Countries that defeated France can only post here

Countries that defeated France can only post here

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> Admiral Paulo Moreira da Silva, Brazil's Navy expert in the field of oceanography who had been sent to assist the diplomatic committee during the general discussions,[15] argued that for Brazil to accept the French scientific thesis that a lobster would be considered a fish when it "leaps" on the seafloor, then they would have in the same manner to accept the Brazilian premise that when a kangaroo "hops" it would be considered a bird.

Good banter

my son might be a degenerate bastard, but he's a witty degenerate bastard

Everybody has defeated france at some point in history... Even mexico defeated france twice already.


We kicked their ass so hard on a cinco de mayo even murricans celebrate the day.

The gave us weapons and was a verbally supportive of the mexican republic pedro, may be that's why they also celebrate 5 de mayo (?)

Was Britain

You didnt win that, read your own link

You're aware that the battle the 5 de mayo commemorates was irrelevant as fuck, right?

We conquered your entire country few months after and only left when the US diplomatically forced us to

Kinda. I mean Canada was just a French colony before the British came here and beat them. But them again you can technically say we lost that war as well. It depends how you look at it. Since current Canada is technically British I say we won. But again it's kinda pushing it.

Meh, still your defeat frenchie.

You're almost defeated when US threatened with war napoleon, may be fighting too many fronts at once wasn't a good idea?

I for once would have rather lost and summit to our french overlords.

Nope, we left and you took back your country from the Mexucan faction we supported after we had left, not from us
Just like for America in Vietnam

Here's what a real defeat looks like

To be fair, the French can be fierce warriorsĂ³n

>I for once would have rather lost and summit to our french overlords.

But you'd have had an Austrian emperor, which can only end badly

Not enough moraccan flags here

yes, we were britain

>french monarchy got axed because America wouldn't pay debts
Yeah, we beat them.

I stand WITH France, the greatest and oldest ally

>Implying not all european monarchies were basically the same family.
He was put in power by napoleon anyways.

>ib4 they're not French its the Legion

I remember seeing a list of the names of the Legionnaires who took part in that battle and most were French names
It was the early days of the Legion and back then it was still overwhelmingly French (this battle is one of the feats that promoted it internationally).

hon hon hon hon hon oui oui oui faguette.....

>France always forgets about us and only remembers perfidious Albion as their eternal enemy.

I swear we will be great again someday, even if it is by guns and by bloodspills.


The thing with Germany and Britain is that they're enemies we never managed to take down
You on the other humiliated us for a century in Italy, but then we ended your dominance at Rocroi and literally assassinated your empire with Napoleon
Spain was a great enemy, but an enemy we managed to annihilate

Most importantly, your royal dynasty inherited their throne and still rules to this day.

Spain gets the award for "Ugliest king ever"

What exactly do Frenchies look like?

>inb4 a picture of pepe or a fucking frog

I'm serious.

BTFO the French so hard he was going to be the King of France. Sadly he died just a few months before he could be king.

Never forget Agincourt

King Henry V is the rightful King of France.

Frenchies should honour the Treaty of Troyes.

Like this, no joke.


Maybe also this

Jesus Christ that never ceases to amaze me.

The Habsburgs took the whole marrying your niece thing way too fucking far.

Plus they had shitty genes to start, Capetians never had as bad of an issue, except maybe that one Prince de Conti.

letzte mal hab ich bei frankreich angerufen. war mal wieder besetzt

All joke aside, I think our candidates are fairly representative.

They're that dark?

Churchill on the right, btw


I know, right.

To be fair, it depends on where in France you are from. I was born in Normandy, so I really step out here in South-Western France.

People tend to have dark hair -but light skin, let's not speak about arabs-, where I'm taller than almost everyone I meet, and I got venetian blonde hair. Noses and jawlines are where the line is set.

Ex-girlfriend had germanic features, since she was from Alsace.

Just a hobby.

Hey look Jerry's finally here. Took ya guys long enough

Mexico was completely conquered by the french, go back to throwing shit at each other in your 3rd world country
my favorite

And America defeated Mexico not once not twice but three times and is forcing you to build a wall