What does Sup Forums think about hezbollah?

You guys always stand with assad but you almost don't show any support for our boys in yellow.

>Assad's most important allies
>spearheaded many important SAA offensives
>saw the danger coming in the early stages and intervened before Russia
>BTFOd IDF over the last 20+ years
>never backstabbed their allies in their history of existence
>always called out US admin on their bullshit, most recently the tomahawk attack

I don't think they're getting the respect they deserve, in fact, I think they're /ourguys/

Yeah they are pretty based

They protect Christians & Christians support them.

they kill sandniggers so they can't be that bad

No wonder why we mass deported you lebanese in my country.


Great fighters.

>if they're white and shiite, they're alright
Marg bar israel.

terrorists that need to disarm, cease the islamist faggotry or get nationalized and stop giving us a bad reputation.

Hezbollah is pretty based. Even when they were committing legit terrorist attacks they still kept them in Lebanon and only targeted military assets

Because Assad is secular and tried to remove the restriction requiring the President to be a Muslim from Syria's constitution whereas Hezbollah are a bunch of Shia Jihadis who shriek 'Ya Ali' in their videos and are one step up from Sunni shitters and kikes.

and also i don't want to go to war with israel. i don't want my beautiful country to get nuked because of some shiite snackbars can't control their pathological aversion towards israel. if you still want to go to war with israel just look at syria. this is what happens to countries that want war with a far superior nation. i will only start supporting hezbollah once they start fighting for lebanon's interests (deporting the syrian/pali shits, peace with israel, cutting ties to iran/assad)

Blame Palestine then Habibi, this whole war started because of Palestine, hence why you're a satellite nation for Iran/Hezbollah.

I can't really blame you for being a pussy who'd rather be controlled by the US and Israel than stand up to their tyranny. Ironically, if you watch israeli channels they are terrified of any future wars against hezbollah, and yet here you are, claiming that israel is far more superior ...

nahh the palis were the mere spark that lit the fuse. tensions between muslims/christians (right vs left) existed long before the plo started their bullshit here.
it's quite a shame shiites are shilling for them now because many of them joined our ranks in the phalanges and even the SLA back in the day. shiites are far more tolerable than their sunni counterparts and can be secular/redpilled.
hezbollah isn't the worst though, i'd say Amal is the absolute filth when it comes to shiites



face it, hezbollah didn't win shit in 2006. Israel was this close to nuking us but then tapped out out of pity. Let's be real here. Do you actually believe your little guerilla group has what it takes to take on the IDF's Navy, Airforce, tank battalions, Artillery and overall sulerior equipment? I'm not a pussy, just a realist that's concerned for my country.
Israel is not Lebanon's enemy, it's Hezbollah's.
And for the love of God stop stretching the retarded meme that you guys "won" 2006. Hezbollah had like 300 unreported deaths other than the 250 confirmed ones, only to make it look like they were winning. Hezbollah and its Al Manar propaganda stinkpiece is not a very convincing unbiased source of information. From a military standpoint, Nasrallah lost big time and only got lucky.
Please think of all the innocent lives we lost and goddammit stop stirring shit up with the kikes. With Jews You Lose dammit. Lebanon is not your little Jihad playground, this is serious.

uh huh ... uh huh... yeah... uh huh...mmmmm.. sure...sure... shouldn't you be studying for your final exams right now?

The only threat to us. Not a serious threat, but a threat nonetheless. Expect clash soon.

The only threat to us. Not a serious threat, but a threat nonetheless. Expect clash soon. Although I'd honestly rather make peace, but I doubt that's possible. In really, they got a ton of experience fighting since 2006, and while they won't be close to beating us, I'd still rather not be sent there.

to the contrary to what most people think, we don't have a problem with the israeli people, in fact I personally would rather have israeli neighbours than palestinian neighbors. And to be even franker, every time I go near the border and look at your side I'm amazed by how organized and beautiful it looks. But when netanyahu would like to expand his country even further, that's when we say no, BTFO.