Why am I not allowed to criticize pic related on Sup Forums without

Why am I not allowed to criticize pic related on Sup Forums without

1) Having the thread deleted
2) Being called a shill

I know that #2 comes in part from the accusations of shilling by Tarl, which perhaps have some grounding in reality, but it amazes me that all a British dumbass has to do is support Trump and that's enough to be granted full immunity by Sup Forums. Forget that he is an opportunist with no interesting information to share, other than maybe his week in stupid videos, since those are more just straight information.

He is just in it for the money and to bolster his own ego by convincing himself and his army of fan boys that he is somehow intellectual, instead of just political entertainment for the lowest common denominator. I wouldn't even have such a big problem with him if he and his fanboys were more upfront about it.

So mods, what the fuck gives? And Sup Forumsacks, when did you decide to trade in your ability to think for membership into a lefty's fandom?

>>OP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Piss off cunt.

e-celeb threads are not political discussions, go back to twitter where you belong.

I can't fucking believe this board today. Is that a Saudi merchant?

Oh okay, so you are going to go ahead and pretend that this asshole's talking points don't show up in every thread on a daily basis, right?

If they show up then debunk them. If you can't do that stop complaining. This is a board for discussion.

You're not allowed to criticize metal Jews?

Which is more effective: Fighting the arguments as they come up, or cutting off the source by discrediting it, as he deserves to be discredited?

What the hell is this?!

Losts of people here shit regulary on Sargon. What they miss is that many such internet piller cound't and shouldn't go full stormfaggot, because they are mostly there to also apeal to normal people and make this side somewhat resionable.
Something a lot of people here do not. Instead many here are repeating shit and having a humor of a gradeschooler.
>Kek, check this generated repeated number

Then adress the argument, nobody cares about the person.

Thanks more admitting you aren't interested in discussion. There's a great site for people like you, it's called reddit. You can go there a choose a nice comfy hugbox where nobody will challenge your views.

>e celebs

Stop with the gamergate mindset kid.
This guy has more than half a million subscribers and has a significant political influence on the next generation. Its important what he talks about.

Shut the fuck up and piss off cunt with your pointless drama. You sound like a fanboy of that other drama queen, that manlet Twitch streamer.

e-celeb trash. neck yourself, on /tv

nice try shlomo

It's because Sargon "letting my wife leave the house so I can watch her son" of Cukkad has constantly shilled here for years. He also had redditors come here to post him daily. He is a liberal who has zero comparability with our board, especially for us that are natsoc.

I still think he's a dumb faggot because he is, imo, genuinely a Marxist, and an ironic one at that who preaches Marxist dogma while simultaneously denouncing Marx (as if that is supposed to fool me).

Not only that, but every time he gets in an argument with someone smarter than him he literally just REEEEEEs until they stop trying or lose their patience with him and he declares himself the winner.

Nearly fooled me there kike

I got banned on /lit/ because someone made a thread shilling him and I called him out.

I got banmed from all board by the mods.

This asshole must be a mod.

Cuckangz of Mossad is a imbecile.

t. steve bonnel

You sound like a scat loving fag.

i do neither understand it...

but to help you out

it is a sargon of akkad merchant

That thing always fucking terrifies me for some reason

shill detected


I'm not about to logically tear through every fucking issue he's wrong about. Look at his history sometime my friend, you'll see he's full of shit pretty quickly unless you are one of the most hardcore of fanboys.

The funny thing is I'm not even a NatSoc but I have more respect for them than I do for Sargon. I'd love to see him attempt to make a video "discrediting" a more obscure ideology like National Socialism though just to see how quickly his fans will eat up the "Nazis are bad" line that would be his main argument. I doubt he'd even once quote Goebbels or ever mention the fact that there were multiple different lines of National Socialism over it's evolution in Germany. Points like this aren't important to him, because he doesn't care about intellectual inquiry, he only cares about SEEMING to be an intellectual. And as we can see from this thread, it is working.

Thank you. The debate point is really worth noting, because you can observe someone who is Sup Forums approved and actually quite willing to engage in debate. Take Jordan Peterson for example. He's had the balls to go at it with Sam Harris, a professional debater, twice. Do you think Sargon would be willing to take on that kind of risk to his reputation when instead he can just continually take easy positions like "human rights need to be respected" or "communism is bad" and then say "huhuhu these feminists are so salty huhuhu"


Reminder that you are nothing but another socialist fuck who tries to control anything his collectivist fatass is insecure about. Go to Communist general, take hand with that spanish guy and walk away together into the sunset.

Absolutely not he would never. He can't even handle fucking Millenial Woes, let alone Dave of Computing Forever without having a breakdown and causing drama in the community.

Idk who that is.
t. means "thanks " I'm assuming?

National socialism has nothing to do with communism you actual retard newfag. Daily reminder that this board is natsoc and if you don't like it then fuck off.


Oh look another one of these.
I bet you think Antifa are the real fascists too don't you?

Go back to t_Cancer you fucking reddit faggot.

Well of course a newfag comes to my defense, but still it is true: He couldn't even talk with Computing Forever. He just took over the dude's hangout, spewed liberal talking points for like 30 minutes and then left before any sort of real response could be given. Sargon has a lot to answer for, but he won't, because his motivate is pure greed.


I'm just a fag, not new. I usually ignore memes, I don't even like when people say kek instead of lol cause it's cringey to me.
Inb4 repent!
Sargon has an ego that he can't let be fracture. He has to be right, or at least mostly right, about everything. Not only that but after the computing forever scrap, he proceeded to tell "his side" of the story in a completely different way than what actually happened. He's got that stereotypical douchebag personality that lies about even stupid inconsequential shit just to avoid having to make a meek but satisfying apology or admission of fault.

Ahahahaha, do you want to go through the program of NSDAP? It sounds like something written by Sanders, it even had unsightly vegan as a leader.

>supported property rights
>made gun ownership easier
>lowered taxes
>reduced inflation
>stimulated the market by abolishing (((usury)))

But wait oh no, he nationalized natural resources and the banks! Literally Sanders!

Enjoy living a life under the Usury Jew you dumb fuck

Quit LARPing

Agreed. Go back to twitter and be a whinny 'lil bitch.

>nationalised natural resources before the war and all the industry during it
>disarmed the entire population
>extreme supervision of the market