White identity more mainstream than 5-10 yrs ago?

Is it just me or is it like White identity and nationalism are slightly more prominent and slightly closer to the mainstream than they were 5-10 yrs ago?

If so, what is causing it? I am seeing more mainstream types aware of Sup Forums type things and less totally opposed to them.

It might just be my own bias

See -> archive.is/gfN87

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The linked study basically shows that Whites are becoming more aware of being White.

Also this is relevant

Well yeah how long did you think they could get away with being racist towards white people before we got tired of it?

That's what I'm saying. What we need to do is think about how to become and think and act more tribally. That's the primary thing today.

Without White unity and cohesion, everything else (politically) means jack shit. Mods pin this thread!

The left got impatient after waiting 40+ years to remove us from existence so they started to pick up the pace and make it more obvious.

>implying this won't just make us act like kikes and use uber subversion with backstabbing precision

Tribal how? like a magic deck? or like primitives with spears?

Practicing nepotism, in group favoritism and organizing ourselves, having White social entities with a conscious identity focus.

You know, like EVERY. NON-WHITE. GROUP. in America since the dawn of time...

Really makes ya think.

-(((They))) have upped the anti-white rhetoric, just look at this commercial: youtube.com/watch?v=v3gx1Edyy1w
-The alt-right & co. have made white nationalism more palatable with euphemism like "globalists" and funny, ironic nazi references like the "fashy" haircut. Groups like the KKK were never able to overcome their fringe image.

How do we penetrate the wall of resistance people will encounter? Not everyone is brave and wants to look like 'le ebil white supremacist" so how do we package it to be popular and acceptable?

I agree, what I'm concerned with is what comes next. How can we create real life White communities and consciousness, now? I don't mean a physical space reserved for us, either, but we can still do it.

We need to break out of individualism and smack dab into it imho. It's the future for us.

We act like normal nice people, quietly create cliques and organizations for ourselves. We invite people in, we have children, we explain that the antiwhites are the real bigots (I know it sounds gay, but it's a good meme).

It's already happening, I just want to speed it the fuck up.

The desire for a homogenous community is natural, just tell White people that they're the good people for it and that people who oppose it are 1. ignorant and/or 2. evil.

social media and the fact that you're closer to being a minority.
this is inevitable.

Spears are for plebs.

Atlatl master race.

this guy gets it

White identity and nationalism IS mainstream faggot. You're "witnessing" it now bc it's dying and freaking you the fuck out

wow this is either by an idiot or a troll, 10/10


t. namefag cuck subhuman "non-SJW libertarian"


Fuck off cuck. Multiracial society doesn't work


Well altright.com is one place to get started. There's the Cascadia project too - another, actually-happening move to gather whites outside of Seattle Washington. Look at radio.therightstuff.biz for the podcast.

Meet people IRL but, we're trying to organize. There's Identity Europa (google it), and the daily shoah at radio.therightstuff.biz - contact them to get into a 'pool party'.

Right now the alt-right is in a growth phase - we have to get more people before we can gain power. But man, things are so crazy that I can see /something/ happening.

Look for 'Jared Taylor' and 'ramzpaul' on youtube - their videos are pretty normie-friendly - send them to people you know.

>Right now the alt-right is in a growth phase - we have to get more people before we can gain power. But man, things are so crazy that I can see /something/ happening.
I'm feeling blackpilled AF. Are we stil even growing? I came into the altright last year and I feel like it's not shrinking, but that it's stagnant, staying about the same.

What do you think? We need to organize our people and start to think tribally. It's urgent.

meant for

um looks like the poster deleted his post, fuck



Of course they are. When every other minority group is campaigning for their own interests, it's inevitable whites will get there in the end.

You know what infuriates me the most about complete cancer like that? That 1. It's some white cuck brainwashed fucktard 2. The thing they're complaining isn't a problem because those people don't want to do X.

They do it with women and STEM degrees, women don't fucking want to work their ass off to get an engineering degree, nor are they even interested in engineering.

Black people don't like the outdoors, they fucking don't, they're really prissy, don't like getting dirty and have zero outdoors survival skills because nobody goes camping or swims in the black community.
