Reagan was the last President we had that was peace loving statesman that put America first in foreign policy...

Reagan was the last President we had that was peace loving statesman that put America first in foreign policy. Isn't that kinda nuts?

Didn't he invade some Island?

>sold weapons to iran

yeah ours lol a colony on your doorstep

i think it was to snatch and grab a dangerous commie so alls forgiven


>the gulf

He funneled cocaine through south America to purchase weapons which were used to arm the mujahideen in Afghanistan, which would become Al-Qaeda and then evolve into ISIS. He and his administration were taken over by the Bush family. Very similar to the current Trump admin in that sense

>Funded contras in central america
>invaded Grenada
>overthrew democratically elected governments in Afghanistan and Nicaragua
>peace-loving statesman

Go fuck yourself OP

>not mentioning that he also sent weapons to the Contras AND the Taliban

>bush sr

>>Funded contras in central america>invaded Grenada
Getting rid of communists and protecting the Monroe doctrine is American interests 101 chink
>Democratically elected governments in Afghanistan
Topkek they were soviet puppets gas yourself

>Reagan was the last President we had that was peace loving statesman that put America first in foreign policy.

No, he just had a clear and coherent enemy he directed his FP against. Reagan's policies laid the groundwork for 25 years of globalist neopolitics once the Soviets became a nonfactor.


you really fell for the neocon lies eh

One of the first of a long uninterrupted line of neocon globalist scum.

>Peace loving statesman that put America first in foreign policy.

Fucking lol.

>using ((())) on Reagan
What a load of bullshit

Reagan was better than anything we've had since he left office. Here's a top 5...

God Tier
1. Calvin Coolidge
2. James Monroe
3. Ronald Reagan
4. James Madison
5. Thomas Jefferson

Demigod Tier
6. Grover Cleveland
7. Andrew Jackson

And the rest are total fucking garbage. Ron Paul would have been the one president to rule them all.

>bombed gadaffi for no reason to take international attention away from Israel oppressing palestinians

JFK was the last

Ask Pat Buchanan or Paul Craig Roberts if Reagan was a neocon I swear Sup Forumsacks are retarded on 1980's American history

"didn't he invade this place?"

"yeah, it was ours. LOL"


>gadaffi for no reason
Financing a terrorist group that killed American servicemen in Germany is no reason? you must be an IRA tard

>Ask some right wing authoritarian self righteous Jesus freak who tried to pull the same moral superiority bullshit that the left is doing today in the 90's, or a guy in Reagan's administration if Reagan was a neo-con.

No thanks.

>right wing authoritarian self righteous Jesus freak

My kind of guy.