Sup Forums gets it's morals from a murderer, arsonist and serial rapist

>Sup Forums gets it's morals from a murderer, arsonist and serial rapist

Really fires up my cortex

>60% hates a white European preaching ethnic solidarity
Really gets the noggin joggin

Hitler is a serial rapist? since when



He raped a mother and daughter when escaping prison with some neo-nazis.

Who did he kill? Maybe they deserved it

> third anti Varg thread
Ayyy Goyum, waste your time thinking about a guy in a forest

I can let varg off for being an idiot about a lot of topics but destruction of old buildings is something I can't tolerate

would hook him in the gabber if i met him


Varg thinks we should return to an indo-european religion. Judaism is the most accurate form of indo-european religion surviving to date.


Had that asshole not come to his apartment and tried to kill him he wouldn't have.. shot - shot - shot - STABBED him in the head.

im pretty sure you mean had varg not gone to euronymous' apartment in the middle of the night he wouldn't have needed to stab euronymous over 20 times in self defence


In times of chaos and uncertainty only the insane
are truly sane



No sir.

Jesus Christ is my savior.

thats old man marley from home alone, almost didnt recognize him without the snow shovel

Oyakodon is my fetish

Hitler, Assad, and Muammar Gaddafi did nothing wrong.

You forgot


I agree him on Christianity and that we should respect our culture and ancestors before Christians came in hordes and murdered our people and forced to convert like their brother Islam does


Stop posting.

He didn't rape anyone.

you really fertillised my ovaries there


Jesus bleeds every time you browse Sup Forums.

Dude, come off it, no one even likes Vargina anymore

Is that where they get all the wine from?

>the left gets it morals from Hillary, Stalin, Putin, and the DNC
>then preaches about morals to the right

Pre Christianity Europeans did nothing but have orgies, rape, murder and get drunk/high.

Le Respect my degenerate culture

isn't this guy a fucking immigrant? he's always talking about when he lived in iraq and his dad worked for saddam hussein. no wonder he's a terrorist

Die in an oven like your forefathers you jew fuck.

Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.

Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.

He killed Euronymous

This is true, they are semetic religion.
lets get deeper
Jesus and Moses were straight up semites from Isak son of Abraham pbut.
Mohamed was a semite decendent from Ismail son of Abrahem pbut. read the story where he travels to levant and pass by a jewish old scholar who checks him and get shocked then told his uncle to keep him from jews.
Now comes the big diffrence.
remember jesus and moses were jews,mohamed a crypto jew. now
Christianity was sent to jews.i dont know why pagans loved it, ironically(not surprising if you know jew history)the jews hated jesus becaus he was telling them to leave thier hypocrisy and blasphemy,and killing prophets before him.
Moses pbuh was sent only to jews. jews betrayed him.
The big diffrence is Mohamed pbuh was sent to the (Alaamine) the two worlds, Humanity and Jinn(?).
the conclusion:
-Christianity and Jewish was ment for jews only.
-Islam is globale