Swedish PM admits that this terrorist attack will not change Sweden's behavior

'Terrorists want us to be afraid, want us to change our behaviour, want us to not live our lives normally, but that is what we're going to do.

cuck my shit up


Other urls found in this thread:


>shoot self in head
>"i will continue to try to shoot myself in the head"

Then sweden needs to quit dicking around and pass out the poison pills ala jonestown mass suicide, get it fucking over with instead of dragging it out.

if you think any sane country is going to start evicting random Muslims because a few terrorists did some bad shit, you are retarded beyond belief

thankfully, the rest of the world isn't as insane and sheltered human garbage like Sup Forums and stormfront

Leftism will prevail, and there is NOTHING you can do about it, you nazi pig.

why don't you just not let them in and you won't have to even think about that, Sweden?

> Brexit please!

Isnt that the exact opposite?
The muslims want them to pay for being christian, for not following the muslim law.
But isnt that exactly what sweden is heading torwards?
So to continue what they are doing. is the wrong thing.
They should STOP sucking allah cock to show the terrorist. WHAT

im ashamed to share the same soil as you.

That is not Cuck Logic though

>sane country
Are we talking about the same Sweden?
Im sure you are just jealous.

This guy gets it. Progressive leftists have been winning non stop since the bronze age.

But this is so fuckt. How can a person be this much in denial. A god damn 5 year old would be able to see the irony.

>Hehe XDDDDD i just called them a nazi pig guise xDDDD

>"the rest of the world isn't as insane and sheltered human garbage like Sup Forums and stormfront"
>everything Sup Forums has said over the last 4 years has come true
>Lefties are just stuck on protesting and crying

user pls, can I remind you why Sup Forums will always win?

>winning non-stop since bronze age
Big if true

Putin actually sent his condolences to the swedish king instead of to this cuckminister

Muslim here, with a message for all the cumskins on this board:

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Problem, you inbreeding, barbaric little shitskin?

>'Terrorists want us to be afraid, want us to change our behaviour, want us to not live our lives normally, but that is what we're going to do.
this is so disrespectful of those lives gone
hes literally saying to not care about this violence, to not act concerned as a nation
this is the destruction of a country at its foremost

Spurdo here, wid a mesage :DD for yu idslamobobig peebl.

Da memes benis :DDddd crated dis mezz lol xDD.

Id wad yu who dibidedd ub da lands. fugg :DDDDD

Id wad yu who but in da pubbet gubberments lol.

Id wad yu who build da benis xD oil wels on Muslib hooly landz.

Id wad yu who allow da Jooz xDDDDdd hologost was lie to egsterbinate ad enslaev da Balesdins.

Id wad yu who blayed geobolidigal gaems :DDDDd wid Irag an Iran durig deir warz. xDDD

Id wad yu who gabe Sabdam chemigal webons. shiddd :DDDdddd

Id wad yu who gaused da Ayadollah to gome into bower in Iran. xDDD

Id wad yu who created da Mujjahebedin, Osaba Bin Laden, an Alb Qaeda. fug xD

Id wad yu who kil o fugg xDDD 1 miblion chidren wid yur egonomig sangtons on Iragg :DDD benis.

Id wad yu who, wid yur glubttonos oil gonsumbtion, gabe powr to Saudi Arbabia fugg :DDDDDDDDd an turnd a blind eye to deir funding ob Wahabbi egstrebism.

Id wad yu who abuzed de Arab wurld so benis xD much thad dey felbt dey had do attack yur soil on 9/11. shidd nevr forged dog bles meriga :DDDDdddd

Id wad yu who starded an endles massacore across all ob Abfganistan in redaliaton againsd a small benis xDDDD group thad livd dere.

Id wad yu who invabed Irag unbroboked, destroyd it's inbrasdructure, massagred it's peepl, and lebt it in shables in yur wage. xDDDDdddd

Id wad yu who coberdly ignided cibil warz in Libya and Suyria shiddd begaus id suided yur geobolitigal interest fugg :DDDDD, only do led da bloodbafs o fug xDD stagnade when yur goalz failededd xDDD.

Id wad yu who nodd only causd ISIS to egsist, bud allowd them do grow like a cancer xD thred gabe me cancer lol xDDDDD unchegged.

Id wad yu who debstroyed da libes of millionds fug :DDDDddd of Arab an force dem to leeve deir hobeland. xDDdd benis

Yu are da gause of all ob dis. Still yu go ahead an blambe us fur all dese tragig o fug :DD incidenbts. I'm not eazily triggeredd o fug triggerd lol like justic warior xD but shid like dis make me real mad.


that's exactly how tens of millions of Canadians feel about you, dipshit

this country is leftist, fuck off to Trumptardia

>muslim holy lands

Like that's a real thing.




>we've turned into a borderline failed state in the space of a decade, best not to question why
Why's nobody shooting these people yet?

>>everything Sup Forums has said over the last 4 years has come true

Everything. Even the grand kike conspiracy shit is talked about openly in the media. Sup Forums is always, always right.

This faggot needs to answer for the blood on his hands!

>Class flunky admits that this failure attack will not change his behavior
>'Teachers want me to be study, want me to change my behaviour, want me to not live my life normally, but that is what I'm going to do.

The penis cage stays on for another week!

They're basically parasites that gain control when the host is weak and feed off the remains until it dies. That's not winning and you're a fucking retard if you think what you posted is true. They sure as fuck have tried it on not so weak hosts and get BTFO every fucking time because they're logic is inherently and irrevocably flawed.

Everyone who fell for this shit b8 should hang their heads in shame.


In other news, abused wife will not change behavior or leave abusive husband.

>"terrorists wants to scare us so we will deport them away, want us to not live our lives normally with them like nothing happened, but that is what we're going to do."

This is the thing that leftists don't seem to understand. Islam is not a fucking race. You can't attach the "just because some blacks do bad shit doesn't mean they all do" mentality to Islam. Islam is a fucking ideology. It's like saying that we should just ignore the crips and bloods gang memeber and let them be because not all of them kill people. It's fucking retarded. Islam condones and outright DEMANDS the blood of infidels and they are getting it by the gallons because of these stupid fucking leftists that vote for this "peace and love" bullshit.

What is an appropriate response in this kind of event? I honestly don't know what I'd want the government to do.

I don't want more online surveillance just because of >muh security.

>terrorists want us to change our behaviour we can't let them do that
>but hey let's just put in some laws protecting Islam because of islamphobia

Or hang themselves. It's the same homo torontonian in every thread

Whats really pathetic is in the backgrouhd of the truck attack is an advertisement with a black person on it. In Sweden.
Fucking stupid cucks.


this is a reasonable response

You could start to seriously reconsider your immigration policy and ask yourselves exactly what cultures you're importing into your country.
Not that we're any better.

>1 Sök upp och omhänderta samtliga utländska och svenska medborgare som stridit för eller på andra sätt hjälpt IS (och liknande organisationer). Därtill också alla som givit uttryck för sympati med dessa organisationer.

>2 Stäng omedelbart Sveriges gränser för ”flyktingar” och placera samtliga ”flyktingar” och migranter i interneringsläger. De skall inte, som idag, vandra fritt i vårt samhälle.

>3 Förklara – klart och tydligt – att Sverige nu gör om och gör rätt. Att vi inte kommer acceptera några angrepp på vårt land eller vårt folk (det svenska folket) samt att ni från och med nu har svenskarnas bästa som högsta prioritet. Föreningar, grupper, samfund etc. som inte förespråkar svenska intressen utan sina egna främmande gruppers särintressen skall inte få statliga bidrag.

>4 Gör klart att tiden då svensk politik och samhällelig koncensus gick ut på att föra fram idéer om att svenskar inte finns; att allt gott kommer utifrån etc. är över. Sverige främst, inget annat kan accepteras. Uppmana svensk media att vara delaktiga i att skapa en positiv svensk självbild.

>5 Inled deportering av alla utlänningar som tillhör kategori ett (se ovan) samt påbörja ett långsiktigt arbete för repatriering.

Why is Sweden so set on squandering everything good about its society?

I hate this mindset so much. They dont understand the muds way of thinking or anything. Why is it so hard to put your peoples best interests first?

well honestly i wasnt expecting anything else


If Leftism does prevail, you'll be lined up and shot just like the rest of us mate. Useful idiot to the cause eh? You'll probably grow up at some point.

1 and 5 seem realistic enough except for the "long-term work to repatriate". I can't imagine a society with western values working on removing immigrants in general (I assume this part isn't referring to criminals) for the sake of cultural homogeneity.

2. Closing the borders entirely to all refugees is probably not going to happen. A drastic cut is probably possible through framing the issue extremely well.

3 and 4 are a matter of fundamentally changing values. Could happen I suppose.

Did you get to see your daddy Fidel before he croaked?

Maybe at least vet your refugees better going forward

You're only fucking over genuine refugees that want to assimilate and contribute as well as yourself by not being more stringent on vetting

>Leftism will prevail, and there is NOTHING you can do about it, you nazi pig.

Islam is more reactionary and fascistic than the worst of us on Sup Forums and will inevitably become dominant if we continue along your leftist path

You fucking idiots are digging your own graves

keep cuck and carry on

This is what they all say now.

You can follow the narrative though the years. "There will be no increased risk" (yes they actually said this) "ISIS would never hide among refugees" (yes, they also said this) "sweden is not attacked because we treat our refugees better" (again a real talking point).

Just days ago they said the risk of an attack was overblown by right wing extremists.

Anyone who paid attention to the news over the years has to be a jaded asshole by now. You can't believe a single fucking word, not only are they consistently lying, even when they're guessing they're wrong, and then they try to change the narrative afterwards and act like they were never wrong before.

No accountability by the media. Even though it's easier than ever to show what they used to say. Nobody comments or reflects on this. Bygones. Oops.

So now we're down to "if you acknowledge who's killing you, they win". It seems like the last refuge of argument for these lefty cowards but who knows maybe they'll dig even deeper.

>So now we're down to "if you acknowledge who's killing you, they win". It seems like the last refuge of argument for these lefty cowards but who knows maybe they'll dig even deeper.

Eventually they will submit to Islam. It's the logical conclusion of their cowardly nature

so wtf was the point of running over people? Is this what happens when they realize that there is no god in the way that they think? They flip out and mush people and poor puppers?
Just think what would happen if we publicly admitted aliens are real...

Obviously that is what he's going to say being in charge of the left and completely tied to the immigrants succeeding.

Dont worry, a candle lit vigil and a declaration of unity will soon send those pesky terrorists fleeing.

The fuck are you talking about?
Most governments of the Western world are deeply right wing neoliberalism (Neoconservative if you are American)

Progressive aka socialist values have been repeatedly BTFO throughout history.

man, what i would give to be able to read history/sociology books 200 years from now, that deal with western europe.

The only mistake we made is thinking we could civilize you savages. We should've just razed the whole region to bedrock and took what we wanted over your corpses.

Reminds me of the same brave stance Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium and others took when the horrible Nazis swept through the continent, expecting the other nations to respond with barbarism and violence.

No. Not the brave Nords and Latins. They will not revert to their base natures like the Angry Anglo.

They will stand tall (exceptionally tall) and brave and bend the knee to threats of violence and conquest. Because that's how you show your enemies you're not afraid.

>lets not enact policies to defend ourselves
>that'll show them
this is what liberals consider bravery
"lets walk into the slaughter house with out heads up high fellow cows, surely our dignified stoicism will ensure humans desist on butchering us"

>Leftism will prevail

>...At putting the western world under Islamic rule

Self cleaning oven.

Women will be cattle and homosexuals will be tossed from the roofs and theological autocracy will rule and us fascist right wingers don't even have to lift a finger.

Thanks Anti-Fa!

Leave the leaf alone guys, he's not legally allowed to say anything negative about the mudslimes anymore

You'd probably have to learn Arabic.

>Terrorists want us to be afraid, want us to change our behaviour

No they don't. They want you to die.

They're programmed to destroy those of us who resist, then self destruct. A perfect killing machine.

Ya, I'm pretty sure Swedes running at full speed from a rampaging truck were pretty fucking scared Sven you cocksucker! You will bend to Islam...fear is your friend you cunt of man!

How Brave! I'm not going to let terrorism make me act, I'm way too brave for that!

Those are all female right? Please tell me they were born female

>'Terrorists want us to be afraid, want us to change our behaviour, want us to not live our lives normally, but that is what we're going to do.

That's the token politician's message after every terror attack in Europe

This lads... is why Europe is done for

cant wait for all the swedes to die out


Why do they always say terrorists want us to be scared? They don't want us to be scared, they want us to be dead

cant w8 for all muricans to die off in a Israeli proxy war

Just like a thief wants you to lock your doors! And we never will!

Psshhhh, im not like you m8
I wont bend my knee to any kind of foreign influence

The day of the rake can't come soon enough. Give Toronto an extra nuking just for me.

Were they all born female? No.

But odds are good that at least one of the boys will be wearing a dress within a year or two.


Sept. 11, 2001 was the day that radical Islam beat classical liberalism in the ideology war.

Everyone became scared shitless and every terror attack since then has caused folks to care less about personal liberty and more about state-sponsored security and defense.

Things were so much different, at least in the US, before that goddamn day.


Its true unfortunately.

Most of the time when I talk to normies about how maybe its not such a great idea to let the state spy on everyone without warrants I get a reply along the lines of "but user, what about terrorists?".

That's why I hate Muslims, if they want to be backward savages in their part of the world I could care less; but they had to spread their shit all over the planet and give the forces of authoritarianism all the firepower they needed to convince the common man that they need the all powerful government to protect them.

That was Kool Aid laced with poison, user.

>retarded beyond belief
A fucking leaf

Lighting candles won't do a thing. How about apologising to your nation for your policies which allowed this to happen?

I couldn't care less about Europe and these weekly attacks. They've created this mess, let them deal with the consequences.

How many will their be over the coming summer? I predict shits gonna get real.

>Sane country
Pick one.

lol my fat friend got hooked in the jabber with a bottle the other day. even on his fucking birthday by these fucking sandpeople.

>no worries his cousin fucked him up later. fucking filth

They literally cannot wait to be replaced, they're already putting up ads to relate to the "new swedes"

I dont know danske bror, i dont know. We got attacked for being white i guess

jesus fukking khrist sweden

Don't curse,please.

>want us to change our behaviour
No, they want to kill non muslims, which is exactly what they're doing.

Why would they continue along a path that leads to their own citizens being slaughtered ? why don't they address the issue & act on it ?



fug pupper nooooo

get fucked commie scum. you guys are literally worse than nazis. Friendly reminder that anywhere outside of a large city in canada, people fucking hate you. eat shit cuck

>this country is leftist

maybe take a drive to somewhere outside of Toronto bud

my swee t jesus sweden we cant help you

what kind of people are you
at the end of the day i will stand with you but for the love of god wake up you dopey blondey beeer-brains

They don't know who Muhammad truly was.


Nah i didnt do shit f u

There are no muslim holy lands, your fake prophet and fake religion are nothing but the vilest excrement from satan's own mouth.