how do we fix Brazil

Other urls found in this thread:,malu-mader-relembra-reacao-conservadora-do-publico-em-o-dono-do-mundo,1582226

remove groids
remove spics

Why fix what is perfect?


>Get this kike out

thats literally the whole country gone

With nukes

>Márcia, personagem de Malu Mader em O Dono do Mundo, se deu mal na ficção e na vida real quando a trama foi a ar, em 1991. Virgem, ela traiu o marido na viagem de lua de mel com o patrão dele. Em vez de provocar pena ou solidariedade do público, a protagonista foi achincalhada pelo público.

Eles esperavam que uma mulher que trai o marido na viagem de lua de mel provocasse pena ou solidariedade.

>Para Malu, o público continua a ter um comportamento retrógrado. “Ainda acho a sociedade extremamente conservadora e preconceituosa. Precisamos estar atentos para nossos preconceitos”, avalia. A atriz acredita que ela e seus colegas de profissão têm papel fundamental para abrir a mente de quem os assiste na televisão.
“Principalmente nós, artistas, quando dizemos que o beijo gay não é importante, por exemplo. E claro que é! O beijo gay é importante, sim. O sexo gay é importante também. Se isso não reflete o mundo como ele é, e o mundo é cada vez mais gay, nós não acreditamos na ficção que nos é oferecida”, reforça. Ela explica que as mudanças na sociedade precisam ser retratadas nas novelas para torná-las mais críveis. “Sei que há uma reação conservadora violenta e agressiva, mas a tendência é uma abertura natural porque todos querem se ver retratados. A arte precisa ajudar as pessoas a viver, a vencer seus preconceitos e a libertá-las delas mesmas.”

>Houve um recrudescimento do fundamentalismo religioso. Surpreendem-me esses grupos de jovens querendo casar virgens. Tudo bem, cada um vive como quer, mas parece uma volta ao passado. Talvez para esses jovens a rejeição a Márcia será ainda maior”,malu-mader-relembra-reacao-conservadora-do-publico-em-o-dono-do-mundo,1582226

no, only the bad parts.

You should go full communisms immediately.

remove Jews and gypsy decedent


theres good parts?

Learn more about the world, kid.

ugly cunt

theres very little to learn of brazil. the only worthwhile thing to take from it is a warning of what happens with endgame multikult

é muito louco quando vc percebe que nossa sociedade nada mais é que uma copia atrasada da americana
assim como em 2015 so falavam dos homens doente mentais que acham que são mulher lá, agora esse é a historia do momento aqui
enfim, nem pra isso os comunistas daqui servem, pq a globo ainda esta de pe e nunca foi atacada por um lunatico qualquer


>How do we fix Brazil
It's easy
>Delet Blacks
>Delet Amerinds
>Delet Mullatos
>Delet Mestizos
>Leave only Whites
>Race with best combo high IQ+creativity in resource rich continent
>Brazil finally becomes SuperPower
>Follow same formule for PooinLoos India LOL

Just import some of their white neighbors Argentinians

Kill everyone in it and start over

Crush Islam wherever you find it.

Na Malhação eles chamaram um cara que não quis assumir o filho que a namorada fez com outro cara "Tadinho/Pouco evoluído".

Óbviamente, depois ele aceitou. Essa é a rede conservadora brasileira.

>brazil ins't bad at all
thats wt my teacher said, kek

I dunno but I really fucking hope someone does soon

I lived my while life abroad and had to come back to this shit-hole for financial reasons mid-university study in the US


(seriously someone please nuke this country or something, preferably killing me in the process, thanks)

Nuclear weapons

the problem is that you (and society) takes the shit show that is Globo and Malhação serious.

they don't exist to me anymore

I want out

>asq virgem no degenerazil

a maioria das pessoas nessa bosta de país não sabe nem ler e escrever, e o unico acesso a midia é justamente a globo, o fato de vc nao ligar nao significa q essa empresa nao mande no país

tfw brazilian but haven't lived here longer than a year since I was 9 years old, totally out of the loop, have no idea what's going on other than OMG CORRUPTION OMG LAVA-JATO and that every single girl on tinder has "primeiramente, fora temer" on her profile

what even, man. and I thought America had it bad (as compared to previous times)


There is no fixing. Support the secession of the Southern Federation.

are you 10 years old? jesus christo

(aquele sentimento quando)


caliente qlo

Nuking Rio, adopt libertarianism, send niggers back to africa.

getulio killed any separatist sentiment left in the country
it's over mate

Build a wall around that shithole.

if u virgem after 18 theres no return


to sabendo já

>in brazil

a unica solução era uma ditadura pesada e rápida, exterminando os semeadores da desgraça nesse país (lula, renan, os marinho e etc)
nunca acontecerá

A few more years of economic stagnation and failed affirmative action policy should do it.

>implying the military would kindly relinquish control instead of staying power to become rich as fuck while having total control of everything
You know, like last time


she is brazilian

>in charge of telling who's good looking or not

fuck off nigel

>80% of the working class is gone
>no tax anymore
>Country cannot maintain infrastructure
>Brazil seizes to exist 1 year later

Nice fix senpai.

>implicando que a balcanização do Brasil seria ruim

As always, I find it amazing how LITTLE brazilians know about his own country.

Its basically a paradise, with great food, great places to travel, excellent wome and a motherfucking god tier literature that rival russians.

The best solution to make Brazil great would be purge every human failure in this thread.

You failed your country even before the actual fight. You don't know its history, you don't know YOUR history. And you think you can come to Sup Forums and badmouth your country, humiliating yourself in front of the world.

You are the problem. Even a motherfucking nigger from a favela would defend Brazil's honor better than you kissless virgin

That way they can stop fucking monkeys.

>defend Brazil's honor

por quê?


brazil had an explicit miscegenation policy in the 19th century. this basically fucked up the country

there are still some good places to live (some parts of SP state and the south reagion). not coincidentally, these are the regions with the lowerest mix rate

i live in a mid-size town with strong japanese immigration 80 years ago. it is really nice to live here, few violence issues, educated people, etc.

but googles are coming. and fast.

Concetration camps for all dark skinned and low IQ people, then turn them into slaves labor to build railroads all over the country. To maintain order publicly murder a politician on TV everyday, preferably a corrupt one.

In case of doubt about how is dark or not check south africa's apartheid regime.
Abolish constitution, implement national socialism for whoever is left

Fuck off, monkey.

Better thread

With more cacetinho of course

>Concetration camps for all dark skinned and low IQ people, then turn them into slaves labor to build railroads all over the country.

careful with that edge

>god tier literature that rival russians.

... really


Brazilian music and literature could disapear from the universe tomorrow and no one would miss it other than meaningless assholes like you

which god tier beside machado?
our food is shit.
great places to be killed, you mean. people get killed here in the most bizarre ways.
our women are not that beautiful. but they are nice whores.
the only thing that i love in brazil is the hookers market. i can not complain about it. i can fuck cheap pussies every single fucking day.
besides that, our country is the ultimate failure. nothing works here, and never will. 95% of huelanders do not have min work ethics or at least 90 IQ.
and, jesus, niggers are the root of our problems.
defend brazil is not the solution, but actually the fucking problem.