In light of recent happenings my morale as an american has taken a hit. reminder not to let this get you down...

in light of recent happenings my morale as an american has taken a hit. reminder not to let this get you down. you are still a proud american. you are still part of the freest and most culturally influential civilization in history. we will get through this and become even stronger as a result. god bless the usa.

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America is shit. We destroyed the entire middle East. We caused a million people to die in Iraq and Afghanistan. The stupid Normies see a dead baby and cheer to do it all over again. I thought we could be better but we're still too stupid. We will deserve whatever happens.


were still the best the world has to offer m8. dont give in to nihilism.

>hog "hunting"
You from Texas, OP?

In all seriousness, America as a whole has been indulging in decadence and every other sin for quite a while now. There is no escape, because memes are viral, memetics propagate across nations at near light speed - the ones who control the media control the world and they know everything about ((You))

Mad? Keep swallowing red pills until you seent it all. Aliens, psychic powers and /magic/ are all real. Welcome to Sup Forums ,newfag.

There is nothing wrong with America itself you fucking shit traitor. Identify with the nation not with the actions of the state or government who doesn't truly represent us. We the people didn't do shit.

kill urself mohammad

>You from Texas
i wish.

does it really have to be like that though? is it really impossible to right this ship? i think we still have a chance.

Ah yes of course, get high off patriotic fumes while uncoupling everything that is shit with the no true 'murican excuse. Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too.

NEWSFLASH - the government IS America, like it or not. This shit IS America. It didn't have to be but it is. You are what you do.

>hunting hogs
>in a vehicle
>with a gun

I'll be honest I'm not a hunter and the only hunter I've ever truly known was an old boss of mine. He liked hunting hogs and assorted other wild animals. Mainly he'd go around Florida and into Tennessee to hunt and he was pure bow hunting. From what I gather it's a more respectable way to hunt and comes off as less of a pussy ass bitch way of getting the job done.

but hey you can still drive around in a truck with a shotgun shooting animals like a little bitch if that tickles your tiny testicles.

I'm just here to tell you that I wish the dogs were biting you, holding you in place so the hog could stick a knife in your heart.

>triggered bleeding heart vegan
please leave. youre part of the problem.

I am from Texas.
>Here is my one-eyed pitbull getting comfy (/・ω・)/
I moved to Washington state in hopes of emigration to Canada. There is no way to save this ship without becoming an hero.
I for one, want to live in peace, away from everyone. Sadly, the jews made sure I can't easily leave by giving me juvenile diabetes (I need jewnsulin to stay alive).
My advice is to fly low, not fuck around too much and keep doing good and lifting people up. Don't think you know anything and treat everyone as a potential best friend and you will live to reproduce (^_^)

The actions of CIA FBI are not for us. It is for themselves. The bureaucracies within our government are not out for us they are out for themselves. They don't give a shit about us and they aren't a part of the nation. It's not some patriotic fumes or some delusion. Its the truth. The deep state caused all of this and they don't fucking represent us or our nation.

haha few years from now it will be jews driving the truck and shooting at you fat americant trying to run away.

>Having sympathies for hogs that would've decimated entire regions hundreds of years ago
They're a major cause of damage even now in the modern age and they're an invasive species. Hogs need to be gassed.

Its funny when people talk about things they know nothing about.

Hogs are a pest to those that actually work for a living. They multiply fast and they destroy property, so killing them quickly and efficiently is the best thing possible.

City folk forget what the real world is really like.

>Fatfuck "hunter" who uses dogs and a vehicle to kill hogs
Real hunters think you are hillbilly trash.


>Sadly, the jews made sure I can't easily leave by giving me juvenile diabetes (I need jewnsulin to stay alive).

Did they make you a dumbfuck too? My bet is you were born dumb.

>getting upset over hogs getting killed

you're probably a pig yourself

youre right. why canada though? theyre even more fucked than we are. ive also got a pitbull. shes sweet and cute but she is also retarded :3

>missing the point entirely
>white knight for hillbilly trash

Solid life choices, Bubba.

The real world isn't a brush wasteland in the middle of fuck all no where.

Why don't you leave then faggot? I swear you would look better with a leaf as your flag.

The real world is going to hit you so hard in the face one day, wake up before its too late.

Real world is referring to nature, not your perception of cities built by humans 'real world'. Way over your head, very sad!

>"wake up"

Is this the part where you tell me about a pizza pedophile? Are you going to sell me water filters? Is literally everything the fault of...JEWS?


technically it is. anything else is artificial and man made.

hogs are a plague though. you have to maintain a 70% mortality rate on them just to keep the population stable. most states allow you to hunt them year round using any means.

stay triggered, veganfag

>implying I'm vegan and triggered
>had a quarter pounder with cheese an hour ago

Critical thinking, how does it work?

>Are you going to sell me water filters?

>Is this the part where you tell me about a pizza pedophile?


You are allowed to believe in flat earth, hollow moon, faked moon landings, lizard people and psychic vampires, BUT NOT IN THE PIZZAGATE!


God bless brother, and all you other-flag-born Americans.