming from a female
Inferior mental capabilities aren't a good qualifier for understanding. Next time keep your mouth shut about your gender. Also post your tits please.

You mean his vice president?

lol fag

>failed billionaire

Thanks for the LOL

>implying WW3 isn't exactly what Putin wants

You had your chance for peace, but you chose to be misogynist instead

>mfw rural and suburban retards perish in the flames while ABMs protect the economically valuable cities