How would the world be today if the Roman Empire never collapsed?

How would the world be today if the Roman Empire never collapsed?

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

Still run by jews

actually could be worse off in some ways, considering that the fall of Constantinople is what forced us to find new trade routes and then conquer the world.

>roman eagle on flagpole
>homosexuality all over the place
>bread & circuses
>constant warfare and militarism

The Empire never ended!

Who would join me on the shitposting wall? from Pompeii.htm

Huge bureaucracy and high taxes to pay for permanent army

The industrial revolution would have happened much earlier for one.

After that, its anyone's guess.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire was actually a somewhat of a good thing. It had decayed and the Germanic people were better able to defend Christendom and control civilization better than the Romans at the time. The fall of Constantinople is a tragedy, but it largely indirectly promoted the search for new trade routes and colonialism. It's better to remove a fester limb than keep it because it was once glorious and have the infection spread.

wtf is this?

So, same-old, same-old.

>Jesus killed but no one cares, Christianity never grows and threatens the Romans
>Roman empire has its up and downs but continues to grow and conquer all of Europe
>Roman explorers sail across the Atlantic and encounter a Mayan civilization
>Romans have a natural respect for their religion and technology
>Romans start taking Mayan psychedelics
>Romans start smoking DMT
>Roman technology fuses with Mayan technology
>By the 1700s the Roman/Mayan Alliance rules the entire world
>Roman technology starts advancing at a very fast pace now that they have virtually unlimited resources.
>By the year 1900 the Romans have colonized their first planet
>By the year 2000 the Romans have learned how to enter alternative universes
>Ghosts and paranormal phenomenon in our timeline are really Romans from an alternative timeline observing our world

Is this real?

It's like the EU but everyone speaks some broken accents of Latin.

Oh and maybe they would have expanded into Central Asia so we would have some Roman throat singing.

Christianity is the original degeneracy. Its cuck ethics made the Empire falter.

I don't know if that all is real, but in Pompeii there definitely was graffiti slathered everywhere (though I've only seen stuff like "Vote for Marcus in the next election!")

we would be ahead technologically about 500 years, socio politically who knows

worse.. if one look at China, had a huge empire (Chine) since the time of the roman empire. They were quite technological advance at that time, but they never seemed to move beyond that.
I think the constant internal wars in Europe and the game of diplomacy/trade, breed an environment for innovation.

Japan for instance, evolved very nicely - despite they where pretty isolated. And they had a lot of the same structures as seen in Europe. Constant internal wars and diplomacy/trade.

You have to remember that a lot of the Dynasty were very similar and the Chinese belief that everywhere outside China was inferior and not worth dealing with. The Yuan, Ming, and Qing that make up the rulers of late stage dynasties in China were Mongols, Han, and Manchus.

I'll add something

"OP is a faggot"

Yeah it's real, some are quite lulzy. Also, plenty of sextoys have been found in those same whorehouses.



You know romans converted to Christianity, like all of them

No, shitty rulers, a shift of emphasis to the Eastern half, the rise in power of German tribes and a cooling climate that made them migrate southwards, and Attila caused the ruin. Don't slander the names of such great Christian Roman Emperors such as Constantine and Justinian. Christianity helped Europe achieve higher heights.

The problem with China is that they were conquered by the mongols and thus real Chinese are no longer in China

Everyone would be brown
The Roman empire was degenerate as fuck and cared for fuckall about keeping races pure
Anyone who legitimately likes the empire knows very little about it or is ignorant of how shit it was

the Field of Mars would be literally on Mars

>>such great Christian Roman Emperors such as Constantine and Justinian

You faggots are the reason we can't have nice things.

>defend Christendom
It didn't deserve defense you sandnigger loving fuck

Christcucks are cancer

Eastern or Western?

Aside from Greece all of Europe was considered degenerate before the empire. None of the statues are of brown people.

The Romans didn't have to worn about brown races as much. Islam wouldn't be invented for centuries, so the Arabs weren't as fucked as today. The areas of Africa were largely Semitic. The conquests of the Mesopotamia Westernized large parts of the current Middle East. The Romans didn't fight Arab or Turks for control of Anatolia , the Levant, and Egypt. They fought the descendants of Alexanders generals.


Look at this smug motherfucker

European native religions are degenerate, except Greco-Roman mythology. I can't believe some of you fags actual want to follow Nordic mythology. Loki turns into like a fucking women at one point and gives birth. That is the epitome of degeneracy. As stated before, Greco-Roman mythology I guess is an acceptable alternative.