How many of you would actually leave the comforts of your computers to fight a war against China, Russia...

How many of you would actually leave the comforts of your computers to fight a war against China, Russia, any part of the Middle East or even one at home?

or would you dodge draft, assuming you had enough money?

Are you a true patriot?

b-but if I kill my enemies, they win


Oooooooh, thats a tough one. Cus porn dude!


Anytime. Sleepercell in Germany.

If I leave my country they inmediatly try to steal it again.


>not relizing you get to rape people as you raid cities

i'd join the army anyway if they'd give me a waiver desu

I'd fight a war i believe in, i'd probably be willing to fight in case a part of the great buffer (read: The EU) was attacked.
But otherwise i'd probably just chill with popcorn.

Why the hell did it say "baka" i typed "baka"?

I have no allegience to my country because it has no allegience to me. Russia, China, and Middle eastern countries have never wronged me. If soldiers from those countries came to Canada and started killing people I would fight back. Out of self defense, not out of loyalty for a government that is essentially treating me like cannon fodder for drafting me in the first place.

I'd prefer to fight Saudi Arabia, Israel and the US

What the fuck it did it again i typed s m h (no spaces)

lol fuckin baka

I would never fight against Russia

This is how every fucking human being should, defend yourself and those you care about when necessary. You do NOT owe your life to your government, if they cared so much about a cause then why don't they go fight? War is nothing but a way to access and control resources and for the rich to profit of the retarded peasants killing each other for causes that will be forgotten in several generations.

lol kil urself weeb

same here but rather for my country and our fundamental rights, not so much for the current goverment.

I'm not going to die for Israel killing my fellow sort of white men in Russia or some chink farmer but if anyone starts shit in the UK then sure, I'll have a go at them with a pencil or whatever since I binned my knife

Yes, I already tried in fact, but I'm a loser and tore my shoulder doing push ups in basic. I would love a second chance

baka desu senpai

Already signed up to go. My country, right or wrong, will always be my country.

I'm not fighting any war unless its to completely remove Jewish influence in the world.

I leave my computer to go sleep in the woods for sometimes weeks at a time, so that's not the issue here. The issue is dying for Israel.

>be a white man
>risk your life for a country with no fault divorce and alimony
>risk your life for a country of degenerate tinder and grinder users
>risk your life for a country of fake news propaganda
>risk your life for a country that spies on you
>risk your life for a country that has completely abandoned you
>risk your life for a country that took away your private healthcare and gave it to Sharonda and Tyreese
For what reason?