She could have saved us from WW3

She could have saved us from WW3....

Really encourages contemplation....

Other urls found in this thread:,d.amc

You are wrong.

Do you really have to post this ugly face here every fucking day? I would even prefer zippo cat over this witch ...

You knew nothing of her politics or agenda obviously

I can't believe I let these russian shillbots on this board con me into voting for drumpf.

To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much, you have to first ask why people become rural and suburban retards in the first place.

I mean, there are fewer jobs and opportunities there, so what's the point? Why would someone become a rural and suburban retard? The answer is rape.

Imagine being in Manitoba or Wyoming, there are no humans in a thousand mile radius. No one, literally. So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously. What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too. Everyone is there to rape. That's the whole point.

There is no escape.

And you can't run to the city either because the city only accepts ultra high IQ super-evolved, super educated humans. And rural and suburban retards deliberately shit up the schools so that it is impossible for you to ever become smart and educated enough to leave for the city. That's why they teach you creationism and that kind of bullshit, so that if you ever go to the city, people will just laugh at you and send you back to where you came from.

You are stuck there to be raped forever.

So obviously when Hillary ran a campaign based on education and helping little girls succeed, rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well what that meant. It meant no more rape. Can you imagine being a rural and suburban retard and not being allowed to rape? That would be hell.

And people are often amazed by the fact that white rural and suburban women would vote against Hillary, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape? No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.

You know damn well she would have done the exact same thing Trump did.

I wonder if anyone ever said this unironically...

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? must be under 15..,d.amc

Hillary would shoot down Russian planes, tell me how that would avert war with Russia??

She WANTS war with russia, so she can go full 100% into Syria and take out assad so Saudis can have a new pipeline from Qatar, through Syria and into EU to sell gas to Europe.

Russia already sells gas through Syria to EU, they supply 80% of all natural gas to Europe.

Hillary got $50M from Saudis into her foundation.,

SHe also hired Huma Abedin who is a Saudi spy, forget Russian connections, Hillary and Obama had direct ties to Saudis.

Bush should have wiretapped Obama to find out he had ties to Muslim Brotherhood (he brought into government all around him) and Saudi Arabia, the largest supporter of Terrorism.

ISIS is Saudi version of Islam and funded by them.


She can't even stand for 2 minutes without passing out and getting thrown into a van.




>saged faget

Projection is politics 101, you have a lot to learn

Go fuck a sheep

Fake News

No she couldn't have. No regrets. Anyone was a better choice than her

>She could have saved us from WW3....
She would have started it sooner.

Greatest loser in US political history.

Evidence you are wrong:

My GETs on EVERY Post proves I am right.

Praise KEK

u really made me think op

>Save us from WW3
>Trump plays 6 gorrilion infinite universe warping hyper chess
>Hillshill plays 2d chess
>Hillshill starts WW3,While Trump(this dimensions)keeps playing that 6 gorrilion infinite universe warping hyper chess
>Alternate Universe is burned,while in this Universe the American-Russian Empire reigns for a small loan of Infinity under Trump/Putin
yeah really

what's the average suburban income vs. urban income? suburban crime rate vs. urban crime rate?

the election is over.
there is no "if-if-if hillary won...!"
no, that's election crap. aimed to make us want to vote for her, but we can't get hillary in nor can we just take out trump and have magically have her be in office instead.
the reality is, you don't know what hillary would've done. you're angry at trump for telling us the truth and the fact the media is finally showing us just a peep at what is actually happening, unlike the last couple of decades, where we had presidents just like hillary who made sure we didn't know shit.