ITT prove you're not a redditor who came to Sup Forums to consensus crack by posting a single red pill

ITT prove you're not a redditor who came to Sup Forums to consensus crack by posting a single red pill

Pic related, race is real, certain races have more archaic admixture than others

Other urls found in this thread:


>archaic admixture
>living on the surface

disgusting violent hybrids aren't white

I think it's mostly people shitposting about the US attack on Syria.

It was known that 9/11 would happen weeks in advance

See FBI and Silverstein

One of the oldest redpills desu.


the "melting pot" myth was invented by a russian jew living in the UK who had never been to the USA

It's not gay if the penis is feminine



>The nigger skull has dents on the side







Why can't /pol implement some sort of system where posts aren't allowed unless they contain at least one instance of either kike fag or nigger. That would keep out the normal niggerfaggots


The Holocaust is the single greatest lie believed by the majority of people on Earth who are aware of WWII


Pacifism is a meme
Carl Schmitt was right, people will always fight

Damn Trump reminds me of Patton
Lad even wants a Patton figurehead back


Communism was never created to be idealistic. It was intricately designed to manifest the Jewish domination of the globe. It is a manual for the vile amoral jew on how to attain perfect control over one's mind. Communist and therefore jewish thought has become so entrenched in the mind of the white man that it has forever altered it toward a docile state.


It's like god wanted us to place a direct blow with a blunt object right in their sweet spots.

just deleted all pro-Trump memes from my pc edition