strike was legal

> strike was legal

BTFO shills

Other urls found in this thread:

>act of unprovoked aggression against foreign nation

>Politifact are lying liberal progressive communist muslims cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks!!!!
>Unless they come to a conclusion I agree with, then Based Politifact is never wrong


Kek has spoken.

I must drink more amaretto.



>politifact is now siding with Trump
Really makes you think.

>those trips

Confirmed. Kek has abandoned Trump and that orange fat Mussolini wannabe will die in prison along with all of his Russia collaborating buddies.

Wave bye-bye to Dump, Bannon, and the rest of the traitors, kiddies, we're draining the Russian swamp and they're going away for a long time :)

who cares if it was legal or not. It shouldnt have happened

>using chemicals against your citizens which goes against the UN treaty
>UN has already threatens Syria once for this shit
Trump just beat them to taking action

they are left leaning and biased.
but not even they can deny the legality of this



>might makes right

The weapons were not used against the UN, so the UN has no dog in this fight. Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad has the legal right to do whatever he wants on his own soil.

Wait, there are retards who think it was illegal? Have any of them ever opened a law book?

Does it bother you braindead Reddit faggots that all the people you used to hate for opposing trump are now switching over and applauding him? Bill Crystal, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, even HILLARY CLINTON. Use your fucking brains please. You don't have to support everything the man does.

>politifact defending Trump

We'll get a lot of shit talk over this.

But being fickle is the only way we'll keep this orange cuck honest and remind him who handed him this win.

If Trump fucks us, like every other president in the past, we'll just wait until another one preaches the same message and pull the lever for him too.. and hope for the best.

Kek confirms

>using chemicals against your citizens
It's like they launched investigation to conclude that


if politifact is partisan propaganda isn't anyone worried by the fact that politico is now on trumps side?

They're already prepping our assholes for more Syrian rapefugees after the missile strikes.

>"We can't bomb Syria without accepting rapefugees"
Fucking bullshit, hell yes we can.

Cool, you got me, I'm a paid shill. So is anyone who disagrees with you. Paranoid cuck. FUCK OFF THIS BOARD

Clearly. . .

Also she didn't support him so fuck off share blue jew.

Side note

>low death toll
>contacted russia first
>faggots kiss his cock for a second over that stupid show of strength, afterwards if he does something half decent they'll get pissed again and he'll come out shiny immortal don
>lastly calling other people reddit faggots you must go back

of course the strike was illegal.

no right exists to bomb other countries who are not attacking your country

Politifact is NOT /oursite/

So we're saying we should mindlessly oppose whatever McCain and the others support?

>politifact, CNN, Hillary Clinton, Lindsay Graham, John McCain all like us now

Kek has not abandoned trump