Why did Boomers ruin America?


That image is stupid. Student loans don't prevent you from finding a job. A letter question would be "Why haven't you young people brought a house yet? I had a house, 2 cars and 3 children at your age!"

If children and parents still took care of each other throughout their whole lifecycles like God intended we wouldn't have this problem.

Has miracle user done more horsey comic nude edits?

The ones I've seen were pretty damn good.

Why do Boomers have so much shit in their garage that they never use?

>Why did Boomers ruin America?

Because their parents didn't get abortions. Seriously, the widespread use of birth control ruined our population growth rate and the sustainability of social programs

Never caught on to the Jew

liberals run every university in the country

why dont they lower the cost?

tuition used to go up 6-7% a year at my university.... thats 3x the rate of inflation


They didn't intentionally. It was a mix of apathy and what they thought of as good political decisions.

They are like poker players that cash out once they are up and don't give you a chance to win your money back, they're scum. They sold the houses they bought for $10k for $500k then bolted with the cash.

This is the worst argument ever.

The entire point of owning a house is that the value of it increases over time.

The boomers need to go. How much longer until 90% of them are dead?

Since the beginning it has been the policy of the US to bring in immigrants to do the work those, who are already there, don't want to do anymore.
The free market system creates so much wealth, that it requires immigration for the low wage jobs.

So boomers just did what Americans always have don. They brought in Mexicans and because America dominated western Europe, they also pressured them into taking in Muslims.

Other then that, maybe boomers sheltered their children to much. They created a generation of children who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own life.

They didn't per say - They just stood by while it happened and profited from it. Do boomer really think the economy is like is was in their day though? They must realize how fucked the next generations is.

>The entire point of owning a house is that the value of it increases over time.
What the fuck kind of mentality is this? The point of owning a house should be so that you have shelter that isn't at the whim of Shekelberg. If you want to make money on appreciating assets go play the stock market or commodities.

cause growing up in the golden age of america made them weak

Unfortunately the immigrants are getting paid under the table and not giving back to the local economy.

>The entire point of owning a house is that the value of it increases over time.
I thought the entire point of owning a house was to own your own fucking shelter, you kikeslave

This is why millennials are such shit.

Go ahead and keep on renting for the rest of your life and getting nothing to show for it.

You were wrong.

The fact that at least 2 people didn't realize that the value of a house increases over time legitimately scares me a bit.

>The fact that at least 2 people didn't realize that the value of a house increases over time legitimately scares me a bit.

is a different assertion from

>The entire point of owning a house is that the value of it increases over time.

The kikes really did a number on your cranium friendo

You do know that you never own the house..ever.

Boomers are honestly dumb as shit.

Some of theM realize it, while others live their days golfing and going to Didney lan

They destroyed the housing market where I live. They sold their houses, then took the cash and moved to states where the homes cost 500% less. I have to work till I'm 70, and there are garbagemen that retired at 50 years old living like millionaires. That generation is scum.

So why wouldn't I rent and not worry about maintence, property tax etc.. like I would on a house and actually do fun shit like, I don't know, travel with my money instead of sitting in my house all day doing fuck all like most of you fucking Boomers do.

Are you dumb?

My folks just finished paying off their 15 year mortgage and the Deed to the House is now theirs.

The entire point of owning a house as opposed to renting. Are you legitimately so mentally retarded that you need to have it spelled out for you? I'm talking about as opposed to renting you moron.

You realize that you eventually stop paying on a mortgage, right? That's assuming you even get one in the first place. I know it's hard to imagine for an entire generation content with flipping burgers for the rest of their lives but it's possible to buy an empty plot of land and build your own home at your own expense.


I think boomers were a shit generation but why wouldn't they sell their homes for whatever price the market would support?

Are you a communist?

This. The only reason why home value keeps increasing everywhere is because planning and building regulations have become incredibly retarded for the post-boomer generations.

They built like crazy be it in suburbs or within cities, then they came up with a million bullshit excuses as to why homes for future generations cannot be built at the same pace.

>no, not here, it would spoil our beautiful green belt

>this is a "historic" community with unmeasurable value, can't spoil it by building homes here, sorry

>what do you mean you want to compulsory purchase our 200 acre golf course that doesn't produce anything but pays less tax than a farm to build road infrastructure for a new housing development? That's socialism!

>play the stock market or commodities

Stupid nigger, buying a house isn't nearly the risk. You pay it off in 10-20 years and when you die your children inherit it and its worth more than you put into it. Unless shekleberg came along and turned your neighborhood into a nonwhite ghetto.

Land and real estate are two of the few things you can invest in that will nearly always increase at or slightly ahead of the rate of inflation (this means the investment will nearly always pay off)

Jesus Christ, you probably legitimately plan on RENTING for the rest of your life, dumb kike nigger.

Because if you do end up spending all of the money you "save" from renting then you don't actually build any wealth. Putting money in a house is a (generally) great way to build wealth over time. The value of that house will (generally) go up.

These people are legitimately praising renting for the rest of their lives. They're praising spending the same amount of money to live in a box and having nothing to show for it after 50 years.

I said it earlier and I'll say it again now, this is why millennials are such shit.

I think the point is the economy isn't as strong now (so less jobs) while young people have more debts.

Yet the boomers demand young people to work for them and pay high taxes to pay for their luxurious retirement, instead of allowing them to pay back their student loans.

You said
>The entire point of owning a house is that the value of it increases over time.
Then I said
>The point of owning a house should be so that you have shelter that isn't at the whim of Shekelberg
Then you characterised your initial remark thus
>The entire point of owning a house as opposed to renting.
Which is closer to my original assertion than yours. I wouldn't hurl accusations of mental retardation so lightly if I were in your velcro New Balances.

Where I live a home would never appreciate more than the property tax on it each year, so it would be a pretty shitty investment.

Calm down lad, I'm a millenial too. I just didn't fall for the college meme, started working out of high school and went into a trade (electrical). I'm 25 now and should have my first house paid off in the next two years.

The rise in houses prices we've seen recently is not the norm. Yes, houses will increase in price over time due to inflation and other local investment. Houses are a utility though and generally should cost about as much to maintain as you could profit from them unless you invest the money to renovate and modernize. What we're seeing now is manipulation of an inelastic market that turn a utility into an easy investment. Houses don't produce anything. It's crazy to think their value should increase as much as it has unless there is some other factor pushing the prices up.

After WW2 they got bored

The implication was always there, you just took it out of context to assert your own point.

>The sky is blue
>Well it appears to be blue

I'm on your side dummy

They're figuring out how to reverse aging we are fucked

>increase at or slightly ahead of the rate of inflation (this means the investment will nearly always pay off)

Investments only "pay off" when they earn more than a saving accounts.
A home in an attractive city probably will.
A home in shitsville suburbia probably won't.

Because you'd never have any equity?

Property tax isn't a 'worry'....it is a known expense when you buy a house and typically included as part of your mortgage payment. It can go up, but most areas cap the increase. If your finances are so tight that a $200/year increase fucks you, you fucked up.

Maintenance can be an issue but most Men can do most of it themselves. Generally big ticket shit doesn't just pop up out of nowhere, and if a tree falls on your house or some shit there is insurance.

Renting is throwing money away in most places.You literally pay (((someone))) to live in his building while its value increases so (((he))) pockets cash on both ends of the deal.

Around what year will most of the Boomers be dead?

trips of truth

DON'T GO TO A SCHOOL IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT YOU DIRTY HILLBILLY FUCK. How about instead of going to a school that's 50k a year for 4 years, you can go to a community college for 6k a year for 4 years. Now I know most of you college kids can't do basic math (Give a cashier a 10 dollar bill and a dime when your total is $9.10 and they will look so confused) but the community college is much cheaper

Yeah I made 90k over the past two years on my place, put 20k down and only pay 800 a month. If I rented I'd literally be out 70,000 dollars

Also remember to factor in maintenance, including fixing the foundations every 40 years.

>These people are legitimately praising renting for the rest of their lives.
Who did this?

I'm not praising renting. I want changes to the tax system and foreign investment laws in my country to discourage ownership of housing for investment purposes to make it more accessible for people who want to live in the houses they buy.

You do know that renters pay property taxes too?

Money sitting in a savings account doesn't accrue utility, living in a house does. I'm not disagreeing that buying a shit house in a shit town isn't a good investment but there are few things in life that you buy to make your every day life better that also gain value over time. To contrast, look at a car. A new car's highest value is right before you buy it and it sinks immediately and will forever sink over its lifetime. It has high utility value, but monetary value drops forever.

That a fact?
I've only rented apartments so I wouldn't know. I've got loans to pay damnit.

I'm 39 so don't get me involved.

Just explaining the cartoon for you.....70 year old Sup Forums veteran?

The Boomers ruined it for EVERYONE in the West.

My Dad bought his house in 1999 for 90k. It's now worth nearly 400k. When I tell him how fucking ridiculous that is for first time buyers he starts going on about fucking interest rates in the 90's.

Boomers need to fucking die so people can buy houses again. Unfortunately that won't happen for at least another 20-30 years.

Just hit the bricks, walk in ask for an interview shake the mans hand and look him in the eye. You're garenteed the job

Buying a house is hard as fuck as s millennial, not saying that buying a house is a bad investment, I think it's a good one, most millennialist are broke college students that can't land a decent job anywhere because everything is so saturated thus forcing me into a minimum wage slave job so that I'll never be able to afford anything while I'm still in college

because this doesnt really exist anymore.

because universities keep building useless shit that's not needed and funding departments that are unnecessary; all to draw in students. How do you draw in millennials? Hey, we have a nap center, office of diversity affairs, LGBT safe spaces, bowling alleys, two cafeterias, an arts center, etc!

And the Federal Government can seize it through Eminent Domain.

Hell, fuck that, all it would take, you stupid son of a bitch from two stupid parents, is one crooked city council to decide they want to develop your land, they'll have your fucking house that you "own" fucking condemned and do you know what all your dad's lawyers and all your dad's money can do about it?

Not a hoot in Hell.

You don't own shit, you fucking retarded peasant. The government owns 100% of everything you own and they intend to get it all back from you eventually, cunt.

Wake fucking up, stupid bastard. Because idiots like you don't know this shit is why we all have to suffer under it, because of YOUR stupidity. WAKE UP, YOU STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, INTELLECTUALLY LAZY, STUPID PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!

What specific policies did Boomers vote on that would make it easier for them to pay off their mortgages, ruining the housing market?

They destroyed the housing market where I live. They sold their houses, then took the cash and moved to states where the homes cost 500% less. I have to work till I'm 70, and there are garbagemen that retired at 50 years old living like millionaires. Because they didn't reinvest in the communities we have to live in. The people that purchased overpriced homes, couldn't afford them and lost them in foreclosure. They pulled an "I got mine, now fuck everybody else" and left us holding the bag.

How was ww2?

It is a fact and you paid it on your apartments.

The difference is you paid it in one lump sum labeled 'rent' but the (((guy))) who owns your building took part of it to pay the taxes on that building.

(((He))) also took part of it to pay for maintenance.

This is just how finance works, you should take an accounting class sometime.

We were discussing renting vs buying.

Buying isn't always cheaper.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
The Jewish pushed idea that it's an "investment" that will magically pay for itself is severely flawed.

World of Warcraft 2?

I'm too old for such games.

You too can move somewhere that housing prices are lower.

Also, there is no such thing as 500% less. A 100% reduction is zero.

Finance laws gold standard building codes as that other user mentioned

I love how Boomers idolize Reagan, completely ignorant to how many problems he caused that linger to this day. He is the complete symbol of the Boomers sins.

No grampa. World war 2. You ever kill anyone?

You are a moron that doesn't know shit about housing. Half of my neighborhood paid over $500K
for their homes, with $400k mortgages, and now the houses are worth $300k. A house is not an investment, stupid. It's a place you live.

I don't understand people like you.

Your dad's house is worth 400k because there is someone (usually several) willing to pay him that for it. It isn't like he is just being a dick about it and refuses to sell for less than that, so why are you blaming him?

>... and when you die your children inherit it
parents do not do this anymore

they would sell if before passing it to children

my mother wanted me to pay off her mortgage, and when i asked if at the end it would be mine, she said no, that she would sell it

Boomers are fucking retards, and (((they))) took advantage of that

Workers """Rights"""

>You're garenteed the job
Wrong. Make yourself useful or starve to death and die in a ditch you commie faggot.

It means about 5X less
get a life

>building codes
This is a huge factor that drives the supply side of this equation. The increase in prices should be fueling a massive construction boom but I'm not seeing it. From what I hear getting building permits is an absolute shit show.

I don't think it's weird. There is a finite amount of land in cities. The peasants need to be near their lords. They're willing to pay a premium to do so. They compete for the land and bid at the edge of affordability.

Are you fucking retarded?


I think an appropriate punishment for the boomers is to put them in gladiatorial arenas, pitted against the niggers and muslims they let into our countries.

We'll gas all of them at the end anyway, but the restoration of justice requires we restore Gnon and moral hazard into the world.

>tfw this comic inadvertently promotes getting rid of social security and welfare

When does your American education say WW2 happened?
More or less than 39 years ago?

What community do you have to live in?

I've lived in several places around the US and no one ever forced me into any one of them.

People who buy houses they can't afford are fucking idiots and whatever happens to them they brought on themselves. Generally, and I know this because I've bought and sold a few houses, the seller doesn't know shit about the buyer and has no idea whether he can afford the house or not. That is up to the buyer's mortgage company to figure out.

Boomers aren't blame for people wanting to pay large sums to buy houses from them you fucking commies, this is how capitalism works and it is beautiful.

Gen Z will CRUSH Boomers and Millennials.

then demonstrate that you hedonistic fuck

i double dog dare you to go do this without using any of your contacts or friends, without referencing any work experience, because starting out from nothing is not easy you boomer fuck

see how wrong you are

There is nothing wrong with renting and it's much cheaper in the long run. Even if mommy gives you a house you still have to pay property taxes forever, and the taxes never go down, they double every 10 years. A home purchase is a lifestyle choice, nothing more. Even after you retire, you'll always need a place to live so treating a home like an investment is moronic.

>Your dad's house is worth 400k because there is someone (usually several) willing to pay him that for it.

It's 400k because that's what the property appraiser said it's worth. I remember they built neighborhoods in New Jersey in 2002 that are still almost entirely empty because no one wants to pay 300k for a two bed, two bath, one car garage.

there are plenty of things they fucked up that have zero to do with the market

price ceilings, nigger subsidies, nondiscrimination clauses, white flight leading to needing to pay half a milllion for a house in an area just not to get shot to death

each and every single one of these offenses is worthy of the death penalty. string them together, and you end up with a situation where you need to torture all of these people to death as an eternal reminder to all future generations what not to do.

Or just let the super rich boomers pay for it, instead of the struggling generations.

> boomers are richest of all age groups.
> boomers have lowest poverty of all age groups.
> boomers are far richer than any retiring generation in history.
> bwaaa, we need more moneys for muh holidays and muh staffed retirement villa's, TAX THE YOUNG TAX THE YOUNG TAX TAX TAX!!!!!

I work in a bank and talk to Boomers every day.

They're up to their fucking nose in debt.

If you see a Boomer driving around in a fancy BMW or Range Rover...there's a 99% chance that they can't afford it.

They do everything for show because they're fucking insane.

>You pay it off in 10-20 years and when you die your children inherit it

Haha no, parents don't do that shit any more. My parents and my in-laws have little saved and are spending all their money on frivolous bullshit. Not only will they leave us absolutely nothing, but they also expect us to take care of and financially support their lazy asses when they're too old and lazy to work. Wife and I have already decided that we can only afford to either raise a family, or to support our parents when they get older. It was a very easy decision. Our parents can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job when they're 90, fuck them.

I know someone pays it eventually, when you pay for a place as a utility you write than money off as gone forever, but if you're trying to make an investment out of it you can directly compare the property taxes against appreciation and realize you should have put your money somewhere else unless you actually want to own a house for different reasons.

Because Boomers have no sympathy or comprehension how difficult it is for Generations X and below.

> cmon you can do it!

Doesn't cut it. They all got a fucking great deal and they know it. By the time they croak WW3 will probably be in full swing, terrorism will be a daily occurrence in the West and there will be real hostile racism towards whites. They will have sucked the West dry in the space of about 80-90 years. But during the time they have lived in complete luxury. They give no fucks for any of the future generations that will be having to face the horrors to come.

to be fair everyone in your neighborhood who bought instead of renting is still better off because renting doesnt build equity.

>tfw work as college advisor at community college at 23
>people genuinely surprised when they come here from their shitty private school that closed down without warning

i honestly don't understand why anyone has more than 15k student loans if they're not doing a grad program

>go to cc
>do gen-ed courses
>complete associates in $7000 or less
>more than likely have it fully paid for by the gubment
>transfer to 4 year university to complete bachelors
>60 credit hours at an average in state tuition of $290 is ~$15000
>if you aren't stupid as fuck with the free gubmen money you should be able to graduate debt free

It's always retards that go hurr durr gotta go out of state to study these gen-ed courses and get full dorm and meal plans that bitch about drowning in debt

The ONLY people who have any right to whine about unrelenting student loans are those in graduate school programs, cause the tuition rates for those are fucking retarded

Sorry based swede
Sweden is double fucked because of the feminism/Muslim epidemic there

Right but that should be pushing the market out of cities to more affordable small towns. Businesses could save a ton of money on salaries by setting up shop where the cost of living is lower or allowing more people to work remotely. Sadly there are many factors that kill intensives to do this. One of the main ones being H1Bs/foreign workers. It's a racket that's doing allot of damage.

The american education system is horrible but I think it gets too much flak. white americans outscore white europeans and korean americans outscore koreans.

our average reading level is quite low, 8th grade. This is mostly to do with niggers and mexicans.

the majority of what passes in europe as "nuanced discourse" are jewish tricks designed to doublespeak their way into convincing you of the cultural value of having white children murdered in the streets by muslims.

If americans weren't, as a whole, the smartest whites, they wouldn't be the only ones who elected a nationalist prez