Sup Forums reaction if Trump fires Bannon?

What would your impression if Steve Bannon resigns or is fired by Trump?

Apparently Ivanka and her husband, as well as some of the globalist pieces of shit in the White House are trying to turn Trump against Bannon.

There is reporting all over The Trump is looking at replacing Reince Priebus, and Bannon.

No I fully understand that it is all bullshit liberal media, but I'm asking you hypothetically if Bannon goes what is your thought?

My thought A hybrid bush/ Obama presidency, definitely losing second term and Hispanic America a lot quicker.

I'll be happy. I'm /nsg/ before everything else, Trump was always just a means to an end.

I want more 'far-right turns on trump after bombing' articles on the front page of the cbc. Really makes people think. Did you see CBC literally shilled Sup Forums today? I love this timeline.

no bannon = no maga

Heh, I'd like to see you try kid.

Did you notice the almost instantaneous support trump got from liberals after bombing the Middle East? It's like you can't get good feedback from liberal media unless you bomb in the Middle East, Obama dropped more bombs than any president ever and he is basically the liberal king.

Every single time America intervenes in the Middle East it always ends up worse, but liberals are unable to see this very obvious correlation because CNN stops covering it once they killed the "dictator" and they don't do their own research.

I was repulsed by the liberal media instantaneous change of narrative because he Drop some bombs, not to mention it's an airbase that is protecting a Christian village that the Isis scumbag have been wanting to get for a long time. Won't hear the liberal media cover that though!

Bannon created Trump, if Trump turns his back to fire Bannon then it would be one of anime's top 10 betrayals for sure

OP is a shill

Source on the Christian village claim?

Repealing and replacing Obamacare, Middle East ban, Immigration,Tax Cuts and Southern Wall are all Bannon's policies. Who wants to bet that Kushner and his kike buddies killed the former two through their connections so that Trump would lose faith in Bannon? And now Kushner took over and pushed the air strike on Syria, which was major success with neocons/globalists/Trump critics. There's no way he'll listen to Bannon anymore.

This. As soon as Bannon was off the council was when the coup took over. The things he said on the campaign trail are secondary to (((them))). The dream is dead. The idea that was MAGA is no more.

good luck getting re-electing by a divided republican party if he does that. Bannon has power. if he were to be dropped by Trump, he would switch breitbart to become a lot more critical of the campaign, and a lot of alt-media would follow suit

Bannon is why Trump won. You do the math.

>What would your impression if Steve Bannon resigns or is fired by Trump?
I would donate money to anti-Trump groups

Genuine surprise

Bannon is the canary in the coal mine.
Without him, there's no reason to support Trump anymore.

It's literally nothing.

>No I fully understand that it is all bullshit liberal media,

thats some advanced retardation you have there friend.

The guy is being fired because he sucks at his job.

Can shills make up their mind? First it was Bannon controlled everything now it seems Bannon never controlled anything

Bannon is a little cuck bitch.

Jared Kushner has real policy platforms that he is advocating while Bannon's whole shtick is ' burn it all down lol, oh and give Russia whatever they want because that wont make us look weak'.

trust me, a lot of you breitards will keep praising trump no matter what, I'm watching that shit right now in real time KEK... notice that I FUCKING HATE KILLARY, I used to like trump but apparently he's a total zionist shill. Russian here, we're ready to nuke the fuck outta the usa if you keep fucking with either Novorossiya, Crimea, Syria or Iran. Regards

how much is jared paying you?

There's rumors he's also going to drop Priebus, who is Ryan's butt buddy, and will replace him with Gary Cohn as chief of staff. It looks to me like Kushner is purging GOP/conservatives/nationalists from Trump's administration. I'm guessing they'll go full liberal/neocon/zionist/kike. Basically Obama/Hillary 2.0.

Same as any other happening

>No I fully understand that it is all bullshit liberal media,
>trying to save face while still acknowledging the media clearly knows what it's talking about

Scared OP? Why else post the thread unless you believe it has some merit to it? Pussy bitch.