I overheard a bunch of normie chads conclude that they'd be willing to fuck a eleven year old after a hour long...

I overheard a bunch of normie chads conclude that they'd be willing to fuck a eleven year old after a hour long argument about whats the youngest they'd fuck

this blows my mind at least a tiny tiny bit

Nothing new.

They'd get away with it too

Your just jealous.

Why not a ten year old? What gives them the right to unfairly discriminate based completely on an arbitrary number?
I SERIOUSLY hope you called them out on this unacceptable ageism OP.

Haha. What fuckery is this?

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo who never acts on his desires.

why not kill them? could just pleas temporary insanity after hearing something like that.

you eat pork and you look like porn

Why not kill yourself. It would help me if you were dead. I would like you to go and kill yourself now. Please.

16 is the absolute youngest, even then youre a degenerate

Are you a cannibal?

How about two 10 year olds consenting with each other?

"Start with the little one."

>he would prevent two 15 year olds from having sex
>he would prevent young love

>Current year

What's new?

Fuck Asshead and fuck brown people!

Only on film

are you upset trumplet?

your'e done kiddo
today we all moved on

14 is the youngest to me, I'm 19 so I need to find a wife now, ASAP

I had two by 20.

No 11 is the youngest for fucking.

And this is why the west will die. Sexual maturity is unrelated to actual age in most cases. Some girls have their periods at age 3. The reason why we put these legal limits on the age is to prevent people from fucking girls who can't bear children without dying. Before all the kikery, marrying young was normal. Marrying, not randomly fucking kids against their will.

Look at this Canadians: THIS guy has better moral standards than your countrymen and his parents probably tried to eat him as a kid.


Wtf do I have to do with the west you fuck wit.