(((They))) call me a "white supremacist"

No, I'm a White Survivalist

I think Whites have a right to life. I think they have a right to survive indefinitely. You do not. You think we should all look like this National Geographic image by 2050. That's All people of All races. The races will end, and people will just be this only. I am against that. I am going to wind things up this evening by saying this: The Conservatives have a slogan which I think is despicable and defeatist -- "It's better to be Dead than Red." And the Commies and Liberals have a slogan which is even worse, it's treason, they say: "It's better to be Red than Dead."


"You don't have to be Red and you don't have to be Dead.
Not Dead. Not Red. Dead Reds"

- George Lincoln Rockwell 1966 Speech at Brown University

Other urls found in this thread:


It's hard to deny the reality of white genocide when you look into the facts. If this were happening to any other race of people there'd be world-wide outcry. Racism against whites seems to be acceptable in this timeline...



Dead Reds = Communism must be destroyed

No whites are weak, and deserve to be genocided through eugenics. in about a few decades white people will not exist because niggers will fuck you sluts and make nigger babies with em.

white isn't a fucking culture, retard

pic related is how it would end up if all whites suddenly disappeared. youd have all the current technology and destroy yourselves because thats what non-whites do. you destroy shit.

>white isnt a culture

tell me more

race and culture are 2 different things. Murricans and Brits are white but the cultures differ radically.

It's over. You got played. You helped us Muslims win. Iranians or Saudis. Either way we win. Mashallah brothers. You're literally so dumb you trusted an NYC conman with a Jewish family and global businesses. KEK.

>cultures differ radically

only the customs differ. the culture, however, is the same. brits arent out there trying to conquer the world. no white people are doing this, aside from the ones working for Israel. its out part of our inherent culture to do evil things to people.

>filtered for attempting to derail

To any white people: Jews really are trying to kill you.

i cant tell if you are being ironic or straight up autistic

>heh heh its autistic to believe the jews are trying to destroy the white race heh...
>[hand rubbing intensifies]

ok, autistic is the wrong word. how about severely paranoid and insecure?

but is it paranoia when they admit to it themselves, and when the numbers don't lie? is it reaaaaally?

>video related


things can happen naturally without a grand conspiracy. Dinosaurs died out... Did the jews do that too?

Cultures are a racial construct.

But "white culture" can only be used in USA, here in Europe when have pretty different cultures from country to country.

but the total number of whites in america has never decreased but in percentage to the total

did the Jews force mass immigration of non-dinosaurs into dinosaur territory for the purpose of outbreeding dinosaurs, thus resulting in their genocide? if so, then yes. it was the Jews.

tell me more

>the culture is the same
it only looks that way to non-whites. it's not reality.

you do realise there is a difference between becoming a minority and genocide, right?


you do you realize mass forced immigration for the purpose of reducing or destroying a group or people is genocide according to the UN, right?

wrong. they just started counting hispanics and even some asians as "white."

who are "they"? black people on twitter?

You're lying to yourself if really think they'll stop at our destruction once we become minorities. If anything, they'll ramp it up. Just stay in your country ffs.

the Government. pic related. just look at all these white criminals.

nice get

U'r a nigger

no u

You're OK, man.

>Everyone is under 6"
Fockin manlets amiright?

u 2

tfw 6'6

>equating a deliberate, intelligent policy with a random act of god
are you a jew, or just an incredibly good goy?



kek has blessed us, and by association


Its mexicans not niggers you stupid fucking goy. The u.s. is gonna be mexico in a few decades, not from interacial breeding, but from birth rates and immigration. Burgers will then be knows as tacos. Enjoy.

>Always posting this literally 1/8th black girl

"And it's a good thing"


Everything on this girl is wrong, really sad

>pic related is how it would end up if all whites suddenly disappeared
>there are only 2 races in the world, white and zimbabwean black

As scary as this is, Biden is completely gone mentally and has done and said weirder things.

>tfw taco

whites being a minority is true.
biden knows this fact and claimed it was being done on purpose. its not just "weird" its criminal.



Average height in mexico for men is 5'4 and a half. Pretty much the sole reason a fucking white males and latina girls are the most common couple. (The average height of a fucking white male in america is 5'10 or something)